Main Discussion Thread - Q

@Joe Indeed based on my experience dont use starkq if you planned to be stuck between four walls for the next month or so.

I was hopeing that i could use it to improve my coding ability however limitless and emperor Q work better.

The desire to go out and connect with people is increased but if your stuck in the lock down it just fucks with your head. I was angry and depressed for days. So i abandined it.


im doin pretty well on stark as long as i stick with a daily routine, I think Idleness doesn’t sit well with it.


I wonder what KhanQ st4 and EoGQ st4 ran together would be like if the person did it for a few months

Reconciliation is clever. Finds all kinds of ways to get a person to stop running a sub, and you fed the beast. Dig through it, it’ll always pass.


Ive been running StarkQ for a month in isolation and its been amazing, great results. Theres many ways to take action and for me its been an oportunity to take care and expand an on-line work comunity, take care of my body, my health.
I transformed the way I do business completely and I feel totally in sync with my purpose.


Just received an interesting report…

As mentioned before, we maintain a group of private / offline testers who usually receives the more experimental / “dangerous” titles. This done for two reason – one, we know these people and are close friends and two, they sign very powerful and binding NDA’s and other releases.

We decided to let them test the “maximum” setting for Q using StarkQ. One of the testers just told me that in the first night, not only did he have vivid, lucid dreams ALL night long, something strange happened in the morning. He claims to have “woken up” to his girlfriend asking him a question, before falling back asleep. Then, he’d wake up again to her asking the exact same question, but with small details changed. He said this happened 4-5 times until he finally woke up “for real”.

My gut inclination says this is related to StarkQ’s heightened manifestation scripting + the power of Q…


Did he reply to his girlfriend when she asked him the question?

Just love starkQ, During the first four days it was as if I was in NZT, my dreams have been so clear and interesting.

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Yes. And the situation was quite unique, something that didn’t feel dream like. His girlfriend has a Monroe piercing and apparently, it fell out while she was sleeping. She woke up him in order to ask if he had rolled over on it.

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Oh, and by the way… the “maximum” setting is complete arbitrary. We could make it even stronger. I’m sure at some point, it would just stop working.


Will like a little gearing up of the new starKQ…:slight_smile:

So I jumped to Khan ST4 from ST1 couple weeks ago partly because of the corona situation, me talking to potential clients and being somewhat evaluated on performance, and having to study for a really big exam for my job. It was fine for a few days but I was noticing a crazy libido and just sheer frustration because I wasn’t out meeting girls and I felt like my social skills were deteriorating because of the lockdown. Maybe deteriorating isn’t the right word because I know these subs are programming me and helping me still subconsciously.

Anyways, in ST3 (and therefore ST4) the sales page says that if we don’t take action with women we’ll be reminded relentlessly day in and day out. Well, I felt like this was fucking with me for the past week+ pretty bad so I just swapped ST4 for ST2 today. I know it’s reconciliation, but this decision is also based off the sales page description. Probably won’t run St3 or St4 until I’m able to freely meet people in society (lol) unless there’s some sort of workaround for that frustration.


Tried online dating? Could work wonders.


@anon52452268 luckily I’m at a place where beautiful women are plenty, been on Khan ST4 (with something extra) and been getting the nervous/shy reactions. But coughing is another reaction I don’t understand. Anyone have a clue?

Swapping out/shiny toy syndrome is changing my stack daily. Reconciliation is a motherfucker.


People generally cough when they’re trying to cover up something internally. Also, they could be trying to get your attention.


I was using Tinder the past couple weeks but just got rid of it for a couple reasons. It makes it too easy for me to ‘abuse’ it for the dopamine rush (swiping all day to feel good about myself) which in turn makes me feel like I’m obsessing about girls and pedestalizing them. Which is ironic because I’m running a sub like Khan. But I don’t think Khan is about pedestalizing girls at all. Maybe I don’t like all my swiping because it reminds me of behavior in the past where I was a nice guy who’s sole mission was pussy which is absolutely lame. I’ve gone through this cycle of Tinder for the past like 4 years. The amount of time I spend on it doesn’t justify the results. Everytime I stop using it, my general baseline confidence improves a lot. This is just me though and definitely related to my upbringing. Maybe I needed a stronger foundation of TB or should’ve used Regeneration months ago.

That being said I did get some numbers of girls who were really interesting and we clicked, but none want to meet until things get back to normal. Which made me more frustrated lol


I thought reconciliation isn’t suppose to happen with these subs, or at least it’ll happen to a very small degree? (not to the point where it’ll get us to stop running a sub)


Agreed, man I’ve been tweaking my stack more than I’d like to admit. But my priorities have dramatically changed since corona. Like I had a full on existential crisis haha. Which is probably a good thing in the long run. Added Alchemist ST1 at night as I feel like I need that the most. Also PCC finally. I just don’t want to overkill my stack and make it inefficient.

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We never said that. If anything, you’ll start feeling reconciliation on Q-powered subs sooner because the sub is that much more powerful. Reconciliation is a natural process – it even occurs from someone telling you to do something that you feel is immoral, or you just don’t want to do. You can’t avoid it. You can minimize it by taking action in line with what the sub is trying to do, hence why you’re seeing an influx of people switching. The hyper-powerful Q subs are urging you to go out and meet women and excel in your career / personal life, but right now, the world’s holding its breath until coronavirus is eliminated. This causes strong reconciliation.


Silly me was confusing reconciliation with resistance.

How would one tell which is which for someone that feels like not running their stack altogether?