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Is this the same as remote seduction? Subconscious seduction to me means that we influence them on a subconscious level during interaction, but we still need to interact with them.

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I might be wrong and Simon might be correct Subconscious seduction might be remote seduction. Would like to hear from Fire or Saint whether Subconscious seduction really is remote seduction.

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Through the Unconscious we’re all inter connected and so I think it is. You can remotely seduce someone through the Unconscious, actually many times we’re all of the sudden thinking about someone there is a huge possibility that person is actually day-dreaming or thinking about us.

Time & Space doesn’t matter to the Unconscious, all is connected already.


How would you do this?

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I would say that since the guys do believe your actions matter, that it’s more something like you are unconsciously displaying body language and status that makes you an attractive mate. Not “be a flame that attracts female moths”.

But I’ve been wrong before.

As for Hermit’s statement, it wouldn’t be seduction. At that level, your higher self makes an offer and if the receiver’s higher mind concludes that the offer would improve their life and help them on their journey, it will bring them to you through coincidence and serendipity. This happens without their consciousness having any active awareness of it. To them, meeting you feels like fate or destiny. A love at first sight kind of thing.

But once again, only if you add value to their lives and their journey. If you don’t, it won’t happen.

But I’ve been wrong before. :slight_smile:


Now that would be interesting. Before we get people responding “remote seduction is a waste of time you are better of walking upto the girl and talking to her” yes yes we all know that in fact that is my preferred way of doing things :slight_smile:. However it would be interesting to know more about peoples insights on remote seduction and how it could become a Q module.


Well, I don’t want to get off topic once more but a simple technique would be to look through the eyes of the one you’d like to seduce or attract. Look through his or her eyes and as much detail possible, feel his or her happiness when he or she texts you and then tune up the feelings of gratitude and let it go. Once you’re able to let it go out of your mind, you’ll receive a text from that person. By the way success in this technique is determined by many things; your ability to visualize, your connection with that person, your ability to make drama and take control over your emotions, whether or not you have an emotional bond to the person which usually makes it harder. There is always a way to make it work though. You can more easily slip in someone else’s mind when he or she is sleeping, it is when you’re sleeping that you should be most protected from psychic attack as the gates to your unconscious mind are wide and open.


As far as I know, to establish that kind of empathic connection requires you come from a place of unconditional love. As mushy as it sounds, you need to be able to feel love for that person to be able to link to their vibration and place yourself there.

It’s what shamans do when they presumably shape-shift into an animal. In fact, they temprarily take on the properties of the animal by linking. It’s also why long-time couples sometimes are so connected they seem to know each other’s thoughts.

A great technique to practice on pets by the way. I knew someone that used it on cats to make them all friendly.


There are ways to bind someone to you, whether or not the higher self approves. This is what usually is referred to as Black Magick and it always backlashes, so yeah, you can bind someone to you and remotely make her obsessed. But eventually the relationship will unfold in a mess because the wheel of Karma is always working on balancing the laws of nature and there needs to be a balance in everything.

There’s always a catch with Black Magick, so instead of trying to remotely seduce a specific person try to ask for a person that fits your needs.


Agree with Hermit the eyes say everything. Perhaps we can start a separate thread on this topic.

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Better to follow @DarkPhilosopher’s advice and aim for the technique that uses unconditional love, success is not guaranteed with a specific person though as they have there own Will in life. Using this same technique to visualize and bring forth an unknown person will most likely bring successful results.

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I love to discuss this stuff though, you can hover over my Thread Informative Thread For Discussing, Elaborating and Expanding on Topics Related to the Unconscious Mind.

Here I am open to discuss anything and everything related to the deep and unknown sciences of the unconscious. I’m also open to discuss anything related to self-development as well, so be welcomed. We’ll most likely be able to discuss some very interesting topics there.

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Lets discuss here

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If I choose to go through the push through method and force a breakthrough I won’t need to take rest days?

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You need to take rest days. I don’t understand why this is so hard to convey. You get better results when you do because the subconscious has time to actually integrate and act on the scripting.


You need rest days regardless, your subconscious needs time to process all the info you are feeding it.


Will there be any suggestions in the Q store for modules to pick for certain results? Like for creativity, or strength, or body enhancements etc.


@Floridianninja - am pretty sure it will have name and a short description. Am also pretty sure that it will be searchable with those keywords to find your modules.

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I think users have this analogy in their heads. If I hit the castle gates with enough force and impact eventually the castle doors will cave in. Likewise enough loops and eventually the subconscious will surrender to the subliminal messages. As you have said so many times this is not always the case and in such circumstances rest periods are absolutely essential.


Just overcame the largest issue prevent us from finish the Q Store. It’s coming soon, ya’ll. :wink: