MALKUTH The Phenomenaut

So quotable!

Thank you sir!


Aware of a subtle restlessness and resistance in my mind. Takes me a little longer to sit down to meditate and a little longer to return to activity after meditation.

Today, I made the choice to use a combination of music and the ultrasonic subliminal tracks during my medtation hour. The music functioned almost as an aural version of my zafu/meditation cushion.


Just providing some structural bulwarking for the day’s practice. A little something to brace against and interact with.

For the music I went to Steve Roach.

Also, I observed something interesting last month. It’s happened before from time to time over the years, but I’m finding myself reflecting on it more now.

I’ve shared a number of times on here that I’m supposedly aphantasic. I do not have easy conscious access to or intentional manipulation of internal visual imagery. Typically, when someone says, ‘close your eyes and picture [X]’, my most immediate experience is of the darkness behind my eyelids.

But this is an over-simplification. The imagery was and is there, I just wasn’t having easy conscious access to it.

So, in altered states or levels of consciousness (such as dreaming or rare times of trance), I do have visual experiences. Sometimes extremely vivid ones.

And that brings me to the observation:

At various times over the years, when I’ve been extremely tired or sleep-deprived, I’ve experienced very active hypnagogic imagery. The closest reference point for describing it that I can think of right now is that bit that happened at the start of Marvel movies, when many comic images and panels are flashing on the screen at a fairly high speed. Apparently it’s called a ‘logo animation sequence’ (thanks ChatGPT).


Like that, but at a much wider aspect (and, blessedly, sans corporate logos).

It just happens very quickly.

Also, it’s not immersive. It’s almost like my awareness dips into it and back out of it. Like when you push your face beneath the surface of a pond, and temporarily see a completely different kind of scene before you (due to how light travels and behaves underwater), and then pull your face back out and return to normal in-air vision.

And I think that’s pretty much what’s happening. Just experiencing different locales and regions within consciousness. Some are more accessible, some less so.

So, yeah, basically hypnagogic imagery. I think many people experience this, for example, pre-sleep.

Anyway, i’m reflecting on it.


I’m experiencing a very particular flavor of enhanced productivity and focus right now.

Since integrating RoM, RoS, and Genesis into my stack, I think that everything is flowing and integrating more cohesively. And I still feel like they’re only just beginning.

back to work.


Yes, that was the beginning.

It didn’t last that long. haha.

It’s kind of going in and out. But, well, let’s see what comes next.


Good quote.

This, I think, is a good way to think about subliminals in general.


a good metaphor for subs in general, yes

but to get deeper, that is the described method of healing provided by genesis.

all subs are generally a healing that is finalized by action taking, but Genesis is very specifically that way.

Genesis’ main “healing” recon, in reading forum reports, seems to be from purpose-related healing specifically… people on Genesis get confronted HARD with “oh snap my life has no purpose and is meaningless” kinds of thoughts.

But apart from that, the healing is super gentle, and i don’t even notice things are being healed unless i take action on them.

compare that to DR where you notice the healing whether you want to… or not


I’m actually thinking of that dynamic beyond even healing.

I like the ‘loosening’ concept. It highlights the integral place of action.

In the past, I’ve used the metaphor of the ‘7-League Boots’ of legends and fairy tales.

These were magic boots which would take you 7-leagues with each step. (A league was a unit of disance equal to approximately 3 miles.) So, put on the magic boots and take 1 step with intention, and you’ve travelled 21 miles.

On the other hand, put on the boots, lace them up, and sit on a park bench, and how far will you travel?

So, I like that metaphor too.

Anyway, just some sub thoughts.


That’s right. There’s an intense questioning and reflection process that gets catalyzed.


Have a kind of “just slogging away” feeling right now.

Hang in there.

Trust the process.


Look what I found…

You might want to use this one for a very deep meditation.


Low energy phase right now.

Feels like when they drain all the water from the swimming pool to allow them to clean it.



Got out the apartment and had two quite enjoyable one-on-one meetings.

Now, I have 20 minutes and then I go to facilitate a group of people.

Makes me realize that when I stay locked up at home, sometimes I’m not allowing energy to flow. And sometimes when it doesn’t flow out, that means it also doesn’t flow in.


Amazing all the incredible and yet completely different expressions, developments, and transformations that people manifest on here even while running the same programs. It’s a real testament to how subs adapt to the mind, personality, and talent of the individual who is running them.


This reminded me of when I was studying qigong 氣功.

There were two broad categories of ways to approach healing.

One was that you drew on your own energy, projecting it and circulating it to bring about movement in your client’s energy.

But, very quickly, you were also taught methods to draw on, conduct, and utilize the natural and ambient energy that exists around you. This decreased the risk that you would deplete your own energy every time you healed someone. In other words, you used the ‘energy of the Universe’ as the source or bank that you were drawing upon. With this approach, you might be tired afterwards, just from the effort involved in directing and moving the energy, but you wouldn’t be depleted and spent. In fact, it would actually have a strengthening effect over time. So my teacher recommended practicing more in that category of healing.

I’m seeing now that the two categories could be thought of as Closed System vs Open System energetic work.

Interesting. Feels like Revelation of Mind and Khan Black (and maybe Health Codex) are cross-fertilizing in my mind right now to guide the directions of my thoughts.


your man Malkuth


Subs feel present, but very much in the background right now.

Turned on the dehumidifier last night before going to bed. Thing gets pretty hot.

As a result, the room became hotter and drier over the course of the night as I slept. So I woke up at 6:40 or so without the aid of an alarm.

Meditated from 6:45 to 7:45. But paid for the early waking later in the day, after lunch, with a powerful wave of tiredness.

I’ll keep this update brief.


This Friday will be the last day of my first Play Period with just my 2-custom stack. Two Standard ZPv2 customs.

I’ll take a 5-day processing phase, and then I’ll start up exposures again on Thursday 21 September. That’s the plan, anyway.


This! I got some sort of internal trigger reading this.
Is this (one of) the difference(s) between daoyin and qigong? Am I thinking of the right thing? :thinking:


As with many of these things (i.e., ‘ancient arts’ and’ mystical teachings’), there’s some slippery politics around how the history gets constructed and portrayed.

Qigong books frequently talk about how every system and every practice is “thousands of years old”. And there’s some degree of truth to it.

But when it comes at least to the specific term “qigong”, that’s a modern creation. Less than a hundred years old. Older practices did exist with names like Dao yin or tu na. But they were often significantly different from the kinds of methods that we’re practicing these days.

It all has an interesting history. A mixture of genuinely profound methods, politics, and propaganda.


Woke up at 6:25 am for some reason today. Realized that the new subliminal club title would be dropping in 20 or 30 minutes.

Opted for an early morning meditation. 6:35 to 7:35.

Today is the last day of my current play period. One final play of my two custom stack. I’ll be processing and resting from Saturday to Wednesday. Resuming on Thursday.

Just finished reading the Hero Origins description. I do not see myself not running this program.

My arts: nei gong, hypnosis, meditation, taijiquan, teaching and counseling.

We shall see.