Main Discussion Thread - Q

It’s like blackadder states. We can feel time passing and experience the loss of it. We look back and wonder if we could have been much better already if we had only had the tools sooner. We look forward resolved to change that and use only the best tools from now on. I experience it all the time.

We ask people how to change and they tell you: “Just do it.”

And that is true. If you are willing to let go of everything that holds you back, you can achieve (and become) everything you’ve ever dreamed of in record time.

The problem is that the beliefs we hold support us. We can not imagine quitting our jobs, moving out of our home and follow our passion with nothing but the clothes on our back, safe in the knowledge that we’ll be provided with everything we need. Once you are on that path, it all seems obvious. Just do it.

Instead, we constantly use strategy, using our beliefs as a fortress of solitude, a foundation, from which to strike out, testing the waters. Maybe try a side-business first instead of quitting. Maybe try approaching women I’m not attracted to first so I can gain experience before talking to the ones I want to be with. Maybe stick to my house and my mortgage since at least I can fall back on it. Always tethering ourselves back to the safety of those beliefs.

So when somebody offers us the magic beans that can evict us from that fortress, obviously we want it. Subliminals can do a lot and maybe T² can indeed cut that rope/anchor that’s holding us back and allow us to follow our passion without looking back. Without any adverse side-effects.

But that’s not to say Q can’t do the same, if we give it a chance. And maybe a few more loops. We love more loops, right?

Anyway, enough about that, I listened to Q subs while I slept for the first time and I notice my patience is a bit less compared to what it usually is. As you’ve noticed.

I’m taking a self-prescribed forum break.


I’ve noticed my patience is a bit lower too right now. Bandwidth is currently occupied. Not as much room for noise.

I’m never sure how seriously to take all of the requests for More and for Next. Sometimes I think they are intended humorously or ironically. But I guess I’m often wrong there.

Anyway, it’s not my company. And I guess if it were my company, the high demand would basically be a pretty good sign.

I like what’s on offer. And it’s pretty incredible that even more is just on the horizon.

I’m sure everyone’s nuclei accumbens are busy squirting out dopamine at the idea of it. More! Next! Now! Almost!


It’s going to be exciting to see the Q Store. And you can bet that the Store itself is going to evolve and upgrade even more over the next year or two. How can it not? When the founders are continually evolving themselves, their ideas, and their tools.

So, guys, it’s not going to end. This time next year or earlier, there is going to be something amazing coming. (Spoiler Alert). You’ll probably want it just as much as you want this. And rightly so.

But also, hold that irony close.

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When I stack emperor Q with stark terminus my dreams become very aggressive. For example i had a dream of my father beating me and me screaming.Yet when I remove emperor q I get dreams of me going back in time and making friends with bullies at school. Is there a difference in the healing scripts ?

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@TheBoxingScientist - if it only happened once, I would recommend you try the EmpQ + StarkQ for one more day to see if you see any difference.

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@Lion good idea will try again it actually happened twice but will prolong the testing to see if there is a pattern.

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Emperor’s script is much less socially acceptable than StarkQ. By that, I mean the concepts introduced in Emperor, seeing that it focuses much more on pure dominance (don’t get me wrong, StarkQ has it too) is more inclined to trigger your internal fears. All the characters in a dream are manifestations of your own psyche — your father beating you probably represents the part of your mind that is afraid of accepting the new scripting.


has anyone tried aura q yet? I imagine it could have some prominent effects


For me the biggest potential advantage of Terminus/²/³ is needing fewer loops required to get an effective dose. Even at 1 loop per week of StarkT I noticed a distinct change in me, although the effect definitely waned by the end of the week, but I think 1 loop twice a week would work reasonably well, and 2 loops twice a week would likely be effective for most.

For this reason I really hope the Terminus/²/³ options will be available in the Q store, as I’m hoping to create a couple of my own “stacking” modules (highly focused, with only a few complimentary modules), and I think the T-power levels would go very well with those.

I’m also hoping the Q store gives the option of 30 minute subs specifically for creating T²/³ stacking modules.

If there’s a T³ test I think something like Sanguine would be a great candidate.


@SaintSovereign if you’re ever in the mood to pontificate about the possible effects of combining different programs, I would love to hear any thoughts.

I’m thinking that combinations and inter-combinations are going to be more and more the trend both with Q titles and with Q Store subliminal elements/modules.

I’m thinking about how the mind works with and harmonizes diverse elements.

