Mini loop duration question

From what I got, listening to around 5 minutes of a title can contain the entire script, I’ve been wondering what are the exact timestamps for each title, so that I can use miniloops instead of full ones while still getting the entire script.

@SaintSovereign I wonder, if scripts are shorter than the full 15 minutes (please confirm if true) then why not send the titles as a miniloop and let people decide how many runs they want to give it?

I wonder about the exact time stamps for one full script for Stark Black, Primal Seduction and Primal Nights.


Sorry for mass tags, but I think this is a topic that should be discussed and further implemented. I think either using the exact duration for one full script, or writing the timestamp for one full script, will allow much more control for the buyer of the subs :slight_smile:


There’s no need for exact timestamps. A 15 second microloop can and often does give exceptional results.

Simply start off slow and gradually increase your exposure until you hit your sweet spot.

As for why we don’t make the titles shorter - people are already abusing the 15 minute ones. We are definitely not making it easier to do that.


What do you mean by abusing?

Exact timestamps will help someone like me, instead of going from microloops to full loops, to just go for exact miniloops, I want the full script, but once, rather than hearing the full 15 minutes. I do not want to compromise on a partial script and inaccuracy.

I think while damage control is fair, it’d also be nice to support those inbetween, that want to stay within the lines (not passing full loop per title), want to minimize recon, and still get the full script.

For me, I think, it would be better if to make file with one full script only. There will be different length for different titles. In this case we will know that 1 loop is 1 full script and there will be no doubt if we got full script or not. And it will be easier to decide if need to listen more or not. What do you think? @Fire @SaintSovereign


I definitely agree with this. we shouldn’t suffer because some people may abuse the new system… people abuse everything, and we sign that we understand and accept that the responsibility is on US if something bad happens.

It would make life much easier.

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Let’s not start this erroneous idea that you must get the full script otherwise the titles are ineffective. This is overthinking and it simply isn’t helpful for achieving things.

What matters is results, first and foremost. Tangible, real change in your daily life, being and overall state.

Once you find your sweet spot you’ll usually find that you’ll be getting progressively better results and quite often (but not necessarily), the amount you listen to will slowly increase. Natural progression and going through of previously tough for you aspects.

So microloop until your sweet spot and don’t worry about “partial scripts” and “inaccuracy” - there are none. It is a highly subjective process of transformation that is intrinsically linked to who you are that cannot be boxed into a set of parameters.

How do we know all of this? Years of research and development into all aspects of subliminal creation. If you thought about it - we’ve already discussed and tested it.

If someone ends up abusing and hurting themselves, the “it’s on us” argument always flies out the window as we will be the ones handling their support ticket.

We have a moral and ethical obligation to uphold our technology to the highest standards, and we will continue to do so without handwaving away the issue with “it’s on the customer, whatever”.

Titles less than 15 minutes are not going to happen. Can we do it? Yes. Is it going to improve your results in any way? No.


“Let’s not start this erroneous idea that you must get the full script otherwise the titles are ineffective”

I never claimed this. I just want peace of mind knowing I heard all the script has to offer. lets say a script has physical changes in it, but those are at the very end, one could potentially miss them with microloops.

anyways, it doesn’t seem that timestamps will be a thing, oh well.

Potentially missing some effects for a few cycles > getting less effects overall because of recon, overload and lack of action caused by the load.

You won’t need to microloop forever anyway, there will be a time where you’ll eventually feel comfortable using longer loops.


Fair enough, but both can be achieved if timestamps are given. anyways, I’ve read that 3-5 minutes covers the entire script so I’ll just go with that

Don’t overthink it to much.
Just trust the process.
As far as I know, we don’t have the slightest clue how the subs are structured.
Is the script just repeated for 15 minutes? Is there focus on special parts? Like do they repeat some parts after the first full exposure?
Is there overlapping?
I don’t know anything about the structure.

And honestly, I don’t care at all.

I trust @Fire, I trust @SaintSovereign, I trust their work and their research.

When they say start slow and keep increasing exposure until you feel recon or the famous sweetspot, than I’ll do just that.


I must be missing something because isn’t that the point? To get the full script? I’m not being argumentative. I’m legitimately curious. Does this apply to a title someone is just starting? The 15 second loops?

The way you & @SaintSovereign are doing things is honestly forcing me to rethink everything I thought I knew about subliminals and self improvement. That’s a compliment to you all.

Honestly I do as well even if I do question things at times.

@Fire @SaintSovereign I do have one other question.

From the listening instructions :slight_smile:

If you’re listening to a single Zero Point title, the pattern is exceptionally easy:

Listen to 1-2 loops of the title, then take the next day off. Do this for roughly three weeks / 21 days then take five days off. That’s it. To illustrate:

  • Day 1: 1-2 loops
  • Day 2: Rest
  • Day 3: 1-2 loops
  • Day 4: Rest "

How does this work if a person is running microloops?

Please understand, I’m not trying to beat you down or win some kind of argument - this is legitimately how a lot of wrong ideas start and it’s important to point it out right in the beginning. We’ve had to deal with stuff like this before and are now very experienced in getting ahead of potential issues.

If we don’t, someone who doesn’t know better is going to see this and go “oh I guess that makes sense” and start running with it, spreading it and eventually we’ll have 200 support tickets to deal with about how microloops are “inaccurate and thus ineffective.”

The truth is, that is far from being the case and has nothing to do with optimal listening. We’ve put in an incredible amount of work to ensure this is as easy as possible for you guys, and we still are - so when we say “just do this”, it’s for a reason.

Case in point.

Is the point to “get the full script” or to improve your life, get better results and change who you are?

Focus on taking action, journaling and deep introspection. Let us worry about the script length and the build.

Microloop on those days until the sweet spot.


This is correct.


IIRC, these instructions are old, from the beginning of ZP.
Listening to just 15 minutes instead of hours a day was rather New.

Microloops are a rather new discovery.

And AFAIK they are working on new listening instructions right now.


OK. So start with fifteen seconds and then increase by five or ten seconds until the sweet spot is hit?

Last question about this I hope. That may be two questions

I recall Saint mentioning that. I realize microloops are a newer thing. I was just looking for clarification

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Just ran fifteen seconds of Genesis-Mogul. I will run fifteen seconds of Index Gate on Saturday.

fair enough

I am not going to lie. I don’t understand how this works but I will do as instructed.

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