Mastering Wealth & Making Billions - (EOG ZP) + (HOM, AM, Executive, PCC Qv2 Sales Custom) 2x per week listening schedule, NO WASHOUTS

Now I got it, thanks!

Usually 5 minutes and sometimes 7…mostly 5 minutes. I typically don’t listen to more than 2 titles on a listening day. This week I plan on experimenting by listening to all 3 titles in my stack in a row but doing this no more than 3 days outta the week. Again, I’ll definitely only be listening to 5 minutes each to avoid risking overexposure.

Might make it only twice since I’m still using ascension chamber on sundays for this cycle

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Yes. But remember you are discouraged from listening to the same title in ZP and Qv2 format.

How about making a ZP custom?

I think I like stacking ZP and Qv2 better than I like pure ZP.

ZP is internal, Qv2 is external.

ZP is fast results that hit like a truck then leave you just as fast… QV2 is slower but more sustained.

They balance each other nicely.

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You motivated me to rerun a less dense qv2 custom I had lying around. It does seem more effective than before. I’m still strongly considering giving it a ZP upgrade.

Yes. I am also trying to make my qv2 custom less dense. Waiting for a bit to see exactly whaf i want to put in it

I wish I never made 3-4 core customs. For me, it’s always been too much. And secondly, I’ve struggled with strategically choosing modules that enhance rather than diffuse cores.

Just had a pretty big realization after talking to @Ice and @unusualfellows about customs…

I think I need a productivity focused custom more than I need a sales custom.

Productivity Custom reasons and ideas

There are too many days where I completely avoid work and half ass it…

Im thinking… true sell, carpe diem, organization perfected, way of roi, productivity unleashed… all of which i own

Then mogul as a core,

And from modules i dont own, i could add vortexdive crucible and others that I’ll think of and update this with.

Im actually a good sales person. My block is productivity, not skill.


Eye of the storm for sure.

It feels like without productivity, im unable to capitalize on the wealth manifestations.

I’ve noticed a difference in my productivity to do work that is set up or clear already and needs to be done vs to get started when there are no specific defined tasks but I have a goal.

Are you more productive at one of these vs. the other?

It is always easier to have clearly defined tasks.

They can also be less important, as well…

Some of the most important things are unclear, in tht case, the task is to generate a plan even if you’re not certain if it’ll work… but you’re at least certain about the task, and then you do the task

I feel like this is a great idea to have a custom focused on productivity which would be a great compliment to your wealth stack, allowing it to really execute even further.

Here’s what i’ve come up with. Seems pretty perfect. I did a lot of work making sure i cut it down only to the bare essentials.

First draft of custom
  1. Ascended mogul core Or Mogul core… uncertain rn.

  2. Rich core

  3. True sell - sales

  4. Carpe diem - energy and motivation

  5. Virtue - Temperance

  6. Eye of the storm - habits

  7. Way of ROI - productivity

  8. Machine rest - productivity

  9. Productivity unleashed
    . Joy de vivre
    . Unrelenting wealth energy motivation.
    . Natural winner
    . Overdrive
    . Divine Will
    . Furious Ascent - Comfort/Risk
    Financial success reality shifter
    Instant business tactician
    Positive being attractor - wealth

Nice thing is i own a Lot Of these modules too so i wont be paying all that much.

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Custom Talk

There’s a balance between sales and productivity, which is perfect. Mogul is a wealth/sales sub that makes me insanely productive, and its about becoming more productive so that I can sell more.

A sub like carpe diem would make me more productive but would also give me better energy on sales calls

It looks great man. Maybe just add Sanguine for anti-recon and keeping your calm and staying productive during stressful situations. Other than that this is excellent.

  1. Mogul
  2. Rich
  3. Carpe diem
  4. Joie de vivre
  5. Productivity unleashed
  6. Machine action
  7. Machine rest
  8. Natural winner
  9. Overdrive
  10. Divine will
  11. Furious Ascent
  12. True sell
  13. Call of honor
  14. Virtue temperance
  15. Sanguine module
  16. Vortexdive crucible
  17. Eye of the storm.
  18. Unrelenting wealth motivation and energy
  19. Organization perfected

I want this to be a few modules smaller.

Not removing true sell, carpe, joie, divine will, or furious ascent. Everything else could potentially be removed.

@ice @friday what would you remove out of here if you had to remove something?

This is sooooo close to perfect but I want to be able to stack it with hom and eog so im putting a premium on light

For context im calling this the “Billionaire Foundations” subliminal all focused on inner game and action taking. No social dynamics. No direct healing as that would interfere with productivity.

I think Machine: Rest could potentially be removed since your focus is on action taking and being as productive as possible. As well as Vortexdive Crucible - not really sure how this fits into your vision.