My Heartsong Seductress Daredevil drum beats

Not saying you don’t like sex haha. Everyone does. I was referring to a recent journal where you said that you want more from sex than just the physical now. A connection. And I feel the same way. Sex is also much better this way.

As I like to say, “Filling lots of voids doesn’t fill the void in your soul.” :wink:

Nah. Everyone knows exactly how the other gender operates. Just listen to your inner voice. Your nature. As opposed to society or peers.

The rest of your post is fantastic. Making big moves on your mindset! Subs are def working. You’re going after what you desire! As it should be.


I realized that I’ve been working against the goals of Heartsong and probably other programs by not keeping my space tidy. The last few months have been rough, I got depressed, and that part of myself went down the tubes. I don’t keep my place filthy, but it’s time to clean up.

I played one loop of my physical shifting ultima. I feel so gorgeous,

I had been playing Libertine v2 this whole time. I switched to v3 about three days ago. V2 always makes me feel beautiful. I’m not sure what V3 is doing. I had a couple of manifestations from hot guys this week. I’ll find out what it’s doing this weekend when I go socialize a little more.


You are gorgeous, that relization is always an inside job :blush:


I played one loop of Love Bomb today. Then I saw someone whom I hadn’t seen since this whole Covid mess got started. He had never been happier to see me. He talked my ear off. He squeezed my arm at one point, and then later in the conversation, I don’t even know how the heck he did this, but he rested his hands on my breasts for about two seconds. LOL Too bad I don’t find that one attractive. He’s cute, but not for me.


Rofl. Smooth; I wonder if he’s on Stark or something.

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It seems like whenever I run Heartsong as a standalone, I end up feeling down either a few minutes into running this sub or I feel lonely and empty a few hours later. I don’t get that when I run my custom sub that contains Heartsong and daredevil. Does my subconscious not like the script? Maybe this is the way it’s urging me to take action in an area where I have been really closed off out of fear of eternal damnation? Any idea why this is happening?

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The roller coaster continues with this crush who is now an ex crush. I feel that it’s over, but there’s a part of me that feels broken. I know that he manipulated me to get me to release oxytocin. I know this is the reason why I feel so bad about “messing” things up with him and things not working out with him. There’s a part of me that knows that there is a ridiculousness to the crying and the broken hearted feelings I have, but the pain is still very real nonetheless.

I had some interesting dreams. While playing Heartsong, I dreamt that I heard a sort of knocking but I think that it was more of a loud heartbeat, then I saw the face of a man, as if he would be a great match for me. I don’t know what to think of this dream when I consider that this man I saw is a close friend of that ex crush. I really don’t want anything to do with any of ex crush’s friends, and he has many. The last thing I need is to think that they are talking about me.

I just want to either move on or resolve the problem with that ex crush, but it seems that I am stuck. I’m really hoping to get a manifestation from this sub really soon to get my mind of this ex crush who certainly does not deserve any of my emotions.


I did the “as above” meditation and I focused on this ex crush. What’s interesting is that I saw him in a different light before the meditation even ended.

Had other realizations about him today, after that meditation. This nonsense is over for good for me. I’ll get so mad at myself if I ever feel any kind of attraction for him again.


R E C O N C I L I A T I O N.

This is a subliminal that attempts to connect you with the romantic partner(s) of your dreams. While that process is occurring, you’ll feel a sense of longing. While it may hurt, this is GOOD. It means that your subconscious knows what it wants, but since it’s not there yet, you’ll experience this “emptiness.”

He’s a symbol for SOMETHING – only you can answer what, though. Remember, the subconscious speaks to you in symbols and emotions. Did this particular friend mean something significant to you? Not even in a romantic sense, either. Is there a quality about him you hate, or possibly even like? Ask your subconscious to tell you why that particular symbol was being shown.


Honestly, this is something probably beyond the realm of subliminals. If he’s that bad, legal action may be necessary.


Thank you for your words of wisdom @SaintSovereign. I appreciate it.

I ran my physical shifting custom along with Love Bomb before going to the dermatologist. She had never complimented me so much before. She kept telling me that I am really gorgeous, and that I don’t need treatments that I was curious about. It was really nice to hear this from a dermatologist, but this derm is really gorgeous herself, so it was so nice to hear this from her. I know the Love Bomb worked, but I wonder if it’s possible that the physical shifting ultima caused her to think that I looked better than I normally do? I thought it was just supposed to produce physical shifting results.

