Main Discussion Thread - Daredevil

Most threads are filled with so much pointless banter and filler that it is a waste of time to dredge through them and usually not find the answer to one’s question.

I don’t expect anything in response to my questions; however, if someone wants to answer, fine, thanks. If they don’t, that is fine, too. A person can certainly make that choice.

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That’s all I found, I’ve been running Daredevil for a couple of weeks, but mixed with Emperor so what I feel in terms of dominance might not be attributed to Daredevil.

Makes me feel more easy going and looking forward to engage with other people, but not in a sexual way, so I’d say that Sex & Seduction is not part of it.



I’ve got at least part of it within Stark in a custom I am running, and I feel more easygoing and social than under the influence of Emperor, but I think social distancing and mask wearing is buffering or inhibiting my action taking socially; also I definitely am introverted and relatively non-social as a fundamental stance. Working to break that pattern, but its not like flipping a switch.

I keep wondering how Stark might be if it were more at the forefront rather than being buried within another title.

I’ve run Stark as well and the feeling is pretty similar to Daredevil or True Social. Definitely makes you want to engage with others, so I guess making it more prominent in your stack would definitely support your goals better.

Besides the commonalities with Daredevil, I’d say that Stark pushes you to have fun in every situation, even at work, not just when you are socializing/partying. You feel like doing as you please, not so worried about deadlines, responsibilities, etc.

This is something I don’t notice as much with Daredevil and why I feel it mixes better with Emperor than Stark (given you want to benefit from the discipline that Emperor provides).


I have Stark in a custom with Primal Seduction and Ultimate Artist. I have been running it about a week short of three months.

I am figuring, being embedded in Stark and within the custom, that Daredevil may be slow to show itself, let alone fully.

I’d think so. Probably better to add True Social Ultima and use it on occasion or even regularly to double down on the social aspect you want to accentuate.

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It’s around the same size as Ascension, I think. I’d have to look it up, but I think that’s the length.

Yes, it has elements of it. Probably about 35% of S&S.

Yes, of course. Elements of Ascension and Emperor.


I understand. But you were asking pretty much the same questions the third time in this very thread, and you had already been answered twice before. The first time was in the first 6 posts. :smile:


How does Power Can Corrupt and Mind’s Eye compare in relation to Ascension and Daredevil, density wise?

That’s just cheating, using the occasion of Saint answering to throw in a few more programs. :wink:


Or manifestation, you tell me – numbers never lie :wink:

Your average discussion board is a pile of information. It is very difficult to sort through to find things that are of value. You may find things that could be treasure for someone else but not for you.

If you have a lot of time you may find some treasure you can use.

I figure if I ask a question that may be pertinent for myself, it may also help someone else before becoming just more of the pile again.

Pile is the rule when it comes to discussion boards, though. By their nature they are not particularly useful repositories of information. It isn’t that they do not contain gems, but good luck finding them within the sheer volume of posts, with all the associated bull, chatter, misdirection and factually incorrect or questionable advice.


My first question in this thread was 18 months ago. I had not recalled even having asked it.

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You have both made valid points. I strongly believe in searching, but I would likely have also repeated the question if for no other reason than to support the users that only ever look at the end of a thread. You know who you are… :wink:

Let’s not add to said pile of information any more than necessary so that the questions (and answers) remain the most prominent part of the thread. You’d make DarkPhilosopher happy.

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I do searches, but usually end up asking at the end of a thread. I suppose my “Search-Fu” could be better but in actuality I am sure it is pretty decent.

It is rare for me to trudge through the unkempt wild undergrowth of a long thread. There are too few pay-offs.

Can DareDevil be listened by women safely?

This is such a short thread. And there are like 5-7 total questions - on repeat. :smile:



It’s not listed as Unisex on the store.

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@Simon Stack guru - Saving Mechael Archie from embarrassment since 2019

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That is a baller name right there!