Medicine, meditation, fitness, business

6/2 - Rest. I went on a cleaning spree this morning in my apartment to improve feng shui. Throwing out tons of old crap. Much more spacious.

I had dreams of going to a plant nursery or botanical garden to buy plants to bring into the home. It was a happy dream. Making a huge push to make my home environment more natural and healing. My TS sub does have “Organization perfected” but I didn’t start taking this huge action until listening to CTWON.

New Beginning

Dragon Reborn ST4, Sanguine, New Beginnings, Pride Unbroken, Inner Voice, ARES, I AM, Divine Will, Blue Skies, Depths of Love, Divine Self Image, Harmonic Singularity, Path of Forgiveness, Chosen of Venus, Faith Unyielding, Jupiter, Starfilled Night, Stress Displacement, The Flow, Power Awareness

True Social

Quantum Limitless ST4, True Social Core, Organization Perfected, Dragon Tongue, Lifeblood Fable, Lion IV, Joie de Vivre, Perfect Style & Smell, Story Teller, Song of Joy, Carpe Diem Ascended, True Sell, Virtue Series Hope, Way of Understanding, Approachability Aura, Chiron, Polyglot, The Oath, Natural Winner, Gratitude Embodiment


Emperor, RICH, Debt Annihilator, Unrelenting Wealth Motivation and Energy, Wealth Limit Destroyer, Dominion, Direct Influencing Aura, Financial Success Reality Shifter, Fenrir, Instant Business Tactician, Leader of Men, Marketweaver, Mastermind, Positive Being Attractor Wealth, RAIKOV, Secret Source, Secrets of Akasha, Sultan, The Lines, Way of ROI


Alchemist ST4, Sage Immortal, All-seeing, Arcane Mastery, Attachment Destroyer, Avatar, Awakened Perception, Elegance, Enchanting Smile, Ethereal Presence, Eventide, Everpresent, Immortal’s Blade, Immortal’s Courage, Spiritual Abundance, Transcendental Connection, Wanderer, Whispered Power

6/3 - Ghost is my spiritual ZP. That should even out my long-term goals. This is a lot of subs, though these are now mostly replacements of somewhat similar Q customs I’ve had before. Plan to rotate and focus as needed over the long term. I feel like I am getting benefits across the board with inner alignment and healing, cognitive and social influence, and financial benefits. Multi-stage programs I’ve completed before include quantum limitless, dragon reborn, and alchemist and I’ve had QL and Alch in ST4 in previous customs (not DR though).

CTWON has to be one of the best subs created. It is radical how it has quickly changed my worldview. This led me to redesign my whole apartment. I went through a bunch of books and YT videos on feng shui, interior design, gardening. My current layout had all the wrong positions that go against feng shui principles. Yesterday I’ve spent cleaning parts of my apt that were never cleaned before and introducing more airflow and freshness. I’ve been appreciating parts of nature that were always around me but I’ve never noticed.

Ghost x 15: After first listen, I feel a calmness and vividness of physical reality. The difference is that I get the sense of physical reality being an illusion. I become aware of the true emptiness of “things.” That this is a creation, like a virtual reality. You see things but you also see through them. A wistful experience, but also appreciation and gratitude for our ability to experience, manifest, and create freely. There is a connection of the consciousness of all things and you dissolve. And bliss is all there is. We will see where this one takes me. Going to go visit a local botanical garden now.

6/4 - TSx15
6/5 - CWONx15
6/6 - Rest

events in last few days: went to japanese garden, sound bath (meditate with someone playing bowls and gongs that bathe you in vibration), family dinner, selling tons of my furniture to improve organization and feng shui of my apt., also getting rid of a lot of my computer/monitor setup to decrease tech reliance, probably just get a nicer laptop instead. I was gifted a few living house plants and cleaned them of bugs. finishing up last week of this class. going camping this weekend. buying a new bed. taking a light week from weights this week. been progressing in all of my lifts for the last 1.5 months.

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6/7 - TSx15. meditating while listening significantly enhances the effects that I get

6/8 - TSx10
6/9 - Rest
6/10 - CWONx15

Ton of work and moving in the last few days. So many things coming together for the apt. including selling off a lot of old things, getting a Great deal on a new bed and mattress. Reorganizing the design for better function. Cleaner, more greenery, really happy! Went to gym and squatted and did pull ups today even though I wasn’t planning to. Really exhausted from all the moving. Overall, what I sold netted more cash than what I bought and everything is way better! Going camping tomorrow!

6/11 - rest
6/12 - CWNx15
6/13 - rest
6/14 - TSx15

Living the dream currently. Unexpected good luck and sources of income. Tons of decluttering and reorganizing. Got a great deal on a higher-quality mattress and my sleep has been much improved. Spending more moments appreciating natural elements in various settings. Went camping at a beautiful beach and got a lot of walking and rest.

