Money mindset and mental health?

I recommend absorbing the stuff by Alex Hormozi. It will force you to take a look at what you believe is possible when it comes to money and wealth.

His YouTube channel is full of short videos, bite-sized stuff that packs a huge punch with what he says.

Even if you didn’t do ANY subs for this stuff, his stuff will get your thoughts pointed in a useful direction.


@RVconsultant I was considering RICH but I wasn’t sure I could just randomly manifest something financially as amazing as that would be.

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Who knows? You might surprise yourself.

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You can totes do it.

I read some of the replies here and I just wanted to put in my two cents.

Your experience in life can make it hard at times to believe that certain principles are as real as some claim they are, but once you let go of expectation, then you will be receptive for those forces to flow into your life. Gratitide can also be useful vehicle for manifestation because it cancels out expectation. And generally having expectation of any kind will halt manifestation because you are basically trying to order reaity thus limiting all other avenues that what you are trying to attract may come to be. Whenever you start to wonder when or if this is working, stop doing that and think about how grateful you are to have it NOW.

Let go of expectation. You know what you want. Now you follow your instincts and make the moves that feel right, but do it for the enjoyment of it. You are in the process now, so all you need to do is focus on that.

Consider also that wealth manifestation seems to work on level with your belief in what you can manifest. If you start with reasonable intentions, you can build from there.

My experience with this, while I cant say im rich, is that I was a homeless youth at one point and I learned to center my mind around certain topics that eventually manifested everything I needed to have the resources to get a bank account, phone, home, a car, etc. Now that I know what can be done I find myself at the precipice of much bigger things, but it takes time. I suggest finding a mindfulless practice. And good luck.


@planeswalker Thank you for your reply. It really got me thinking. Especially what you achieved for yourself during an incredibly difficult time in your life.


This post might help with expectation.

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Ah ok, seems like me and @SaintSovereign study similar esoteric sciences. Dude I love that. Keep up the Great Work.

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I think one other thing to consider aside from letting go of lust from results is to also cede control of the actual means for how the thing will manifest. Thinking even of the details on how it will happen limits possibilities your present self could not even imagine.

Be clear on your desire, experience the result. If the result seems rediculous or not acheivable scale back your expectations a bit and work from there. I was running Limit Destroyer and that has helped me personally with getting other subs to work because it just removed my own interference, and got me to feel more open to possibility outside of my situation and place in this world.


I hope it continues to go well and you keep updating your experiences. I have been meaning to re-work my journal on here because I’ve noticed a lot of things changing.

Yeah those circumstances gave me an opportunity in some ways, life is crazy haha.


Your comments remind me of this The Wave Of Fortune - YouTube

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Getting past your limits is huge. My Wife and I were basically homeless for most of 2019 and I became determined to figure out how I went from doing OK to either living in a motel or sleeping on a tarp in the woods for a few days. I hold myself , my insane immaturity, and my broke/poverty mindset as the culprit. It seemed like no matter what raises I got at my job I was still living paycheck to paycheck. I have worked on my immaturity thanks to Dragon Reborn but I still have some deep issues I need to address. It’s weird looking back on the past because I don’t feel like the same person. I think about specific events or situations and it almost feels like it was someone else.


hmm! Thanks for sharing I’ll add it to queue to watch!!

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Definitely seems based even on that comment that you have grown! In my own self-examination, I feel I reached a new level of maturity when I was able to recognize the part I was playing in my problems. For me once I realized the power of manifestation, from using it in spontaneous moments of desperation where the results were really in-my-face obvious, it really made me realize that I had serious mental housecleaning to resolve the thought patterns of what you call the broke/poverty mindset. Like, well ok I know the power of my thoughts, so I have to flip the script in my head!

I’m glad that you were able to make it through that time though, and that you found yourself some good tools to make the changes you need. It is actually amazing how some of these titles can help with such things that can hold us back, some mindsets really get their talons in us, but when it starts to diminish it’s like being able to see more color in the world.


That’s Renee Garcia. The Transurfing queen. The woman is a great teacher and a manifestation powerhouse.


I was watching some of her videos earlier

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Hey JCast do you have any social media or email you feel comfortable sharing here so i may privately ask you for advice as im in similar situation you described.

I do not have any social media. If I did @Hoppa would be drunk texting me on Friday nights

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I am struggling here still and I don’t know what to do. I am running one five minute loop of EOG St 1 every other day and I still feel like I did if I ran a fifteen minute loop. Any advice?

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I know @SaintSovereign said something about three minute Loops. Should I try that for a bit?

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He’s asking people to test out 30-second micro loops right now.