Male Model With Asperger, OCD And ADHD Looking For Help

I think both of those things may have been true. He over analyzes things and he was dodging the questions. It may have been the best strategy to use in that context.

Typically in friendly social interactions we will try to anticipate the other person’s intended meanings and possibly meet them halfway. But if the other person’s job is literally to do you harm, it makes sense to require that person to be very precise about their statements.

Bill Gates was about 43 years old in that video. I doubt that he was just a naïve person who had no understanding of the context of the conversation.

Frankly, I found it to be some of the most entertaining television that I’ve watched in a long while.


You obviously have insight about social situations or you couldn’t have posted many of the items in your posts above.

I’m wondering if you would like 2 things:

  1. better social skills
  2. romantic/sexual partners

I’m presenting modules for you to look at in the Q store. I realize these lists are likely beyond the scope of what you are currently looking for. Consider these lists as potentially thorough in addressing what might be direct and supportive modules to achieve what you wish.

For social skills and presentation:
Eagle Eye
True Social
Alpha of Alpha
Alpha Body Language
Emperor’s Voice
Way of Understanding
Lion IV
Code of Loyalty
Eagle Eye
Enchanting Smile
Dragon Tongue
Lifeblood Fable
Power Can Corrupt
Inner Circle

For emotional development, which could help you socially:
Attachment Destroyer
Emotions Unfettered
Faith Unyielding
Virtue Series: Hope
Virtue Series: Temperance
Eye of the Storm
Emotions Unfettered
Divine Self-Image
Quantum Limitless
Stress Displacement
SPS: Nervous System
Limit Destroyer Ultima Core
Inner Voice
Gratitude Embodiment
Song of Joy
Depths of Love
Chosen of Venus
Courage Reclaimed
Current Invoker
Deep Sleep

Physical healing that might help with your brain:
Health Codex
Fusion Optimized
Quantum Limitless

For romantic/sexual partners, this depends on what you want:
Heartsong (potential reconciliation with the healing in it)
(probably don’t need WANTED for physical appearance, but you could look at it and think if it might help you emotionally)
Sexual Manifestation
Long-Range Seduction
Love Bomb
Libertine Ultima Core
Instant Spark
Instant Seducing Tactician
Gorgeous Manifestor
Alexander’s Play
Charisma & Flirting Automatic Mentor/Improver
Aura of Craving
Approachability Aura

Emotional Healing (potential reconciliation):
New Beginnings
New Beginnings
Discordia Deliverance

Of notable mention:
Wayfinder (miscellaneous)
Yggdrasil (to help with manifesting)


As you did above, before building a custom, please post about what you would want to build to get some input. You’ve already got some good input above.


Keep that in mind
Even if you get bombarded here with what you can do


Would you please archive this thread?

General heading “possible titles for Asperger/Autism and/or social skills improvement”

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Add rebirth for rapid improvement of any subs you are listening.

listen 1 loop of rebirth before listening to any other title

M1 : Rebirth+ true social
M2: rebirth + true social + pcc
M3: rebirth + true social + daredevil

Not only it will accelerate results, it will clear any limiting beliefs in the way of the objectives of the sub and it will heal any past traumas related to it.

honestly i want to have fun for the next 2-4 years and then find a wife and start having kids by age 35 at latest hopefully 33.

and when i say have fun i guess if im honest thats definitely more option 2 then option 1

but the reason i just generalize it as “social skills” is because there is really no reason except my massive social oddness and awkwardness for me to not be having the sex life i want.

becoming more socially “normal” would directly improve my sex life since that is literally my only issue since i get so much female attention already.

you guys have a lot of smart people on this forum because im having new insights as i read the posts here.

if im honest a massive part of my issues is i always feel watched.

again im just stating facts here and in no way is what follows an attempt to brag or show off.

basically in social situations i always feel people are watching because they actually are.

its why i usually actually will dress down as i do not want to draw attention to myself.

to give you a specific example.

when i first started living at the university there is 2 places to eat. there is the dining hall for people like me who live on campus where only people living on campus mostly use it.

then there is the main food court which is much bigger and most students use that.

at first i would go to the main food court because it has fast foods like subway and starbucks and the food in dining hall cooked by school staff is not as good.

but within like less then 2 weeks i stopped because i was so uncomfortable.

i remember as i was waiting in line or kind of walking around looking at options i would notice girls at tables just staring at me an it made me super self conscious to just be watched like that.

so i just stopped going there completelly and for the 4 years i was living at the university i would avoid the main food court during the busy hours of 11 am to 1 pm.

and its even worst then that because guess what?

in the morning everyone living on campus is having breakfast in the dining hall so its packed.and i had the same problem there in the morning…so even though i had breakfast literally in my building…i would order food delivery in the morning and eat in my room alone instead of dealing with the crowd in the dining hall where i feel everyone is just staring at me.

i have this same problem when i go to shopping malls so i avoid these places at busy times, same thing with the gym i always go super early or super late when its less busy…basically i always feel watched because in a way i am.

again it sounds like im bragging like oh im so hot everywhere i go people stare but its the truth and i remember the first time i noticed this problem was on an airplane as a teenager i noticed i was nervous to get up to go piss and have everyone stare as i walked back.

so yeah this feeling of everyone is always looking at me is a big part of my social issues.

ill give you one last example in nightlife.

