Main Discussion Thread - Inner Circle

…4 days later…

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It was released to the inner circle. If you don’t have it, you’re not the inner circle and you need this program. Chicken, egg. :wink:

Since Fire was pitching in for Saint, he’s probably running somewhat behind. Give 'm some more time.


It probably will be released in the next week or 2. Be a little patient when considering the release date of the products. Releasing a few products around the same time is probably very time consuming and things can get held up. So just be patient with them


This product is exactly what I was looking for right now, looks like producers here can read minds.
Anyways, you can understand my excitement, can’t you?


You seem excited @Warson!

There could be many reasons, so: How do you see your life better when you start using Inner Circle? Anything specific on your mind getting you excited and wanting it ASAP?


Will I get free admission to the Illuminati (if they exist), Freemasons and the Bilderberg conferences with this subliminal? Can Inner Circle turn me into a trusted friend of the Rothschild and Rockefeller families?


I think you just triggered every spy system across the world in two sentences. :slight_smile:

Inner Circle is about drawing the people into your life that can help you become who you want to be. If your goal is to rule the world and have more money than you can fit in a small country, you may get your wish. If you have more modest goals, you’ll meet a different kind of people.


Seems it will stack nicely with all major programs.
Is it expected anytime soon ?


Gotta ask; is there an estimated release date for this per chance?

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Or a reason why it is delayed? :slight_smile:

I hope @Fire had an unexpected creative breakthrough or is working hard to fulfil King’s dream


Fire is contantly working day and night to bring us the latest in cutting edge technology.


Will Inner Circle let me be the dominant one in the group? Or do I still have to keep grovelling towards my more superior Inner Circle members who can kick me out of the club anytime they like?

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Interesting to think if that product alone will make you dominant over presently more dominant people. I would imagine that this product will help you find the inner circle that will challenge you to grow, which sounds like the inner circle that you’re now in.

Think of how to add value to the group so they won’t toss you out. When you become the most valuable member, it’s time to find another inner circle so you can continue to grow.


You may or may not join someone else’s inner circle.
You will create one of your own. :+1:


First, we actually need to become part of the inner circle, it would seem.


First, we actually need to get our hands on this sub. :wink:

@DarkPhilosopher do you know anything new when it will be released, or why it is delayed?

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Is that Social King?

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There isnt anything why it is delayed. I searched the this morning but some people asked without getting a response

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That’s what I meant as well. I’ve thrown some hints around in hopes of hearing when Circle will arrive, but it seems the SubClub inner circle has layers, and I’m about halfway through. Which means that unfortunately I know little more than you do at this time.

So until Saint figures out how to fit 36 hours of work in 24 or Fire pulls himself away from scripting long enough to break his silence, let’s all enjoy the subs we have so far. If nothing else, they’ll help Inner Circle work better, right?


It’s coming soon.