Money mindset and mental health?

@James : Which coding languages are you studying?

Currently html and java

@James : I wish I would known this sooner. :rofl:
:point_down: :point_down: :point_down:

Screenshot 2022-09-27 085707

Now imagine where you can go from there! Get excited bro!!!

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What does recon feel like? Im not familiar with this term or experience here just getting into sublims

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I reactivated my Facebook account last night. Friday’s should be fun now for @Hoppa

Here’s the link

I am excited although I have a couple of obstacles in my way at the moment. I need new glasses which I am taking care of tomorrow morning by going for an eye exam and I need a new better laptop. I had a Chrome book but I hated it and couldn’t really do as much on it as I wanted so I am saving money to get a new laptop and doing and learning code on my smartphone for the time being.
Considering that $64 an hour is quite literally four times what I make hourly right now I am all for it but I need to get over the obstacles I just mentioned as well as my fear of failure, that I’m not smart enough, and that I’m too old at 54
I know I’m not stupid. My therapist keeps telling me how intelligent I am and I will never forget a coworker I had at job about a decade ago who kept pushing me to go back to school because of how smart she said I am. That I was wasting my potential there.

Ironically enough I came across this article last week which gave me even more motivation

I still need to work through my issues

I read that article the other too. Good one.

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@ksub As I just reiterated with @Hoppa I don’t think people really grasp how much financial trauma I have that I am fighting through.

Have you ever looked into “Faster EFT” by Robert Smith?

Even he admits it isn’t about the tapping. If that part turns you off like it does me.

He’s got tons of demos of how to go through it to knock out so-called “deep-seated” stuff in short time.

All about calling up those old mental programs and scrambling them while they’re in active memory so it’s impossible to go back to how they were before.

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Bro, be kind to yourself!!! Rome wasn’t built in one day.

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I tried EFT in the past but felt silly about it but I will check out his channel anyway

Original EFT (Gary Craig) works but get a bit hokey for my liking because of the insistence it’s about the energy meridians and shit like that.

Robert Smith (Faster EFT guy) even shows people how to do this without even tapping. It’s all mental. I sometimes do it while running subs. Just not consistently.

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I know. I just get worried that when it does finally happen I will be too old to enjoy it

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Cities (and beliefs) can be destroyed in far less time than it took to build them. Thank Cthulhu.


@James : That’s a limiting belief you need to get rid of asap. You can enjoy life and money at any age.

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That and the other metric F ton of limiting financial beliefs that I have. I would list them but it would be a very long read


I’m running 3 minute loops as recommended on the forum and I will gradually increase the time to 5 , 7, 9, 11, & finally 15

One thing that might help is to make a list (written down or typed) of situations in your life that are obviously from your bad money beliefs.
No editing, just write down as few words as possible for each one where looking at the list later will give you recall of each incident.

Once you’ve got your list as exhaustive as you can think of (or even just 100-200 things to start)…go over that list while running EoG1. Calling those things up from the list while running that should help hit even deeper on them to get rid of.

Interesting. Just being aware of them while I am listening? Is that what the forum means by " Conscious Guidance "?

That’s it exactly. IT’s what Robert Smith refers to as “Aiming at an issue” in his Faster EFT stuff. before his one-on-one sessions, he has his clients write down a list like what I described. Of ANYTHING that bugs them.

He does 2 hour sessions with clients at a time, and he works on clearing out as much as possible from the list in a single session as he can.