Main Discussion Thread - Daredevil

Is somebody still running Daredevil even though we are in the midst of a pandemic? :slight_smile:

Could somebody pls give me a little review about this sub? I searched for some one the forum and two literally just wrote an introduction post and then vanished forever :sweat_smile:

Hi @SaintSovereign @Fire

  1. how different is this one then the true social libertine vs daredevil?
  2. Is this an ultimate version which means if i listen to it one hour before going to the party i will see success with just one loop?
  4. Random question, can i listen to this subliminal and will recieve the maximum results even if i use a normal quality Earphones/headphones but not steriods?
    How about w/out earphone/headphone loud speaker sound.

Open for all comments, thank you

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  1. True social is an ultima, meaning you get results a few hours after a single loop, but the results fade over time. It also means true social is a lot more narrowfocussed and daredevil will be broader.
  2. Its not, thats true social youre thinking off.
  3. Thats a big stack, its definitely possible but due to how big the stack is it can take quite a bit off time before results really show up.
  4. Headphone quality only really matters for ultimas, for normal Qv2 subs even mobile speakers would suffice. (I personally feel like headphones still work better, but there may be some placebo there)

My journal stacking daredevil+PSIT
Day 1 listening
I purchased at night and played with my Lenovo lp1 wireless headphone for 1 hour before entering the club:
And the effects shown immediately not an hour past,
I felt really comfortable in my skin and my surrounding, be around that place, I was enjoying myself feeling relaxed and tapping feet feeling the music.
My fear was reduced alot to dancing with new women, remember im still a beginner at dancing so you can expect my fear of failure infront of the crowd not dancing my steps etcā€¦
I was feeling social and went up and started the conversation with my fellow buddyā€™s that I met at socials,
When I was invited to dance with a fellow Turkish women I was ready but she wasnā€™t ready I was relaxed and confident.
You cannot not be Femous if you listen to this sub its the good sideeffects of it you must feel to meet people and show your coolness and be popular, thatā€™s what happend when I talked with fellow friends in the club
There was no doubt and I was doing what I wanted cool.
Conversation went smoothly and perfect
I gave the right replies at the right time wow cool.
Connected with people better.
My face expression was out there,Iā€™m in the moment paying attention listening etc.
However thou, when stacking daredevil+ PSIT, daredevil overweight the PS effects which means my sexual edge was low, and this what i read many of them running this stack experienced, i wish if @SaintSovereign could improve on this to give the same edge to PSIT when running both.
Maybe, i should be listening to daredevil 2x a week+ innercircle because i can still feel the effects after 2days while PSIT daily.
Open for suggestions thanks.


Hey, good for you man. Sounds like a good start.

Your journey has begun.

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Does Daredevil contain scripting for story telling?

I have never run Daredevil (besides the exposure I got from Khan) and canā€™t really determine if adding the module ā€œStory Tellerā€ to a Daredevil only custom is a great idea or rather not needed?

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Does DaredevilQ contain scripting of Inner Circle? @Fire

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Am running PS and for the past 2 days , I did NG .
As you know NG requires a much longer Seduction compared to DG .

After the usual opener / get to know stuff , I started telling Stories .
I was able to hold the attention of 2 girls at once ( umming , aahing ) to my story for 15 mins .

After that , I was wondering , where did that come from . I am an Introvert to the core , I donā€™t bother to talk if I donā€™t see a purpose . This experience was very diiferent to my personality .


Thatā€™s so awesome!

Do you feel that ā€œStory tellerā€ has any healing inside? For example, that if you struggle with talking for long (because you fear that you bore them or whatever) that it will clear that?


No , I donā€™t have any custom modules.

I am only running PS Q and PSIT U

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Oh okay, so the above was just Primal Seduction. Thatā€™s actually even crazier.


I dare all of you to be the dare devil ? dare you ? or dare you NOT

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Daredevil will make you way more witty and things flows better. But Story teller will definately enhance your ability to tell captivating stories. I believe thereā€™s any redundance if you add it. If it is something you want then I say just ad it.


Would daredevil pair well with sex and seduction? Iā€™m thinking of making a social/sexual custom that uses a type A type instead of what Iā€™ve been doing which is mostly the more dominant types like primal seduction and emperor.

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I would say yes. They would work in tandem with each since both are about outer game

I personally would not add it with Sex and Seduction because there is a module in there to invoke flirty conversations.

Add in daredevil and you may break the sexual attention between you and the girl.

So how do I make daredevil more sexual? Is there a core i can add that is not primal seduction or primal?

Sex and Seduction will do everything by itself. What you need to do is create the sexual tension by looking into her eyes and not saying alot.

When you are talking to her pause be silent. Gaze into her eyes imagine she is naked and you want to eat her for breakfast.

I would just add dragons tongue.


Does sex and seduction help with social skills as well? The main reason Iā€™m picking daredevil is to develop social skills l

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It is PERFECT for developing social skills. It induces such a pleasant state that social awkwardness disappears quickly, but thats my experience.