Main Discussion Thread - Mogul v2

@SaintSovereign What’s the difference between Mogul v2 and Ascended Mogul v2.0 ?

Is it better than Mogul v2 ?

I have been listening to below mentioned playlist since Dec 29th…

Mogul v2
Mogul v2
Primal XXX
Sex & Seduction

Can I replace Mogul v2 with Ascended Mogul v2.0 ? So it becomes…

Ascended Mogul v2.0
Ascended Mogul v2.0
Primal XXX
Sex & Seduction

What will be the effects ?

Also, can I add in stacking modules like Godlike Masculinity and Beyond Limitless in this ?

Please let me know…

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Ascended Mogul is Ascension and Mogul combined… It really depends what your goal is which should define what you choose to run.

What exactly are you looking to accomplish?


As someone has already stated I believe its important to get a good understanding of what you want to achieve and then stack the modules appropriately.


Goals of all the subliminals are iintriguing, feels like to have them all…

However, main goals are business, women, sex, alpha male!!

Or become a superhero like Aquaman!!!

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As others have said, the best thing to do is decide what your end goals are AND which issues you’d like to overcome, then base the stack off of that. It’s hard to recommend or build a stack without that information. For example, running both Emperor AND Ascended Mogul could cause problems a particular type of person. Do you want to transcend society and become more of the “outsider entrepreneur alpha,” or do you want to excel at your career instead? If you were going for the the “outsider entrepreneur alpha,” you’d probably wanna replace Ascended Mogul with Mogul v2. The rest of the stack looks good.

As for Godlike Masculinity, it’d be hard to fit this in, since you’re already at around 7 hours, but if you slept 8 hours consistently, you could do 2x Godlike Masculinity. Keep in mind, GLM is already in Emperor, Mogul, Primal AND S&S. You may not even need it.


The upgraded version is out. If you still want a refund, e-mail [email protected], which is the proper channel for these requests.

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It’s available now.

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Feels like now am getting hold of this…

What do you mean by “outsider entrepreneur alpha” ?

I wanna quit my current job, and start something of my own which allows me to be financially free. In past I have tried couple of things but due to some or the other reasons nothing has been a success. I still keep trying new things, to become financially free. I don’t wanna work under someone, increasing someone else business/name and fame.

Then another important part is women and sex. I have been picking up girls since quite few years, with least number of lays, with new ones. These days, it’s come to halt cause of long work hours in current company.
Being a Alpha male is important for this. Women don’t like beta or non masculine male. Being a leader of other males, protector of loved ones, being high value. Being high value again comes when you have something of your own, like a successful 7 figure business.

Also, health is the major aspect of achieving anything in life. As the old saying goes, “Health i wealth”. We can achieve anything when we are healthy. It’s no use of achieving the results, when you are not healthy enough to enjoy the fruits of the tree.

I hope this is enough…

As far as sleep goes, I normally have 5-6 hours of sleep.
But, these subliminals are always on, when am in office, they are playing all the time on my cell phone.


This is Emperor all the way. Sometimes, in order to get to the level you want, you have to detach from society and just do your thing. That’s going to cause a different life experience than staying within the system. Emperor may cause you to detach. Ascended Mogul works more from within the system.


Whatever I do is detached from society the society anyways…for example the whole pick up thing…!

Please read my entire post and suggest, am eagerly waiting…

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I already did, here: Main Discussion Thread - Mogul v2

Change AscMogul to Mogul v2. I can’t tell you whether to add Godlike Masculinity or not, but I recommend against it, since you’re already getting hit by it multiple times. And I wouldn’t replace Aura with GLM, since the aura will be more useful with the current stack you’re running.

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Apologies for being so picky and disturbing you again…but, I feel taking your help is more than important…

Currently it’s Mogul 2.0 not Ascended Mogul v2.0
I asked if I can replace Mogul 2.0 with Ascended Mogul v2.0

Current Playlist which started on 29th Dec :

Mogul v2
Mogul v2
Primal XXX
Sex & Seduction

Or I only listen to Emperor, as I just read “EMPEROR ALSO Contains the ENTIRE scripts of Ascension, Mogul and Sex Mastery X”

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I don’t want a refund anymore. I’m actually listening to Ascended mogul v2 now :grinning:


Mogul and Ascended Mogul are completely different beasts.

Mogul is specifically focused on wealth, while Ascended Mogul is Mogul combined with Ascension, which is focused on status and alpha behavior.

We combine them in a very specific way that is synergistic in its effects, that you can’t exactly replicate with listening to both separately. Moreover, it has a few additions not found in either of the programs.

The decision of you replacing Mogul with Asc Mogul depends on what your goals are. Seeing that you have Primal, as well as Emperor in the stack, I would say you’re good to go.

Don’t be afraid to experiment though.

The Emperor is a different program as well. While it contains the scripts of other subliminals, it doesn’t mean you will be able to listen to only it and gain the effects of all. It is designed to prepare you to build empires, and to support you in this.

Also, it has some quite powerful additions that push you to evolve as fast as possible, as well as cut off all toxic influences. It is a very intense subliminal, and you really need to be ready for it.


Hey Fire quick question … Does it matter where i put rebirth and aura on my stack? Like will it effect all the subs i have going or just the one its behind? If that makes sense at all lol

This is what i am currently running 24/7 when i can listen to it

Emperor ex
Mogul v2
Godlike Masculinity
Primal XXX
Aura X
Limitless X

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The order itself will have a very slight effect in the short term, but overall the composition is king.

So look after that specifically, and then if you desire to experiment further and see how the effects are, then try out different orders.

Ultimately, the complete stack is more important, as well as taking action, than the specific order.


Thank you for getting back to me so fast.

I will take what you said into consideration.

Will the stack that I have going now reap good results depending upon what my goals are?

Looks like this stack would help with becoming the “Entrepreneur Alpha” type. Think Richard Branson, Elon Musk. You still have to put in the work, though.


Awesome i like the sound of that