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New Beginning

Dragon Reborn ST4, Sanguine, New Beginnings, Pride Unbroken, Inner Voice, ARES, I AM, Divine Will, Blue Skies, Depths of Love, Divine Self Image, Harmonic Singularity, Path of Forgiveness, Chosen of Venus, Faith Unyielding, Jupiter, Starfilled Night, Stress Displacement, The Flow, Power Awareness

True Social

Quantum Limitless ST4, True Social Core, Organization Perfected, Dragon Tongue, Lifeblood Fable, Lion IV, Joie de Vivre, Perfect Style & Smell, Story Teller, Song of Joy, Carpe Diem Ascended, True Sell, Virtue Series Hope, Way of Understanding, Approachability Aura, Chiron, Polyglot, The Oath, Natural Winner, Gratitude Embodiment


Emperor, RICH, Debt Annihilator, Unrelenting Wealth Motivation and Energy, Wealth Limit Destroyer, Dominion, Direct Influencing Aura, Financial Success Reality Shifter, Fenrir, Instant Business Tactician, Leader of Men, Marketweaver, Mastermind, Positive Being Attractor Wealth, RAIKOV, Secret Source, Secrets of Akasha, Sultan, The Lines, Way of ROI


Alchemist ST4, Sage Immortal, All-seeing, Arcane Mastery, Attachment Destroyer, Avatar, Awakened Perception, Elegance, Enchanting Smile, Ethereal Presence, Eventide, Everpresent, Immortal’s Blade, Immortal’s Courage, Spiritual Abundance, Transcendental Connection, Wanderer, Whispered Power

6/15 - rest
6/16 - NBx15. Life is peaking in all areas.

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6/17 - CWNx15

6/18 - r
6/19 - r
6/20 - ghostx15. powerful

6/21 r
6/22 domx15. feelings of high abundance, money flow from all areas. made a lot of $ from selling old belongings on the used market. also doing a couple of courier tasks daily on the side to boost income during studies. flipped a few things. appreciating minimalist lifestyle. making gains on all my lifts weekly for the past 2 months. very happy about that. feel strong physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. planning to go camping again to a famous national forest. gratitude is wealth.

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6/23 r
6/24 r
6/25 domx15. minimalism is one of my highest values. space in environment, money, time, material, energy. freedom

Mostly listening to domzp every other day for past week. I feel like I got what I wanted from CWN and incorporated much more natural elements and appreciation into my life. I love all of my customs and like listening to different ones as needed, but this one suits me the most right now.

Emperor, RICH, Debt Annihilator, Unrelenting Wealth Motivation and Energy, Wealth Limit Destroyer, Dominion, Direct Influencing Aura, Financial Success Reality Shifter, Fenrir, Instant Business Tactician, Leader of Men, Marketweaver, Mastermind, Positive Being Attractor Wealth, RAIKOV, Secret Source, Secrets of Akasha, Sultan, The Lines, Way of ROI

  • downsizing to the extreme these days selling most of my belongings down to the essential
  • reading more books on personal finance strategy
  • sex drive increased
  • started multiple notebook journals on daily activity, finance, and fitness. so I have been writing my thoughts on those subjects in my books and writing my daily activities, expenses, income, etc.

Planning to continue listening to this custom primarily for now. I feel good on it. High value. Other ppl treating me with great respect. Feel like I am making great fitness gains with less effort. Feel muscular. Having more sex than usual.

My updates will likely be more sporadic here until I make changes, have bigger updates, or go in a different direction.


Hey @shapeshift

What effects have you noticed from the oath module?

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Hi, it is hard to say because I am so dedicated to medicine already, which is my career. If I had to guess, it is helping me connect to patients quickly to understand what their problem is so that I can offer the best diagnosis and treatment.

Crazy that it is August already. I’m just finishing another rotation and will have a week off before the next one starts in the hospital. I’ve been primarily listening to True Social ZP about every other day or two for the past month. I feel that it has been doing a great job. Sometimes still listen to CWN on days in between, which helps bring joy and appreciation.

I feel that I have made significant improvements in my life in these past few months and I am expecting continual improvement.

