Main Disc. Thread - Zero Point Customs NOW LIVE

Wait until you learn that Ascension Chamber Core is going up too. :wink:


HERO goes beyond just fitness and may not even be its main use. If you want to go hard in the gym, get a custom.


I suppose ZPT2 of Ascension Chamber core run every single day is a bad idea? :wink:


@Lion @Davisnwc @Ingress @GoldenTiger

Boys you know the deal, Reality Breaker got it’s second core :muscle:t3::sunglasses:


Do you mean a title dedicated to guiding one in the creation of their custom? If so, holy Q-store Batman, that’s an idea.

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The thing is, I kept this on a down low, but I was gonna create a “superhero” custom, that revolves around the physique and status of a positive hero, you see where I’m going with this?

Chosen + EF st4 in a custom was what I was going for, but since EF st4 was a bit overwhelming and I have ramadan coming soon, I decided to wait till may-June to really see what HERO can do (assuming it would be released by that time), and if it can satisfy my “wants”.

On a side note, what do you think of this?

The “purpose” part is going to change, as I’ll just switch one of the results enhancers with AsC core :stuck_out_tongue:

I just saw that where you said it before. I’m at ‘I can’t even’ in hype right now. Woooo boy imma…imma somethin’.


@Malkuth, idk if you already saw that the Ascension Chamber core will be a thing but, whether or not you have, this hype can’t just be mine.


It’s been like two years we’ve heard about hero I’m so curious what it will be xD Ultimate sub for sure.

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Physical healing + Physical shifting?

Will HERO cover the use case I outlined for my ZP custom:

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Maybe it’s gonna make you the Hero of your reality

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Yes, but that’s why the core is a bit “nerfed.” :stuck_out_tongue:

Allows you to run it regularly in a custom without any issues and still getting the same effects.


One last Q. If I eventually make 3 separate customs to stack, I can have AC in all 3 without issues?



:star_struck: :partying_face: :partying_face:

Do not post so much, I have almost missed that announcement haha

Thank you SaintSovereign and Fire!

Do you want us to write the full order number or just the one that is written on the title name?

E.g. 2023100 or 23100

Or doesn’t it matter?

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Why did the price for Solace increase?

Not sure, if I recall it correctly but I think it was $30 not $50

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And this is why we have soft launches rather than sending out huge marketing blasts. Typo, give me a few minutes and I’ll fix it. If anyone has already paid $50 for a Solace upgrade on the “Discounted” link, we’ll refund that difference as we build.

Edit: Fixed.

Full number, preferably.


Theoretically, yes. But, I wouldn’t – just in case it proves to be too much. The Q store version is really for those who are running just ONE subliminal. No majors, nothing, just the custom. In your use case, it would be best if you run Ascension Chamber on the side.


Yes, but it’s quite awhile away. Remember, we just got to the technology level where the idea I have in my head can be fully realized. Before, it could be achieved, but it would take much much longer.


I’m leaning more toward doing a custom I’d call “Manifestation Supercharger”. ME, AC. And supporting modules. No auras. Just manifesting modules