Main Disc. Thread - Zero Point Custom Build Questions

From what I remember, someone asked about having the same results enhancers in 2 custom subs (I think tyrant, omnidimensional, or Jupiter), and if it would cause any overload.

But just like you, not only was I searching in both custom threads and with the search feature, but I also went to Saint’s profile and checked all of his recent posts, all the way back to January, but guess what?
I couldn’t find it.

The only explanations I have are:

1- it was a vision that I saw and couldn’t differentiate it from reality (happened before when I thought Saint sent me a link to something, but he never did),


2- it was a dream,


3- I shifted to a reality where that post was never made yet :rofl:

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I was the one who initially asked that question here:

Never received an answer from Saint to my recollection, but perhaps scroll down and see what you can find.

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So I wasn’t dreaming :thinking:

But I do remember a reply, but after scrolling all the way down (from your post), I couldn’t find anything from Saint :upside_down_face:

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I was replying to the person above me, I’ve already finalised my custom.

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I remember something like that also, I think it was a long while ago but don’t remember when. Pretty sure around the time customs first came out.


This may be it

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The weird thing is that I remember it being about modules (non core), and not the ascension chamber core.

Either way, I realized that it would probably be a good thing since they’re not major modules.

On a sidenote:

I would really appreciate everyone’s opinions here

Certain modules could. Cores, especially. Emotional healing, possibly / probably.


Hello friends
Honestly I could not get around to read all the posts in this topic
But I think it’s certain that some customs can contain more than 2 cores depending on the cores titles.
So I will give a list of 6 titles and lets see if @SaintSovereign would approve them to be in 2 customs or 3 customs
Khan st4

Hey everyone

Here is my last custom I am building… atleast for now … going to run this one with my other 2 till probably end of july-august maybe longer to see what happens

|1|Stark core|
|2|Renaissance Man Core|
|3|Current Invoker|
|4|Direct Influencing Aura|
|7|Gorgeous Manifestor|
|8|Immortal’s Blade|
|9|Index Gate|
|10|Lifeblood Fable|
|11|Lion IV|
|15|Sacred Words|
|17|The Lines|
|18|Transcedental Connection|
|19|Ultimate Writer|

I initially had Remembrance in there but i figure if i wanted my ex back i could do it with a bunch of other modules, plus life is about moving forward not backwards… so the only reason i should want my ex back is if she adds value to my vision and sees that I’ve changed from who i was before if not her loss lol.

I added immortals blade in there as i have had dealing with supernatual and spiritual entities in the past and could use a way to just get rid of them. This custom is all about influence, being social, being creative, and it could have some other cool side to it with stark + RM + the modules that i will eventually discover… Most if not all the modules enhance stark and RM as well as add some spice to the custom with things like entranced, temptation, gorgeous manifestor.


I know this sub looks way more like a kitchen sink then most customs probably do lol.


I’m going to tag you in a thread you might like :stuck_out_tongue:

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If you’re wondering about these 3 making your custom “kitchen sink”, then I think you might be forgetting that Stark has a playboy side too :wink:

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A little bit but i also said they add some spice to the mix lol. But you are right i totally forgot that it does have a playboy side so they kinda have their little space in there… I think the kitchen sink aspect i was referring to was adding index gate + ultimate writer lol. But now that i look at it more clearly every modules can kinda fit in somewhere as to add to the uniqueness of stark + RM … and if not they will just make emperor + pcc even better as well lol.

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If you’re into programming or if that’s part of your job, then I think they’d mesh nicely to make your codes work perfectly from the first render :stuck_out_tongue:

I know how frustrating it can be when you’re done coding and then find out that there’s an error because of a semicolon that you missed :rofl:

Also, if you develop apps, then your modules can also help with the marketing process as well, since you have Sacred words thrown in there too.

I’ll say something and this goes to everyone:

Your custom is only as useful as you make it to be, others might see it as “kitchen sink”, but if you know how to use the custom, then every module would serve its purpose.


I never got into coding but it is something i am interested in learning about and making things happen with.

Ya i think i saw a journal that has exactly what a kitchen sink would look like lol… this custom had 5-6 cores maybe more some of which were stage 4s lol

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If it’s who I think it is, then I think that’s his way of showing his alpha side :rofl:

Hey dude,

Saint said somewhere that he most definitely wouldn’t recommend 3 cores for most people and even @Invictus (who Saint said it could work for) has decided against three cores in his sub.

Maybe @Seeker can find the exact post, it was a few days ago or something.

So I’d definitely recommend making 3 customs with two cores each. Figure out your goals and figure out where things need to go such as modules and stuff.

Saint also suggested using a certain way to make your customs which I’d suggest (I need more understanding of it). The information for that is in @Invictus’ latest post about his future custom in the questions section.

Re-reading your posts in regards to your core selection, I don’t even think you’d need some of your cores. GLM for instance isn’t necessary if you’re using Khan, I don’t think Commander would be either.

Also, be careful using Stage 4s in your custom as they can be heavy AF in ZP. They already are in Qv2 (speaking from experience).



See the post above. He knows what he’s talking about.


The suggestion to avoid (?) ST4s in customs makes me sad—I thought Khan ST4 + Heartsong would be a good combo! @friday seems to be doing good with Khan ST4 + WANTED…