  • After creating a better bedroom environment specifically for sleep, I have been sleeping now the best I ever have in my life and this has been life-changing. Also routinely meditating before bed.
  • I am continuously getting fitter and stronger. I began developing slight tendonitis in my left arm so have been laying off the pull-ups. I have worked up to about body weight +50 lbs extra weight with a set of 10 chin-ups. I have begun running about 3-5 miles daily, but that might stop because I will be working 14+ hours days + extra studying next month as it will be busy.
  • I was able to sell many things and did some courier work on the side to buy a macbook air which I am loving using to journal, read, and study
  • Also completely quit caffeine, which I feel has greatly improved my alertness in terms of steadiness and endurance

Since 8/2022

Had long washout since about a month ago

  1. Graduated med school
  2. Went to Asia trip which was the trip of my life
  3. Moved to new city in better apartment, home gym, environment
  4. Got married
  5. Started residency program at a new hospital system, now finishing my 2nd rotation. Finally earning a decent paycheck working as a doctor, but not a full doctor salary until after training x 3 years.
  6. New colleagues and environment

Wow writing all that out, realizing so many big changes occurred.

Finishing about 1 month of CFW listening every other day. I have run full course of dragon reborn in the past and have a history of mindfulness meditation. At the moment, I don’t sense too much in the way of internal negativity or limiting beliefs, and have strong hope, positivity, and appreciation of life. Also been using LE as needed for studying.

Now ordered my “ONE” zp2 sub which will be the foundation of my stack this year and focuses on skills and traits I want as a doctor.

QLST4, True Social Core, Book Blitz, Carpe Diem Ascended, Chiron, Deep Sleep, Dragon Tongue, Elegance, Enchanting Smile, Free Pass, Joie de Vivre, Polyglot, Song of Joy, Stress Displacement, Way of Understanding

Very excited. It is a variation of a custom I’ve used in the past above but pared down and now in zpv2 and lossless. I have also completed a course of QL in Q version a long time ago. I might stack this custom along with QL zp2 stages but will see.

That’s it for now!


QLST4, True Social, Book Blitz, Carpe Diem Ascended, Chiron, Deep Sleep, Dragon Tongue, Elegance, Enchanting Smile, Free Pass, Joie de Vivre, Polyglot, Song of Joy, Stress Displacement, Way of Understanding

x 15 minutes

Super powerful. Feel increased capacity of and motivation toward building intellectual capacity including memory, recall, processing (feel increased confidence in these capacities, and also motivated for behavioral change toward brain development including food, sleep, etc). For example, instead of eating for health, I am feeling motivated to eat specifically for brain health and cognitive enhancement. Visualized dragon tongue. Social confidence. Have this feeling that my smile is powerful and influential. Visualized myself speaking various languages to patients. Took immediate action toward studying languages, increased confidence in studying other languages than the ones I currently am. Also notice increased discipline with avoiding consumption of non-purposeful media and motivation to consume more useful media, such as youtube videos of language study.

This will definitely be my foundation going forward. I am also interested in adding adjunct products or customs as needed.


Few other thoughts before bed

When reading, feel like I cannot stop the flow. Prior, sometimes I would feel like I would stop and analyze a specific part of a text. At the moment, I feel like I cannot stop myself when reading a text. My brain just bulldozes through. I also feel a motivation to increase my reading of physical texts/books.

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QLST4, True Social, Book Blitz, Carpe Diem Ascended, Chiron, Deep Sleep, Dragon Tongue, Elegance, Enchanting Smile, Free Pass, Joie de Vivre, Polyglot, Song of Joy, Stress Displacement, Way of Understanding

x 15 minutes (#2)


  • A lot of belief reframing as follows
  • previously believing I need 8 hours of sleep, but now having thoughts like I will be good with 7 because the quality of sleep is deeper
  • also feeling like I want to go out and do fun things after 24 hr shift of no sleep instead of sleeping and recovering
  • I have to operate on busy shifts and see high numbers of patients while working 12 and 24 hour shifts, flipping between days and nights, and often back to back, requiring high endurance and mental stamina
  • feeling like I am able to memorize and recall a greater number of random facts
  • recalling people’s names effortlessly this morning (previously had beliefs I had problems with this)
  • increased utilization of visualization for memory recall (e.g. remembering a nurse’s name because I can envision her name written on the floor’s shift board yesterday)
  • was told by a senior that they were very impressed with my ability to handle busy shifts despite being a new doctor; yesterday was the busiest shift I ever had (all of the nurses/staff freaking out because of business and short-staffing) but I still feel like my stress levels are pretty low…
  • watching random shows and expanding my exposure to different content and media for social purpose
  • brainstorming ways to make light conversation with random people I see often, such as the cashier at the hospital cafeteria
  • looking up joke of the day websites and enjoying some of them
  • more people randomly smiling at me and greeting

this is a good start


Nice, stress displacment is doing his job :+1:

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I think so!

Total 4 listens now. I was really tired after last weekend but have been sleeping much more lately. I also started taking a bunch of different supplements and making dietary changes: daily blueberries, 100-150g protein/d, eating more consistently through the day, tea blend (lion’s mane, gotu kola, gingko), multivit, fish oil, vit d.

Also got another gym membership with my wife, so planning to increase my aerobic exercise during the week.

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