Main Disc. Thread - WANTED

You can but results will be slower with 2 customs.More stuff to process.1 Custom will be faster than 2 but wont be able to cover as many topics.

true but youre here for the long run!

you can only have those 2 and be enough for you for the rest of your life :smiley: so you can make the most complete sub for your needs

This is part of WANTED.
If it made you feel more attractive and felt necessary that is.

After one or two days of listening to WANTED I shaved all my hair off.

I had been growing it for MONTHS and felt like it wasn’t attractive anymore so shaved it all off after 1/2 loops of WANTED and now I feel better about self. I’m letting it grow but yeah.


Honestly the only thing I can say now is that I feel like a different person, but at the same time like an upgraded version of myself :joy:

Call me invictus 2.0 :joy::joy:

In all seriousness though, the way WANTED is working, as in the way it’s influencing actions, especially the impulsivity, is kinda shocking to say the least, like one moment I was just chilling, and then boom, 1 hour later I go from golden brown hair to almost black, I wonder what else am I gonna end up doing :joy:

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Haha,you would still probably rebuild for tech changes but modules wouldnt change much yeah

what do you mean rebuild? you have to pay 100 bucks if new tech upgrades? you dont get it for free?

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Not for customs.any rebuild is base fee of 100.majors get free tech upgrades.difference of building one major for a lot of people and one custom that can only be used by one person.its to cover the cost of the building of the custom.modules can be reused for free though


@Budewr I personally recommending running Dragon Reborn to establish a very strong foundation and then getting a custom only after that.


i strongly agree on healing first before doing anything i go by the same school!

however ive done a lot of healing in the past year but i still have some to dust out!

but i strongly agree healing is a must before anything, your core values in life will change once you healed you will know your true soul desires rather than the desirers and attachments of the ego

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Would still be worth trying DR to see if there’s anything missed. I have found that DR greatly exceeds any other healing technique I’ve ever tried. Check out A SubliminalUser is Reborn.

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I agree.wish dr could have been my very first sub program 2 years ago.would have sped up results alot

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I honestly wish I could’ve run it the very day I discovered what subliminals were.


im running LDUV2 so one of my goals to it is to resolve those limits within that has something to do with my childhood or whatever of those traumas dust that are still present (since Limit destroyer is a huge spectrum i think you can direct your intention and disolve everything you see as limits )

however im also gonna be doing the presence process by michale brown

which is a 10 week breathing technique exercises that changes you completely once youre done with it

if ldu or the breathing exercises doesnt help with it, i will run it DR in the future maybe :smiley:

So guys i noticed something that I’ve been thinking about for a while now, but at first I thought maybe it’s just me, but I tested it out and turns out it’s true for me.

Is anyone experiencing headaches with the solace version yet find the masked one to be fine and smooth?
I’ve tested with rest days prior to listening and no matter when I listen to solace, it just feels like I get a headache while as masked feels pretty good and fine

@Brandon how many loops are you running ? everyday every other day ?

I listened to the solace version twice and never suffered from any headaches.


Hmm maybe I’m more accustomed to the regular masked version :thinking:

One thing i wanted to make you aware of since it might be something you are doing. Since the solace version is so smooth and quiet i felt a need to turn the volume up. Perhaps that might cause a headache ?

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Well with the masked version on VLC player on my laptop, I listen at 30-35%, but with the solace I tend to keep it at somewhere between 50-60%
Do you think that could be the issue?

Not sure to be honest perhaps other community members can comment ?

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