Money mindset and mental health?

I understand your meaning more clearly now.

I think you are saying that:

There is a logical sequence and order to how the stages of Ecstasy of Gold are arranged. It is not, however, mandatory for every person to begin from Stage 1 and to progress through all following stages in sequence.

Similarly, for a child who has acquired a strong foundation of math and reading skills through home education, talent, and other exposure, it may be appropriate to skip kindergarten and 1st grade and begin their school-based education straight from 2nd grade.

This is a bit different from saying that the program “isn’t meant” to be run sequentially. The program itself is sequential. It’s just that, at the time he or she starts Ecstasy of Gold, an individual user may be further along in that sequence due to outside learning or previous experiences.

I just want to clarify it so no one gets confused. (If my restatement has missed your meaning at all, please feel free to correct it.)


I think what is meant and what is not meant is variable.
Someone said here that in his 3rd cycle of EOG ST1 his income increased A LOT(3 mins a week)
A fact: neither Khan ST1 nor EOG ST1 contain ONLY healing but also wealth generating scripts.
NOW, I argue on my point that @James should take massive action even if he is on ST1.

1 Like

Go with EoG1.

The thing is, you have to open your eyes.

There are money making opportunities everywhere. Obviously, some of them are better than the others.

Earning money is simple. Just offer something that others are willing to pay for with their hard earned money. Doesn’t matter what you offer. It could be a service, or it could be a physical product.

A job is basically you exchanging your time and effort for money. There is a limit on how much you can grow your income like that.

What is your figure for having lots of money? Can you achieve that number with a job?


I think it’s pretty safe to say that anyone looking to improve their finances by running subs need to run St1.

If you are not happy with where your wealth ceiling is right now, you have something blocking your wealth goals.

EoG St1 will help get past those blockages.


I’m hesitant to call any sub run pointless. But I know where you’re coming from.

However unless you’re complete broke right now then you won’t not make money with it.

In short, I manifested money with RICH despite having limiting money beliefs.

Point being you’ll still make money. Just not as much. But it’s not exactly pointless imo

However if you have no clue like @James where to start, st1 and 2 are key. EoG the best program for that, for sure.


Most people have said it but I’d say stick with Stage 1 EoG for a while too. It just makes the most sense. I think, like Hoppa said, it’ll help you open your eyes to opportunities around you and you’ll begin to take action upon the ones that interest you.

Let it guide you. You got this man.

P.s. I hope you don’t mind me writing this, but I know you struggle with ADHD or something right? (I finally got tested for it a couple weeks ago) you get stuck in the procrastination period of ‘doing’ something incase it isn’t the right thing, just go with one thing and be persistent with the one thing.

Use EoG Stage 1 for a while, journal the things that come up and be persist with that one thing. I know how boring it can be following one repetitive thing in your life, trust me, but persistence is the key.


Also use @Simon conscious guidance method for ST1.


Yes , i started today my third cycle of Eog 1 . I using limit destroyer with it. But I don’t think Eog 2 gets love it deserves. It finds areas that you would excel the most and earn most money and also finding your true purpose to what to do. There is so many money ideas everywhere, but what would be the best for you it’s the question. Eog 2 preparing you for path of being rich and helping you overcoming obstacles that pops up. Ascension have this “find your purpose” thing too, and massively boosting prudction so plan would be:
Eog 1 with some limit destroyer for as long as you need then EOG 2 with Ascension and maybe limitles to start your business get your page up , open those money pathways and then eog 3 and 4 could be easily stacked with Stark and true sell or mogul. That’s how I see it hope it helps dude.



I’m happy you tagged me, but as you may know, I don’t really run wealth subs, and when I thought about the reason for that, I feel like it gave me a good insight on how to help you.

@James after reading the sales page of EoG, I would also suggest it, however, I wouldn’t recommend running it alone.

you see, with all due respect, you put too much thought into your issue, and give it way too much power over you, to the point that it makes you ungrateful and low vibration, and knowing how important gratitude is, I would suggest you practice it more, regardless of how bad your situation might be, as a positive mindset is the key to abundance.

what I would suggest is you do the following stack for at least 2 cycles, and then move on to actually putting yourself out there and doing what’s necessary to generate the income, because just healing yourself wouldn’t do much if you’re not gonna take action, and often times, you need to take the action in order to start feeling good anyways;

EoG at1 + Rebirth + LBFH

alternate the listening days between EoG and LBFH, and run rebirth for 5 mins on all listening days as the first sub, so it would look something like this:

day 1: Rebirth (5 mins) + EoG st1
day 2: off
day 3: Rebirth (5 mins) + LBFH
day 4: rest

and so on.


@Invictus : I’m pretty sure you read a book called Reality Transurfing. What you explained is what they call the concept of “Importance” and “Balancing forces”.

@James : Take a look at the video.


I wish I could agree with you about the book, but sadly, I haven’t heard of that book.

However, there’s another book by Rhonda Byrne called “The Magic”, which is a follow up for “The Secret”, which is a pretty well known book about the law of attraction, but basically, The Magic delves really deep into the whole gratitude thing.