Spontaneous synesthesia? :slight_smile:

Check out the Aura thread, there’s some talk about it, I linked to the start of that talk for your convenience:

Terminus/²/³? What’s that, squared squared? How much power do you want, jeez? :wink:

You may be correct. If Saint determines that it works as intended and we can bring to people’s awareness that they shouldn’t play 16 loops per day or we’d be swamped with emotional support requests, it may very well become available.

But for now it is still considered experimental.

Saint indicated he was considering power-levels in the store. Doesn’t mean they are available right away, and given the fact they use more processing power they will likely cost a bit extra. But for your goals they may be fitting.

I’ll give you a quote here:

So if you have the choice of a 30 minute stacking module or a 60 minute stacking module that “shines”, and the price difference is not that high, which would you choose?

I’m not Saint, but it used to be that we needed scripting to allow the subliminal to “flow” between modules. Which is why the Q store surprised me a bit. How can a person with no experience in subliminal scripting be able to select whichever modules he wants and have it work effectively?

I suppose if you take the scripting that allows stacking by modules “hooking in” to each other, and apply that on a smaller (or larger, depending how you look at it) scale to the Q modules, they will all be able to connect to one another.

Of course there is still the issue of how effective a Q store subliminal is going to be if a person combines modules with topics that are completely different. I would think the subliminal would be far more effective if you selected a topic (health, sex, money, fitness etc) and combined only modules from within that topic. Thus creating what bujin wants: a highly focused subliminal.

That’s also why I think there will be major programs still, at least for a while. Saint and Fire know which modules work really well together and they can combine them to make the experience “smooth”.

That’s a lot of “quotation marks”. :slight_smile:


Saint said there were 2 power levels above Terminus coded into the Q store, so that’s just shorthand for the 3 options i.e. T or T² or T³.

My interpretation was the difference was just the amount of repetition within the sub (I think the script is the same?), so presumably you could get the same effect running a 30m sub twice? If that was the case I’d get the 30m one.

And it’s another potential reason the T+ levels could be useful for stacking modules, e.g. if T at 30m is the same as Q at 1 hour.

Too many questions and few answers as yet. But I’m putting the possibility out there.

For my convenience I had defined the power levels as:

  1. Q
  2. Terminus
  3. Terminator (T²)
  4. Terminal


I suppose you have a point. Still maybe it’s like meditation, if you go a bit longer the effect becomes more profound. 4 times 15 minutes meditation is not equal to 1 time 60 minutes. So just because the sub has MOAR POWER, doesn’t make it more effective when you only run it very briefly.

I certainly wouldn’t do it for dense subs, but I’m talking about narrowly focused stacking subs here with few modules. 30 minutes is still the norm for the existing stackers, Aura is the only exception. Although I guess each existing stacker is 1 module, so I don’t know for sure if it’s feasible.

Please try aura q and report back my friend :slightly_smiling_face:

Makes sense in that case I am going to stack emperor Q and terminus together and need to dissolve these innner fears.

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I have decided to run StarkQ by itself for a while.


I am wondering does anyone feel that terminus when stacked with other subs increases their effect ?. So for example running terminus with emperor will result in much more harsher dreams and amplifed dominance ?

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I have found that running StarkQ by itself has definitely made me way less tolerant of being disrespected , wasting time, or not focused on creating a better future for myself and my family. I’m still awaiting the delivery of the nootropic stack I ordered. It will be incredibly interesting and fun to see what changes happen here in the near future. I realize I may have said that about other audios but StarkQ is so very different from the ones previously mentioned. Before I had zero confidence or clue as to how I was going to accomplish anything or what I wanted to do. Now I am seeing a very probable path


Different power-levels for the subliminals as a whole or also for modules within the subliminal?

The latter would definitely help to personalize & accentuate which module is important and which more of an afterthought.

I love all five of the Stacking Modules, been using them whenever they’re appropriate. Been playing around with Aura Q lately and I must admit I was blown away by it’s effectiveness. Stark Q and Stark Q Terminus has been my daily subliminal ever since it was released, in combination with all 5 available Stacking Modules it has been the most evolving experience so far.

Aura Q greatly expanded whatever was already present from running Stark Q into my bodily Aura, polishing it all up and enhancing it’s potency. Definitely been a worthwhile experience, I’ll be using it when persuiting social activities whether personal or business wise. I think Aura is very powerful for shaping a prominent first impression when meeting new people in general.