Main Discussion Thread - Ascended Mogul v2

Yes, very much so. Just run it and take action toward getting a promotion.



For experimental purposes, If I switch between AM and M back an forth,

Basically itā€™s switching between lighter and heavier over all script, keeping Mogul script constant tight?


Yes, thatā€™s exactly what would happen.


@SaintSovereign, does Ascended Mogul contain a form of Limitless ā€“ it seems users have experienced a strengthened attention span, greater focus, and memory alongside other attributes of Limitless. Or are those effects attributions of the elevated emotions, visions, and clarity of mind his experience as a result of absorbing a higher paradigm?


It has the stacking module version of limitless


Hermit, every time i read your post i hear the voice of vision as i read what you wrote.

Is there any inner circle like component in Ascended Mogul? @RVconsultant

I donā€™t know. However if you want to build more friends and alliances, I would encourage you to get Inner Circle.


Hey @Hermit. Am currently running Amā€¦let me say this my first time listening to a subliminal messageā€¦

You said you use masked version of Amā€¦
How many loops I mean on this qv2 upgrades?

What form of reconciliation do you experience?

Do you experience dreams or something of sort at sleep?.

Have you used ultrasonicsā€¦are they more effective for you ?

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Unfortunately Hermit is no longer on the forum. So let me try to answer your questions:

Start with one loop per day every alternate day

Very little recon on AM but if it is there, it is the same like depression, irritability, sadness etc

I personally prefer masked

Usually I get vivid dreams when I start a new subliminal and then i start not remembering the dreams I see as the days go by. Exceptions are there. Certain days, I suddenly remember a dream or two.


Actually that trueā€¦I experience dreams every during after napā€¦ mostly at night which I barely remember

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I also experience numbness at my left palmā€¦half of my left palm feels like blood is not flowing through itšŸ„ŗ


If this continues, I would encourage you to see a health care professional and submit a support ticket.


What?? Never heard this kind of symptoms :flushed: . Take care

This type of sensation also arises commonly in energy work and meditation contexts.

In acupuncture, itā€™s called De Qi (or, å¾—ę°£). Meaning that contact has been successfully established with an internal energy current.

In qigong, itā€™s called Qi Gan (or, ę°£ę„Ÿ), literally the ā€˜feelingā€™ or ā€˜sensationā€™ of qi/energy.

Qi is not defined very clearly because the people who developed the concept were not working in a modern scientific-materialist paradigm. So it ends up sounding like magic.

But think about it like this:

Imagine youā€™re at a very relaxed party and people are enjoying themselves and mostly having a natural and enjoyable time. Suddenly, the door slams open and a rain-soaked figure strides into the room. My god! It is Archibald! He was reported dead 2 years ago, and you all, his circle of friends, have only just begun recovering from the grief. He says, ā€œThey tried to kill me, my friends! But they failed!ā€

Okay. So, the ā€˜atmosphereā€™ of the room has completely changed, right? How do you feel that atmosphere change? Just apply those same kinds of feelings to your body and subjective experience, and youā€™re kind of on the track of Qi or Energy. Itā€™s not magic. Just a different sort of phenomenon, and a different perspective on describing felt experiences.

This guyā€™s written a decent article about it. Just googled it.

We sense everything (energy included) by means of the nervous system. The hands are densely and richly innervated, since they are so important in helping us to navigate and interact with the environment.

As a result, we experience more sensations in the hands. If youā€™re sensitive to such things, youā€™re likely to have an evolving sense of various changes in your body and mind as you keep working on these things.

When you feel the numbness in your hand, first 1) observe it and notice the shape and outline of the numbness. Later, you can 2) interact with it. Send beneficial feelings there. Imagine a good feeling centered in that location. Breathe into the area.

That kind of thing. Itā€™s a good way to practice working with your body.


I like @Malkuthā€™s perspective. There are a lot of internal changes in energy that can happen on subs, and those who are sensitive to it will notice it, itā€™s likely nothing of concern or even correlated.

That said I also second what @RVconsultant said and submit a support ticket if you believe there is a correlation and seek the appropriate medical treatment if it continues or is of concern.

Lastly-not medical advice and I am not a medical professional. But I noticed for myself tension in the back and neck can effect the hands.


This morning I noticed the numbness feeling is not more but I still feel it a bit.

Am a medical student I have Cross checked any relation to any sickness or some sort I noticed I took analgesics few days ago maybe it might be the cause or itā€™s related to @Malkuth perspective

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One litmus test will be to see if the numbness or similar sensations arise again in the future (particularly under similar conditions).

Throughout my meditation/energy work journey, I have experienced magnetism-like feelings or pressure feelings. Not so much numbness or apparent loss of sensation. There was a period in which I tried to practice standing meditation, and I did experience numbness, but that seemed to be more of a paresthesia type of thing, rather than a typical energy-work response.

Standing Meditation

Hmmm, that makes me thinkā€¦actually, people commonly misdiagnose paresthesias as being related to blood circulatory issues (since thatā€™s exactly what they feel like), whereas in reality theyā€™re more about neural response. So maybe you could consider (and eliminate) that as a possible explanation as well.

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Standing meditationā€¦I havenā€™t tried that before :thinking:

I left this morning for Jogging to allow blood circulate through me I noticed the feeling of numbness is reduced to minimumā€¦:grin:

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Can one quit a 9-5 job with this or does one need a rather Emperor?
I mean I am learning forex strategy rn and would like to be a full-time trader in the future.

Another thing is that AM has this in its desc.
" * Intuitively forecast market movements of all kinds: securities, commodities, forex, business niches, etc."

Plus AM is much less dense than Emperor and I think also more focused on the wealth part.