Also my religion places a strong emphasis on gratitude and delayed gratification, as well as patience, which now that I think about it, makes me feel like was actually the basis of WANTED’s “it is what it is” mindset :face_with_monocle:

Maybe those running WANTED can also benefit from this


When a pattern or a principle is natural and foundational, anyone who is attempting to be effective is going to encounter that principle sooner or later.

We may learn it through a book or other communication, through direct experience and observation, or through modeling the successes of others and avoiding the mistakes of others.

One mark of a truly essential principle is that on the road to greater awareness such a principle is basically unavoidable.


Wisely spoken!



My 2 cents:

If your question is how to deal with anxiety and fears that point to financial situation and the trauma/blocks around that truly is at the source of your anxiety and fears-then EOG stage 1 100%

I agree with a lot of the wisdom shared above. If your able to cover shelter and food run EOG stage 1 and be patient with yourself.

(all you’s are proverbial )

I promise you no matter how badly it seems financially the circumstance is never intrinsically stronger than ‘you’. In my experience the anxiety comes from thinking something outside yourself that you have no agency with is responsible for you survival and/or having the life you want. Of course you’d be scared/anxious

The fastest way out is not an external result- it’s an internal shift -where your life is more important than the ‘money you don’t have’ . That may not make sense now but once your on the other side of this it will.

Part of the issue with money issues is how you may attack yourself around not having figured it out. There can be survival anxiety and shame around this.

Or worse trying to figure it out from the same ‘place’ that is causing this issue. Like a fat kid picking where to hide the cake from himself.

EOG stage 1 you’ll start seeing and ‘figuring’ it all from a totally different vantage point.

Since running it myself for one cycle± a lot of my deepest senses of lack of value, where I was stuck, how much my life was dictated by a circular trap involving scarcity have loosened, stuff Emperor and DR didn’t get to fully, and I’m thinking clearly and more effectively in this area. More committed and less attached to all my financial streams.

Where as other wealth subs produced results- it was always with more work down the same path-Emperor.
Through relationships and random manifestations- HOM

Both excellence sources but I still felt limited in my options in a kind of co-dependence. If I lost that job or those people I’d have nothing.

Both valid sources but limited in their leverage and sense of self reliance/independence respectfully

EOG stage 1 is finally given me the sense and ability to be at the source/ cause of my own financial well being- not relying on a current path of employment and working harder or through relationships. (Not cutting those out as paths but their tools in my kit not life lines**- this is an internal shift)

Anyway if you are in dire straights and need cash to survive I might offer a different suggestion, something that would spark strength, necessity and motivation for a short term solution- Emperor, AM, or Mogul, or honestly True Sell if you can put some hours into a commission based sales position.

Do you have any current paths to make money if your open to sharing?


I cant actually find the link. @Simon you still have it lying around?


#2 in Top Replies on Simon’s Summary page.



Thank you all for the replies. Running EOG St 1 for now. One loop every other day. I started this past Saturday and just ran one loop for Monday. I plan to do four 21 day cycles . I consider it a huge breakthrough in a way that I ran a loop today because anytime I have run one loop previously I couldn’t get myself to stick to it. I immediately sabotaged myself . I am tired of feeling like I give up too easily which feels very hypocritical of me because I have accused others around me of giving up on the simplest of things. I need to give a little more


That’s the very reason why I recommended not to worry about taking action while running EOG1. If you’re not taking action, there’s nothing to sabotage. I have done plenty of self-sabotage myself, so I’m qualified to talk about it. :rofl:


@ksub, I’ve thought I was the only one. Seriously. I have mined bitcoin for years, and even had to bring in some investors last year to help pay off the exchange fee. Well, almost all of it. What’s left is minuscule, and upon looking into money sub choices here last week, I realized I have some stubborn blocks in my way.

Literally, I have 3 or 4 very profitable businesses I’ve known of–for years–but I never moved on any. Well, I’d start pursuing one. And stop. Accept any excuse to fail once again. Done this many, many times. I even watched a webinar of one last night. I’m “planning” on jumping in next week…and still wonder if I can. Or will.

Reading your post and this thread has me looking to stack EOG St1 when I come off of washout. I’ve been focusing on LBFH myself. These money beliefs are the opposite of moving forward. Just fear, procrastination, and avoidance. EOG it is.

Thank you for being honest with us.


Hi @James!

I have read this thread and I noticed a few things.

Look how many people came to give you input. And I think it’s more than just because you tagged them.

As for my thoughts:

It’s manifestation. This would be intended for you to get some financial goodies coming your way while you do the work.

EoG1 (with the intention of going to st2, st3, and then st4)
Why EoG?
By methodically and slowing progressing through DR, think about how much progress you made. Perhaps a similar such journey using EoG would be in order.

Now as for a third, perhaps one of the following:
Ascended Mogul

My final comment would be to immerse yourself in learning about finances:
Law of Success (the 1928 version) by Napoleon Hill, I think should be free as a download because the copyright is expired

Rich Dad, Poor Dad

What about taking community college classes on book-keeping or accounting?

Are there any marketing classes near you?

What do you want to do as a business?