Manifesting the Perfect Relationship!

Hey everyone!

I’m inspired to do this thread in light of this one I did last year about manifesting the perfect apartment. In that thread, I was pointed to a great resource that helped and later that year I got my desired apartment and moved out!

Now I am asking about the well-known topic of manifesting an ideal relationship. In my current journal I’ve noted that:

  • I’ve been running a custom that features IC/HS, as well as AsCh (the two manifestation subliminal elements). This is currently also backed up with Wanted.
  • I’m reaching the end of a healing phase (March 1 - April 21) which has featured DR ST4, so now I’ve got to switch it out for another sub. Thinking of Khan ST3 right now for the action taking dominance.

Last year, another thread outlined a “simple formula to success.”

I was hoping to explore this further, given the majority of that thread discusses the trickier case of what happens while in an existing relationship.

I’ve liked what SC users have had to say about manifestation throughout my time on this forum and I can’t thank them enough—they’ve been pivotal to my manifestation development… Most notably, @Malkuth for the introduction back when I was first getting into manifestation, @King on some key statements/affirmations and @ksub for pointing me to a great resource I still follow well beyond the original context of apartment-manifesting!

So I’d like to hear your guys’ thoughts once again!


Is there any chance you share it? :sweat_smile:

Looking forward to whatever you end up doing.

Your manifestation journal (I forget the name nowadays…) was a great, long-term read.

Man after himself? :thinking:

@SubliminalUser , I’m happy you manifested the apartment. The process to manifesting the perfect relationship is pretty much the same.

Here’s is how you manifest your SP (Specific Person)

This one too! Sammy Ingram is one of the best manifestation coaches out there. The woman literally gets things done.

Combine those with a good sub.


@SubliminalUser : This is funny. I’m in the process of selling my existing house (that I don’t like anymore) and looking to rent a new place this year. I’ll be doing the same process that I showed you! :muscle: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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It’s the youtube channel “Niclas / Upgrade to Life.”

That is pretty funny! Here’s to you succeeding with the techniques!

I’m also curious as to what you thought of Niclas’s SP video (his most popular one). You linked Be Something Wonderful’s video, and funny enough that channel started getting recommended to me within the past week!

Ah yes, Man for Himself was the sub that opened up manifestation for me!


Ah right, yes. Mind’s Eye. Now I remember.

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