Main Disc. Thread - WANTED

My TBR pile just got taller

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My Audible library just grew :smiley:


OHMIGOSH :scream::scream::scream:
i jut realized that the guy in wanted picture is like a mystery man, cant see his face bcuz of da shadow :star_struck:

Can vouch for this, too. And when I got to the store, I saw the shirts and shoes I’d usually buy and I was like “nah, need something better”.

I’m looking for accessories, but I don’t even know where to start lol.

I’ve noticed women checking me out more, flirting with me more. A thing that I didn’t see mentioned here is intense, vivid dreams (I’m using the Dreams from LIFECharger app). Female colleagues started giving me a lot of attention, and the rest of the people really listen to what I’m trying to say.
I’m feeling like the fire inside me is reigniting. My confidence is skyrocketing too (altough this might have been supercharged by David Snyders video for confidence boost) .

Also, it seems to work on animals (not a zoophiliac, lol) - a friend has a hyperactive female dog which can not sit still and be quiet for 5 minutes… I’ve met the friend after a few days of wanted and the dog just climbed on my knees, lied down and fell asleep… I have never seen it so calm.


I’ve noticed with WANTED more directed energy and interactions from everyone else but my wife. It’s like it’s had the opposite effect on her at the moment.

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Huh, for some reason a cute chick followed me on instagram

I have no clue who she is but she’s in the same state and has a similar ethnic background

I’m curious what made her follow me because we have no mutuals

Obviously Wanted played a role but I’m curious what her explanation will be

Probably a bot


I’ve had bots follow me before and this doesn’t seem like it.

She has more followers than people she follows and the account is set to private. Usually bots don’t do that.

Also the bio is too elaborate for a bot. Don’t want to go into details.

I checked facebook and she is a real person.

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Turns out she is real

She saw me like this niche local page’s post and followed me from that.

So not that out of the ordinary. I’ve done that with other people before. Still interesting.


She’s reacting to the rapid change in status.


I’m not on wanted, but, I’ve gotten that effect on several status increasing subs. When I first started, the wife pushed back constantly. Now, she kind of alternates between seeing me as an authority figure and still pushing back.


Please start with 1 loop a day for 5 days, with 2 rest days.


Now that there’s been more time to test out the effects of Wanted, can anyone share more experiences on (specifically) non-romantic results?

  • Confidence/self-esteem
  • Feeling good in general
  • Business interactions - attention from potential business partners/clients/investors

Thanks in advance!!

For context: I’m looking at adding this as a core to Halcyon v2 just for the relaxed confidence mindset, and as a potential side benefit… become more appealing re: business relationships etc.


@BLACKICE I can share more about non-romantic results. I’ve experienced them much faster than I expected to, so it’s a good addition to a stack to generate it.

Note that I’ve been running Dragon Flight + WANTED (later it will be Dragon Reborn ST4 + WANTED), so keep that in mind.

  • Confidence/Self-Esteem: This is going up like crazy. Dragon Flight was already doing this by itself, but combined it is so cool. I haven’t run WANTED since Friday and I’m still feeling it. Why, on Friday I went for a scenic drive by myself. At first I wondered if I could get anyone else to join me so we could chat while I do the drive. But then I thought, “Screw it—I don’t need someone else to be there to enjoy my own time.” So I went on that drive. The route took an hour, and it was so fun just blasting music while driving through a valley by myself. I feel like I had a high-definition experience.
  • Feeling good: A solid yes.
  • Physical Shifting: This has multiplied the results of my current actions. Be it skincare (see the earlier post I made here about that), or lifting. I feel as if each individual workout session is more significant than it used to be. I also did notice slight changes in my face as well as my arms. While I already had some attention to detail for fashion, this is reinforcing that.

Hey man, I’ve been listening to wanted since the day it’s been released and what I can tell you so far is the following:
• confidence wise: any and all insecurities are gone, not in a egoistic way where I’d think I’m perfect, but more like “I know I have flaws, I’m not perfect, but life’s too short to be held back because of them”, the best way I can explain it to u is by saying that it made me more comfortable in my own skin than I ever was before.
• feeling wise: honestly, everyday feels like an adventure if I’m going out, everything feels like it just flows naturally, generally feeling peaceful and happy about everything, to the point where I’ve had people ask me “are you back to getting high again?” (I have been sober for over 2 months now).
• business wise: now I’m not employed yet as I still need to get my certificate to be able to start working, however, in the time that I’ve been listening to wanted, 3 different work opportunities have manifested themselves, with the 3rd one being today, from one of the top airline companies of the world to start with the social media team (creative marketing), it does feel like these opportunities come because people want me there, but you’re welcome to see them as a result of something else.
Bonus; physical changes: my posture has changed, I restarted gym since they opened for vaccinated people and well, in 3 days, I already am fitting better in a t-shirt that I didn’t wear last week because it felt a bit off cause of how loose it felt.


There is something or some things unexpected about WANTED:

Changes at a level of identity. It’s as though a whole new operating system being installed, as the previous one being erased. I can now look at people and rather than have a lot of ideas about who they might be, my mind often feels blank, without preconceived notions. No effort at having to blank out my mind.

These changes are not what I would have expected with WANTED.


Did you also feel like the arms and face were the first to “feel” different with wanted?
Cause I can’t believe this and I’m pretty sure it would be hard to believe for you too, but keep in mind muscle memory played a part too, but did a tricep workout on Saturday (with chest) and a bicep on Sunday (with back), today was rest because it’s my first week back and I’m too sore to go today and I wanted to check my arm size just for giggles, BUT IT WAD .5 INCHES BIGGER IN 2 DAY :slight_smile:

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I was too sore for about a week to go to the gym. I listened to 1 loop of WANTED and I woke up sore the next day, as though I had done a big work out.


I guess in my case, it’s a matter of getting used to it again, cause I used to train really intensely without much soreness, and if you’re interested to push yourself really hard in the gym, then check out a program called fst-7, I’m going back on it from next week and want to take note of how wanted makes me feel with it.
Cause this one program worked for me better than anything else like P/P/L or 5x5 in terms of gains.
Then after a month of wanted is done and I’m training like before, imma stack wanted with EF :muscle:t3::sunglasses:

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