Main Disc. Thread - Zero Point Customs NOW LIVE

I know this sounds crazy, but have you thought of limiting yourself to 10 modules? One of the customs I’ll be making will be 1 core with 9 other modules, in ZP T^2, so as to narrow the scope of possible results. Since it’s a smaller amount of modules you can properly track the effects of each one and then if you decide to work on an aspect that absolutely requires you to have a larger custom you can know which modules to add.

As an example this is one I’m planning to make:

  1. Emperor Fitness ST4 Core
  2. Master’s Coordination
  3. Epigenetics & DNA Modulator
  4. Serum X
  5. Pragya
  6. Equilibrium
  7. Thunder
  8. BLINK
  9. Natural Winner
  10. Unlimiter

Yes I usually try to limit the number of modules ( first custom was 12 modules I think ?) the second one in the same energy but 16 (current one)

I’m thinking hard about that option but keep puting it asides because I’d like to go for a longshot of minimum 6 month with the next one

I know that if I limit the number of modules I’ll want to make it better after 3 month
Wich is fine in itself, I just want to experience a long shot shift for once, and for that I need to make sure it’s packed with growth possibilities and yet synergized

I don’t want to gain a quality like I use to do with subclub, I want to definitly leave the old me to dust once and for all
finishing the processus I initiated now almost 2 month ago

Reaching a true zero point and start from there


I got you, I’m definitely of the same mind, though I’m taking a slower route at the moment. Have you already posted which modules you’ve been thinking of including in your custom?

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Yes it’s somwhere in my journal !
I’d have to update it tho it keeps changing

@RVconsultant @DarkPhilosopher

Would you recommend making a custom with no manifestation/ result enhancer modules? I’m assuming that the ZP format should take care of that part? I’ll also be using ascension chamber alongside it so I’m assuming that also reduces the need to add them.

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I would encourage putting in Yggdrasil.

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Ok gotcha, though I’m curious why you recommend Yggdrasil or over similar sounding modules like Tyrant or Jupiter? I mention those as they are the manifestation modules that caught my eye in regard to my custom.

So far this is what I’m left with, though ideally I’d be left with 10 Modules which is why I’m trying to decide on which manifestation module to add.

  1. WANTED Core
  2. Gorgeous Manifestor
  3. Apollon
  4. Ethereal Presence
  5. Elegance
  6. Temptation
  7. Entranced
  8. Earthshaker – Sexuality
  9. Alexander’s Play
  10. Transcendental Connection
  11. Yggdrasil
  12. Tyrant
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I think @SaintSovereign has generally recommended including that. And he knows what’s in it.

It opens pathways to manifesting.


I do remember a post where Saint said that if you could have only one manifestation module, Yggdrasil is the one he’d pick.


Overall, very surprised with the results I’ve gained from the custom I ordered in just 5-days! Absolutely ridiculous.


Now you have to either tell us more here or create a journal and tell us more there if it’s not done already



If I create a journal here I want to come with some astounding results not just shifts in attitude, energies, behaviour, some manifestation which are totally outrageous for me to begin with.

But real, physical achievements and the proof of them.

So, I will.

A journal of achievements not a review.

In the end that is the purpose of subliminal, is it not? To achieve a fuller life, to grow, to evolve, to become a better person while achieving ones highest aspiration?

I’ve been figuring things out for years trying to make sense of the life, earth, our civilisation and it’s structures. Our biology, our capabilities, the godliness which is our destiny.

Feels like I’m starting the final exam before graduating (from my self-education) and to grow, evolve, and see what I can achieve by putting all that knowledge to good use. Before, I never really cared for the achievements, I was focused on one thing and one thing only… acquiring lots of powerful knowledge and understanding it.

Mind you this week was very harsh on me I had to integrate whole custom of 2 cores and a lot of modules out of complete inertia. I’m still foggy from it and I believe it will last another month till this whole thing will give me a smooth ride. But it must be done and it will be done.

A custom in my humble opinion is a yearly endeavour. A core in a decennia will reap it’s full harvest.

But you will see as I disappear (after the reconciliation fase) and come back with a review unseen before by the forum. I’m tackling everything purpose, wealth, living situation, love and romance, becoming a better and more inspiring person, spiritual life, all things under the sun.

So that’s that.

I will make that journal when the great feats allow it.

I experience and notice absolute mind-boggling things on a subliminal but never really used them to become better or to achieve anything some might see this as unwise but for me I saw it as an opportunity to experiment and learn from.

So I’m equally curious as you when it comes down to see where this path will lead instead of the paths I’ve trodden in the past. :hugs:

Thank you for being so interested :blush::star_struck::relaxed:


Has anyone have Extreme Excersice Motivation module in custom? And if so, how is it working for you?

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Yes but in Qv2 and it is very potent


Anyone with experience with the modules Sensuality & Handsomeness Improver and Sexiness Unbound?

So I did get my custom back and the module I accidentally doubled in my cart did get made that way. So I’m assuming it’s x2 in the custom. So I guess you can double down on modules if you’re really feeling saucy. The module I got double by my own error is Dragon’s Tongue, hopefully it’s just a blessing in disguise.

Just got a custom with it as a module, haven’t ran it yet but I’ll keep you posted. You can also check out my journal in like a month’s time and see the progress by then.

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They don’t do the same module twice in customs and even if they did it doesn’t increase the effectiveness.

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It’s not doubled. Q filters those errors out. No need to worry.

