Money mindset and mental health?

I know. I just get worried that when it does finally happen I will be too old to enjoy it

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Cities (and beliefs) can be destroyed in far less time than it took to build them. Thank Cthulhu.


@James : That’s a limiting belief you need to get rid of asap. You can enjoy life and money at any age.

Screenshot 2022-09-27 142523

That and the other metric F ton of limiting financial beliefs that I have. I would list them but it would be a very long read


I’m running 3 minute loops as recommended on the forum and I will gradually increase the time to 5 , 7, 9, 11, & finally 15

One thing that might help is to make a list (written down or typed) of situations in your life that are obviously from your bad money beliefs.
No editing, just write down as few words as possible for each one where looking at the list later will give you recall of each incident.

Once you’ve got your list as exhaustive as you can think of (or even just 100-200 things to start)…go over that list while running EoG1. Calling those things up from the list while running that should help hit even deeper on them to get rid of.

Interesting. Just being aware of them while I am listening? Is that what the forum means by " Conscious Guidance "?

That’s it exactly. IT’s what Robert Smith refers to as “Aiming at an issue” in his Faster EFT stuff. before his one-on-one sessions, he has his clients write down a list like what I described. Of ANYTHING that bugs them.

He does 2 hour sessions with clients at a time, and he works on clearing out as much as possible from the list in a single session as he can.


Any of you all ever watch this YouTube channel?

Not seen that. Sounds very Sultan-y (the module)

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@James : Here is the interesting thing about beliefs. You don’t have to clear them all. There is something called “architecture of beliefs”. Beliefs build on top of each other. And we have hundreds of them. Oftentimes, clearing just one single belief causes multiple other beliefs to collapse.
For example, a guy who can’t find a girlfriend thinks it’s because he is ugly. That same guy also sucks at basketball. He is also an average student in school. And he is broke too. All seemingly unrelated things. Until that guy finds a mentor or a friend who teaches him how to get a date. After a few tries and failures, that guy is dating a great-looking girl. Now he understands that getting a date has little to do with how he looks. His self-confidence improves. From there he is no longer scared of looking stupid on the basketball floor. His game improves and he becomes a really good player, which gets him even more dates. He applies his newly found work ethic to his studies, and his grades improve. Now he understands that he can pretty much learn anything. He learns how to sell. Being really successful at basketball and with girls gave him the skills and the confidence to be great at sales. He makes more money.

All that came from clearing one single belief: “I’m too ugly to date a girl”.

I actually have seen this happen in real life. More than once. Don’t worry about how many limiting beliefs you have. Just start clearing them with EOG1. The results will go farther than money.


Thanks, i have messaged you and sent friend request on FB. I can give some book recommendations and tools that helped me before regarding finances , i had a great period of abundance before my mental state got really terrible and dragged me into a downward spiral.

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@PurpleFogFrog : Can you message me some of the tools too, if you don’t mind?

It took me a VERY LONG TIME to get rid of the negative financial programming. The funny thing is, my results skyrocketed when I began to focus not on the money itself, but the path to manifesting the money. For example, my recent pivot into game development. I’m spending whatever cash and time it takes to be successful at it, as I know that if I just keep going, I’ll eventually make money from it. The seeker always finds what he searches for.


That reminds me of something Alex Hormozi says about stop focusing on setting goals, and instead focus on the activities it’d take to get to those goals. Focus on the daily stuff and make it habitual.

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So focus on skill acquisition while running EOG St 1 ?

Sounds like an elaborate way of saying " focus on the process and not the outcome " .
I read something recently that reminds is also similar
It’s not about the goal itself but who you become in the process

Thank you Palpatine. I’m struggling with LBFH presently, so I’m going to use that. Thank you.


It doesn’t matter if you were the greatest programmer in the world if you do not put your skills into real world use.

Practice is good, but real world experience is where you get your skills to the next level.

Besides, you do not get paid for practice and learning.


People around me hate on the rich and wealthy all the time but I would much rather be on that end than be where I am at currently.

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Same. I’ve done (currently doing) the lower end of the money spectrum. I’m ready to move up. That’s why I’m looking into boosting my skill with copywriting.