Main Discussion Thread - Q

Would be my first one but perhaps it´s the right time to start one :thinking:

You should document your experience as a custom sub guinea pig :smiling_imp:

Remember to follow the whole procedure. After ordering the modules, you need to go to step 2 - building.

Without doing so, you are simply licensing the modules.

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I did and I have 2 orders in my account.

One for the modules and one for the build :+1:

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You coulda done them all in one go (unless you wanted to split it that way).

Perhaps to help you guys with choosing your modules.

After I had around 70 modules in my cart xD
I wrote down 20 numbers (or later 21 :sweat_smile:) on a paper and began with 3 cores and my absolute must have modules.

Then I had around 10 spots left and thought what categories are still to be covered by my sub.
Then I thought how many modules I want for each category e.g. 4 for auras, 3 for results enhancement, 3 physical change etc…

And in the last step I compared all modules I had left for each category and sorted module for module out till there where only that number of modules for that category left i determinated before.

Pls excuse my bad english :sweat_smile:


Everyone: Please be sure to click “BUILD TITLE” on the sidebar, fill out the form and click “Add to Cart” at the bottom. Otherwise, you are just licensing modules, not actually building the title. We are adding additional notices to help with this.


can i upgrade my custom sub manually?

You mean like go from normal to T to T 2?

You can rebuild the same custom with a different build level and only pay the 99 + whatever the other level cost is.

I had a custom sub before q and i am interested to upgrade it to q or better

I’m excited. Just created a sub and ordered.

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Ive just ordered my first name embedded custom made subliminal!!
Cant wait to have it, well actually I can, it saves me some money :joy::joy::joy:

So if you’d be willing to reveal, what was your goal, the modules you picked and your criteria for picking them?


My 3 favorites subs ever are Alchemist, Sex Mastery and Stark. Basically cause my goals are spiritual development, manifestation of my life purpose and great sex. I see money as something that easily comes by doing what Im good at.
So there you have my 3 Core Modules:

-Alchemist (Spiritual Development)
-Sex Mastery (Amazing Sex)
-Stark (MMM, Masculinity, Magnetism, Money)

The other modules I divided them in 3 categories
Healing ( dissolve trauma and limitations)
Aura (strong projection of my energy field)
Manifestation of results (quicker results)

In healing I have the most modules so I can have the best base possible.


-Ares (guilt, shame and fear)
-Attachment Destroyer (toxic people and situations)
-Blue skies (self love)
-New beginnings (deep fears and unconscious beliefs)
-Negative energy transmutation ( I do a lot of energy healing and Ive been attacked with dark arts, extra protection)
-Gratitude (one of the strongest most healing energies to have)


-Energetic development (stronger energetic field)
-Direct influencing ( energetically influencing people)
-Earthshaker (sexual aura)
-Iron frame (frame control)
-Aura of Craving (generate desire towards me)


-Yggdrasil (quicker manifestation and choices)
-Intuition Enhancer ( well thats self explanatory)
-Current Invoker (conscious directed manifestation)
-Divine will ( True Will, quicker manifestation)


A very big thank you to Saint and fire…thank you for all the hard work you put in so that we can better our lives…
You guys are awesome!


OK. Just finished with my wish-list. 91 modules :sweat_smile: That’s easy :smile: Even though some modules e.g. Iron Throne were not added yet.

Maybe general guidelines of how some of the experienced of you narrowed down would be helpful. Something like what @Maltaner suggested here: Main Discussion Thread - Q.

Also, even though @Fire mentioned that overlaps are not something to worry about and did made a point, someone could save a space or two if there were details of what each core includes. For example someone would go with 2 cores that have one module that the user might by include as separate module as well. Which means this will definitely save a spot for a precious module addition.

Has anyone counted up to 212 modules?

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I think they only added 152 for now

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So complicated to chose !! But after selecting, I arrived at 18 modules from 25 in the cart :smiley:

To give an idea for my choices : my objective is to be calm and confident under any situations especially under pressure. So my key subliminal is Sanguine,

Around Sanguine I take

  1. Inner voice (positive thinking)
  2. Ego Adsum (present moment)
  3. Lion IV (calm, nonchalant, focused, dedicated)
  4. Stress displacement
  5. Negativity displacer
  6. Dominion (confidence and power)
  7. Power unleashed
  8. Invincible presence
  9. Total nonchalance
  10. Natural winner

Then I combine with
11) Productivity unleashed (focus/concentration and procrastination)
12) Carpe Diem Ascended (motivation and ambition)

Then I add some boosters
13) Mosaic (which will amplify the stackings of other subliminals)
14) Naturalizer (makes changes very natural)
15) Omnidimensional (work on different angles)
16) Overdrive (increase success of subliminals)
17) Deus (push the limits of subliminals)

As you can see it is a focused subliminal lets see what will happen !!

Thanks @SaintSovereign and @Fire for your work !


I can’t log in the q store it says wrong password …

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