last monday i went out to this bar. in nightlife environments especially if i dress all out my best i get insane attention to a level its weird even what girls will do…so for example when i walked around on Monday literally almost every girl i passed by would just stare…and some girls would purposely walk into my path i guess to force me to notice them…and this was a spot where most the girls where really hot…so anyone reading this might be like “well thats great just take the one you like home and have sex”…the problem is that in this scenario if i for example had stopped to talk to one of these girls i feel like literally evevery girl nearby would have been just staring at me the entire time…so i feel like im always almost on stage performing…i cannot just blend into the darkness of the bar like most people…if i had stopped and talked to one of those girls staring…i would have had like 8-12 eyes on me minimum…all this attention and the feeling im watched and always being on a stage makes me anxious and self conscious and is a big reason i freeze or just pretend to not notice all the girls…like i said my situation is very unique and weird and its hard because i feel most people cannot relate…honestly even like staff in places like bars stare at me…and its crazy how girls complain about guys being creepy by staring too much…girls stare like crazy too and in ways that if a guy did would definitely be considered creepy…girls are massive creeps when it comes to staring for sure especially in nightlife

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thank you for this.

i definitely like the idea of building something custom.

is it possible to build a custom ultima?

i want to stick to ultimas and make sure i see at least some hopeful signals before spending months on a main program.

also, is there somewhere i can get detailed descriptions of each of those modules/chapters you posted so i can see which ones i feel would help me?

thank you for mentioning rebirth.

it sounds magical.

so far i have used true social twice on Thursday.

if i added rebirth would a schedule like listening to both one time each 5 times a week work?

could that schedule be enough for me to see some sort of improvement in a few days so i know at least that subliminals do something positive?

Yea totally. i believe you should see after the first few uses.

btw, how do i know that rebirth/limit destroyer does its job?

kinda odd , but my urine becomes darker after listening to either one. i assume its the subconcious way to remove toxins from the body both physically and emotionally


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Your whole story and posts really make me wanna see your face… lol

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Me too. Your story is very fascinating almost not real, but not in a bad way :).

To me, if you want to start off with a Q sub it’d be great to go with Daredevil. It pretty much has everything you want right on the box. It will develop your social skills and would allow you to improve both 1 and 2. Add that with True Social Ultima (which you are testing on right now). Try working with just those two to simplify everything. Almost any other additional Q/Ultima would help you (Quantum Limitless, Power Can Corrupt, Rebirth, Elixir, etc) but because of what you said here:

This is pretty important. If you add too many loops/different subliminals, you might get into reconciliation territory which has the potential to impact your work. So my advice would be to

  1. Run 1 loop of True Social Ultima every other day for a week. Evaluate your results and performance.
  2. Run 2 loops of True Social Ultima every other day for a week. Evaluate again.
  3. If you’re happy with what you’re seeing, add 1 loop of Daredevil every other day for a week.
  4. Then increase it to 2 loops every other day.

By the end of the month, you will be running 2 loops of True Social Ultima and 2 loops of Daredevil every other day. You can see a slow increase in the number of loops while evaluating if it impacts your work performance in either a positive or negative manner. Then you can start thinking of what to do next. You may extend each stage longer if you wish to be more cautious.


I’ve noticed you said you listened to this on your phone. Are you listening to this with good quality earphones/headphones? Ultimas are special in that you need proper earphones/headphones to work.

Here’s a support article:


Right, you have now detailed your actual problem.

You have social anxiety.

You need to run AM for a year or two and then change to Emp for a couple of years.

Then you simply won’t give a fuck if people look at you or not and you will be able to interact with them without thinking about it.

Then you can think about getting better social skills/getting laid etc.

Walk before you can run.

Not that I expect you will take notice of this but nonetheless this is the answer you are looking for.


no its way worst then that.

if i had just social anxiety then i think things would be much easier.

but i have asperger,ocd and adhd as well. i think the asperger and ocd especially are big trouble.

for example, i have tried things like therapy, beta blockers, serious meditation, phenibut, getting drunk…none of those things helped in any noticeable way for me. if i had just social anxiety im pretty sure one of these would have made significant impact.

my situation is way more difficult then just social anxiety.

I have often seen you advice people running a sub for 1 year +

May I know why ?

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A lot of people don’t take/take enough action, running for a year ameliorates that.

And even if one does take action the gains will be cumulative and are there to be had, ie a years worth of change will be much more than 6 months worth of change.


to be 100% honest in my experience things in life that work usually work very fast.

im talking all areas of life here.

so to me if subliminals are viable technology for my problems it will be obvious very quickly…i have never really seen anything in any aspect of my life where for 3 months no obvious benefit and then suddenly on 4th month things get significantly better.

for example at work, last year i spent 4 months on this investment losing money and making nothing that entire time. then i finally gave up took the loss and moved to another opportunity and that investment made me 18 000 profit in 2 weeks.

all my best investments at work have always worked pretty much right away and all my catastrophic mistakes where i lost huge amounts like 6 figures lost in months …all of these where situations where i kept pushing and pushing and pushing hoping an investment would eventually turn around and they never do.

so i guess this is my long way to say im not planning to stick to subliminals for long if i dont see obvious benefit in first 2-3 weeks max.

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I knew you say something like that.

Your social anxiety is the easiest thing to change [Moderator Edit and Warning: Please stop name calling. This is a forum centered on respect, tact, and kindness. This might be your last warning.]

So now you have two things to think about.

  1. What I have explained is the best way for you to improve.
  2. How did I know you would react like that?

I won’t be responding to you again.

Good luck.

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