Main Disc. Thread - Zero Point Custom Build Questions

Meant take out 1-2 Synergy.

Hard to say, but first that pop out would be either Beyond Seduction or Secrets of Seduction, and possibly Divine Dominion.

This would be a choice you’d have to make dependent on what is more important - but, if you remove APS modules and don’t stack, are prepared for a bit longer results, then you can keep them and it will work well. Sort of medium approach.

I’d say you’d do best to keep Omnidimensional. More pathways of manifestation for seduction that way.


Don’t stack a custom with the main store title you have as a Core in your custom.

For example, if you have Love Bomb Core in your custom, don’t stack your custom with Love Bomb.

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Honestly, looking at your custom and your goals…why not just run Wanted Black stacked with Love Bomb?

Then after a minimum of 3 cycles, put both cores into a custom and add whatever modules you think you’d want/need only after experiencing what the main titles give you. A lot of times we make customs with modules only to see that the main title addressed the thing you wanted in the first place.

Have you run any the cores before choosing to make a custom?



I had decided to take out Secrets of Seduction and Apollon Unbound, I am in the pheromone community, and pheromones already have these aspects somewhat covered, I have been approached by plenty of beautiful women using pheromone alone. They think I am “hot” and “sexy” even though I have a belly and not even close to masculine.

Also there are plenty of PUA advertisement going around on the internet, supposably from dudes who thinks they are dating “experts”, heck, I even seen a couple female dating “experts”. But most of these people have one thing in common, that is exploiting vulnerable lonely men and charge them thousands of dollars for dating advice that is supposed to be common sense, some of them are indeed useful so I might sigh up a couple if the price is cheap.

Or maybe I will just include one of the module from Secret of Seduction as a separate module if I can’t think of something to include, Most likely going to be Instant Seducer Tactician.


Well, I’m not going to stack them in the sense of listening to the custom then listen to a major title in one sitting. It is more like one day I listen to the custom, take a day off, then listen to a major title the next day and not the custom.

That isn’t the official stacking policy, my friend.

Saint has said it a couple of times. If you have X Core in your custom, then do not run the same X title in your stack (which is the maximum 3 titles you have chosen including your custom).

If you wanna run it, go ahead. But am giving the official listening instructions.

To add to that, it isn’t even necessary since the whole script of X Core is already in the custom. You add the X main store title in your stack and you add more reconciliation to your mind. Not a pleasant experience.


Love Bomb for Humanity Core
Love Bomb Core

Soul Connection
Destiny Directive
Synergy: Inescapable Gaze
Synergy: Beyond Connection
Synergy: Venus Unveiled
Synergy: Way of Mercy
Synergy: Wisdom of the Ages
Synergy: Tale of the Dragon
Synergy: Carpe Vitam
Synergy: Subconscious Mastery

I work in food service at a college, and fall semester is going to start soonish. I have been considering running a custom or setting my stack to do what I can to be a positive influence to my customer base. It’s great job security when all the kids love you(and your :pizza:)!

I had seen SaintSovereign mention these two as a potential “sage” stack over on the Love Bomb thread, which gave me a mental nudge as I was already wondering if these two would jive together.

Talking to students, giving advice, trying to be a point of positivity…I’ve been running HS as well and I’d like this to work with that, hence the inclusion of Soul Connection, Reignition and Synergy: Beyond Connection.

What do you guys think? Too many Synergy modules? Am I missing something important?

Thank you in advance for feedback.


Approachability Aura comes to mind
Or some aura module in general. Aura in general, Primordial Aura was used by Vesper in business settings and worked pretty well.

If you want more Job Security, perhaps NWE-Core and The Golden One.

Divine Self-Image would make you more at ease in all circumstances.

Polyglot can help you to speak the language of your customer group.

The Academic unsure about that, but since you’re in an academic setting, it might be interesting.

Chiron in addition to Destiny Directive

Virtue series: Kindness obvious

You are not alone if you want to make friends. It doesn’t have to be students, but colleagues, professors, etc.

If I would need to drop a few Synergies it would be Subconscious Mastery, Inescapable Gaze (Eagle Eye instead) and lastly Wisdom of the Ages.

But I have to say, after reading your objectives, all modules that came to my mind were already included.