I began to feel them emptiness and the loneliness again, but I remembered that this is good. I even ran Heartsong as a standalone and I felt happy while listening to it.


Had a really good day today. I feel like I am getting my life back on track from a problem that happened about three months ago. I feel more in control of my world now.

I like that I started listening to Libertine during that dark period of my life. A sub that I didn’t think I would ever play. I also got three great customs during this time. I went from subs like RICH and Renaissance Man to Seductress, Daredevil, Heartsong, Survival Instinct and Sex Mastery. I don’t mind the jumping around. It’s all growth one way or another.

The next two months are going to be interesting for me. I look forward to rereading my journal at the end of September.


It was finally the right time to let my LTR guy know that it’s ok with me if he wants to see other women. I explained how this level of honesty and setting of boundaries would make our LTR stronger. He said that he was devastated to hear that I would want this, and has continued with the jealousy these last few days.

As for Heartsong, I know that my LTR guy is not who Heartsong has in mind for me. He has even started to smell bad to me. I’ve known him since we were teens, and I can recall less than a handful of times that he ever smelled unpleasant.


Great observation. A very important one!


I found myself recalling an event with thousands of people I went to a few weeks ago. There was a guy there who connected with me. He stood at a distance across from me, and singled me out from the crowd. I could be wrong, but I didn’t see him connect with anybody else. I liked the way that he styles his hair and the way he dresses. He seemed like someone who is a lot of fun to be around.

I don’t know why but I remembered him today and I felt that emptiness. I felt like I was missing him, which doesn’t make any sense of course. I never even met him, but I think that it’s the qualities that I saw in him that I’ve always wanted in a guy, but I traded those qualities for what I thought was stability and safety that has now turned to emptiness.

I decided to run a loop of Heartsong. Maybe I will meet someone with those qualities.


This is the result of your subconscious mind “discovering” what it is you really want. If I had to guess – and I might be wrong – you’ve had a string of situations where you (possibly knowingly) chose the wrong person for romantic relationships because maybe you didn’t feel like you deserved better? Heartsong helps rectify this. It’s something I even dealt with in my younger years, when I would have multiple women pursuing me and I would choose the one that was “damaged” over someone more secure simply because I didn’t believe I was on the better choice’s “level.” Heartsong’s healing script is designed to help remove this.


I must have a lot of healing to go through in this area. I can see it by looking back at the choices I made socially.

I’ve always looked at the positive to get through having to live with my partner, but I’ve even thought about suicide. Today I was thinking about a boy in high school who was like my dream guy. He had fun, he lived life to the fullest. He enjoyed the moment to the fullest. Then I dumped him for the Long term relationship I’m in now. I wondered what life could have been like with someone so full of positivity.

Thank you for helping me understand what Heartsong is doing with your thought provoking response @SaintSovereign


Both times I ran Libertine V3, my ltp told me that I have a naughty look in my eyes that says that I want to have sex. lol

I switched to the original version today.

When playing Heartsong about 6 hours after I ran Libertine, I felt sexual energy for the first time ever while running that sub. Then happiness, then sexual energy again.

What’s weird about finding myself missing that guy I saw about 4 weeks ago was that I didn’t even realize at that time that I was attracted to him. He was easy on the eyes and I really enjoyed all of his attention, but that’s all that there was to it for me. I didn’t think that I really had a type all this time. It took me this long to realize that he is my type. This is progress.


I keep running into that ex crush. I’m doing all I can to avoid him, but I keep on seeing him. I also keep driving on the road behind him. The odds of this happening are very slim considering that he and I both have to be on that road at the same exact time. This is really unusual, and he and I both get very uncomfortable. I change my schedule, only to see him in these places anyway.

This is causing me a lot of stress and it’s only making things worse between me and him. I realize that there must be some connection there, but there is nothing positive about continuing to see this person. I really don’t want to see him ever again. I just want to move on, but I can’t even be myself socially when he’s around. It looks like continuing to see him is causing me damage and preventing me from growing.

Any thoughts about why I keep seeing him?

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