How to NOT lust for results while still desiring them

Greetings, friends.

@SaintSovereign said many times you shall not lust for results, because it makes them stop happening. Or rather, stifles the results.

As long as the conscious mind is thinking about it ALL THE TIME, you create resistance around it. It makes it harder for the subconscious to manifest it.

So what many of you, and my former self included, did for the longest time is “DO NOT THINK ABOUT THE SUB OR RESULTS JUST LET IT HAPPEN”
But you know how it is when you’re trying to NOT think about something.
You think about exactly that.

But then, how to get results while not thinking about them?

It’s honestly very simple.
You change your thought pattern and belief.

There is no need to pretend you have no desire for it. If anything, a burning desire for a result is a good thing.

When you run a sub, let’s say Wanted, and it shall manifest beautiful women around you that are interested in you.
When you’re out and thinking about it, instead of trying to suppress that thought, FEEL glad/grateful that you remembered and imagine how good it will FEEL once the result comes to pass.
Imagine that the result has already happened and feel the RELIEF from it.

Let yourself feel the relief as if the result already happened, this defuses the LUST for the result.
It’s the opposite of hoping, or wishing, or trying.

Morpheus in the Matrix: “Stop TRYING to hit me and hit me.”
and: “Don’t THINK you are. KNOW you are.”
Yoda: “Do or do not. There is no try.”

Don’t TRY subliminals, KNOW they work.

Hope it helped.