Comments on this please

Spartan Core
Khan Black Stage 3
Synergy: energise

Goals: sexy aura, stay fit and healthy.

Will stack major such as SB/BL for career.

Why Spartan AND LotS?

For the glory of Sparta, why else?


I think it’s a very logical combination.
Lots for general shifting, and Spartan for strong will power and endless training ambition.
So you get the taking action part for LotS from Spartan.


Mind’s Eye Core
Paragon Sleep Core
Synergy: Beyond Seduction
Synergy: Divine Dominion
Synergy: Perfection Manifestation
Book Blitz
Elemental Opus
Energetic Development XI
Eyes of Zenith
Financial Success Reality Shifter
Fortune’s Favorite
Lifeblood Fable
Seducer’s Gaze
Submodel Alpha
The Architect
The Merger of Worlds
Transcendental Connection
Joie de Vivre

Custom #2
Stark Black Core
Diamond Core
Synergy: Voice is the Law
Synergy: Apollon Unbound
Synergy: Preordained Vitality
Synergy: Ambrosia
Story Teller
Epigenetics & DNA Modulator
Dopaminergic Revival
Sacred Words
King’s Radiance
Direct Influencing Aura
IQ Booster
Power Talk
King’s Radiance
A/SPS: Eyesight
SPS: Integumentary System

What do you think?

Has anyone built or requested a document containing all the modules names and descriptions. Something that could be easily digested outside the website or used in an Ai chat?



I have. It’s in a specific thread. I called it Q-Store Modules - A Compendium

It’s got everything but the last MDFY update.


Yes @Parsifal, you are a legend. This is awesome.

What would be included in the latest MDFY update?

Hi @SaintSovereign @Fire

Currently i am running wanted black for the personal aspect of my life and i am looking to build a custom for my work/money aspect. I am playing a strategy game for living which is mentally taxing but very profitable. I would like to build a custom where enhances my cognitive abilities and manifest money. I would like the custom to be as tight and focused as possible without unnecessary gimmicks. I dont want to use gaming mastery x since i want 2 major cores only and i really like beyond limitless and rich

I read the sweet spot is 20 modules, taking into consideration i am running wanted black from the store, without making my overall listening time too dense are there any modules you would replace or you think this build is optimal?

Cores x2 beyond limitless + rich


  1. Limit Destroyer
  2. Productivity Unleashed
  3. Unlimiter
  4. Wealth Limit Destroyer
  5. Mastermind
  6. Pragya
  7. Mosaic
  8. Fortune’s Favorite
  9. Lion IV
  10. Information Releaser
  11. Machine: Action
  12. Potentiator
  13. Ego Adsum
  14. Sultan
  15. Asclepius
  16. Eye of the Storm
  17. The Architect
  18. Carpe Diem Ascended
  19. Financial success reality shifter
  20. Natural Winner

Also i read

The Zero Point Primer that’s included with all customs has all of the upgraded breakthrough technologies – our new anti-recon tech, the secret tech we developed to start generating immediate results (if you want to try this out now, give Ascension Chamber, Emperor Fitness, Quantum Limitless, etc. a try), and some other goodies. It’s by far the smoothest, easiest to run version of Zero Point yet.

I assume this is the power you suggest i build my custom? I dont really want to expirement with power and i am more than happy with the standard 15 min loop

Thank you in advance

Just to clear up a few misunderstandings.

20 modules is the maximum, including cores.

If it’s your first custom, I’d definitely go lower. Like 10-15 modules.

Limit Destroyer is a core, so you would have 3 cores.

Both of the cores are not upgraded yet, but Beyond Limitless has a hype thread already, so we might see an upgrade in the next couple of months.

4,14,19 are part of Synergy: The Golden One
2,11 make up Synergy: Machine Unleashed

If you choose those instead you’d have the space to include the cores.

Best of luck

Yeah you are right i missed that one, i will remove limit destroyer, thanks for pointing out

For zp customs saint wrote the sweet spot is 20 modules

Thanks for pointing out the synergies too

The sweet spot according to Saint for total custom number is 14 to 16. 20 is the maximum obviously.

Him saying 20 was in reference of creating customs in general, i.e. wether setting the max to 10, 25 ect he said 20 was the sweet spot.

But as far as the sweetspot number within a standard 20 module custom, it’s between 14 to 16.

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Got it thanks