Million Dollar Luther šŸ¤‘

gigachads everywhere. My goodness


I read quotes like these sometimes to pump myself up.

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.


The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.

More facts

We are all here for some special reason. Stop being a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future.


Life is not a dress rehearsal. Stop practicing what youā€™re going to do and just go do it. In one bold stroke you can transform today.

In one bold strokeā€¦

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.

Amen, smh

Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived.

I felt that.

Life is like a camera. Focus on the good times, develop from the negatives, and if things donā€™t work out, take another shot.


Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, itā€™s about learning to dance in the rain.

God damn

Life is a journey, and if you fall in love with the journey, you will be in love forever.

In love forever


I wanted to add muscle ups to my routine but the Viking Rack bar is too close to the ceiling. Thereā€™s not enough room. I will just stick with pull-ups.

I will post my workout plan here later.

Squats, trap bar deadlifts, bench presses, pull-ups, rows, shoulder presses, calf raises, lunges, curls, tricep extensions, push-upsā€¦

I am going to atleast double my workout volume.

I am going to destroy my body, lol. Iā€™m going Arnold mode.


If you wanna get fancy

Why was Garry applying female vaginal pheromones to his mustache before workouts, martial arts and other sports? Because, he said, having a woman sit on his face made it hard to workout. No, that was not it,. He did it because of the findings of various researchers that showed an increase in testosterone in only minutes after male test subjects had inhaled copulins, with the highest reported testosterone level increase being almost 150%

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cable crunches lol

Cable Crunches are the funniest exercise ever.


Like hey man, you doing a prayer? Everything alright?

It looks like theyā€™re begging for abs. LMAO.

ā€œplease god, give strengthen my coreā€


What is this shit hahahahahahaha.

Looks like theyā€™re accepting punishment or something.

What a ridiculous and demoralized looking movement, LMAO.

This exercise most definitely lowers your testosterone levels, idc.

Iā€™m that type of guy who doesnā€™t do exercises if I think they look stupid.

Friend of mine once told me to consider hanging leg raises and I told him Iā€™m not a monkey.


I donā€™t get pulled into other peopleā€™s drama.

ā€œNot my circus, not my monkeys.ā€


Weather is getting hot, watermelon season is here.

Things are looking up lol

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lol :watermelon:


I like watermelons. Theyā€™re nice, juicy and succulent.

I often envy hippos and their ability to chomp a watermelon whole in one bite. So satisfying.

What I would give to have this abilityā€¦

In these coming months, you will often see me walking around carrying 2 watermelons. One on each side of my body, neatly cradled. My left and right arms gently wrapped around them.

Doing this naturally makes me bigger and more imposing but I donā€™t want people to get frightened.


get off the internet luther, lmfao

The line of my thinking when I saw these pics went like this: umā€¦some of them look like they are trying to kill/hang themselves. The last one actually looks like he is being strangled. Wait maybe if we do actually tie the cable around the neck and pull it downwards this would work wonders for neck muscle! I just cracked the code for thick neck!

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Exactly lol.

Check out Cable Pull Throughs. I had a good laugh lol

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ā€œBee Wax basedā€, lol.

You know I was eating raw honey the other day. Like the real good stuff, straight from the honey comb. Unheated and unpasteurized. They have to wear a beekeeper suit to extract it.

I was thinking like, damnā€¦ how did our ancient ancestors get their honey? They most definitely got they asses stung, LOL.

Friend of mine told me that they used smoke to put the bees to sleepā€¦ Iā€™m like nah lmao.

Always those 1 or 2 bees, that have insomnia. Only pretending to sleep then sting your ass when you get close, hahahaha

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Congrats on your success and thank you Luther!

Your posts are very inspiring and confirm to me that I am on the right path!


Keep killin it G


People should drink more water. It gives you superpowers. Deadass, lol.

Being hydrated is also very beneficial for your sex life.

Iā€™m working out a lot and drinking lots of water, feel freakin amazing

18+ talk, viewer discretion please

Holy shit that copulins stuff makes a lot of sense. Wow.

This is kind of like 18+ and personal but I wonder if other guys are like this.

Where sometimes you donā€™t even want sex as a man, you just want to pleasure your partner. Like, you get high off of it. Sometimes even addicted.

Thereā€™s something going on there energetically. Some sexual woo-woo people probably know what Iā€™m talking about. Maybe related to tantric energy.

Sometimes my partner just wants to lay out on the bed after a shower and I become a master of her pleasure circuits for an hour. Literally like playing a violin. No penetration, nothing. I just give.

and itā€™s f***ing incredible for me. After Iā€™m done I feel like indescribable, full of energy, mood is amazing. Like a surge in testosterone?

Tried to go down rabbit holes with ChatGPT on this but the dumb bot is overly PG. Lame, lol.

Anyways, are most guys like this? Iā€™m kind of insecure about talking about this stuff in real life to other guys because itā€™s awkward as hell. This is why I like internet forums, LOL.