Main Disc. Thread - WANTED

Not a PUA, but I do know of this guy called Mystery.

@SaintSovereign, @Fire - i appreciate that you put in Height Inducer in WANTED. Didn’t expect that but did “want” it lol. Also grateful for the range of physical shifting for attractiveness and sexiness. Hair, Face, Body, Male Enhancement, etc will help The Seducer get his foot into many doors

As asked before, aside from physical shifting for sexual attractivness, is there physical healing modules in WANTED?.


Currently on my 2nd loops of the WANTED Solace track. This is not going to be an easy subliminal to describe. I consciously perceive this program to be as mysterious as the man it’s working to make me into. It seems like my subconscious knows what’s happening though.

The solace masked sounds a bit strange to me but nothing unbearable or even unpleasant. In any case on to the effects.

While reading the sales page, I for some odd reason highly resonated with it. To explain better, I sometimes feel like lately I’ve been a bit too much of an open book, not in the sense of spilling out my life story to everyone I come across but being just a tad bit too sociable. I know and understand the power of mystery myself as I’ve been on both the giving and receiving end of its allure in many social situations, whether short or long term.

I love the perfect balance between being hot and cold, approachable but somehow seemingly unreachable at the same time. Being a complex individual with many layers expressed quickly over the course of a short conversation. This is something I’ve both experienced and pulled off myself during social interactions but not always consistently.

Anyways, upon the first few minutes of listening I gained a massive sexual energy boost which took me from being sleepy as hell in the middle of the night, to being bright-eyed and wired. A few moments after that, I found myself mentally wandering my own subconscious with positive and loving moments of past relationships popping up as memories. This wasn’t just for no reason, it’s as if they were being revisited in order to remind me of how balanced and multifaceted I can be when dealing with women and well, it’s tough to describe. Cant fully explain the process but I feel as if the purpose of it is to open me more to expressing the programming currently being instilled. A foundation being laid to be the wanted man.

I also began running through sexual fantasies with women in my head and embracing the increasingly powerful sexual energy seeping from my core without being overwhelmed. I played with it, enjoyed it, loved it. I knew the energy was mine to do with as I please.

Now “coincidentally”; hours before I played wanted, there were a group of us playing a few games online via PlayStation. For the first time in a pretty good while I kept making ludicrous amounts of sexual bantering and innuendos with females in the group. I’ve known them for a bit so they weren’t strangers. They had a ball and kept laughing, saying I was nasty and crazy, but also had a way with words due to me being witty as hell. I felt complete sexual disinhibition and fused it with wit, to pretty much create an extended x-rated dialogue for the duration of that group chat. I wonder if that was some sort of temporal impact effect. I’ll be WANTED to my EOG and RICH stack. I still have no idea why I’m so drawn to this program though, not fully at least.


Personally, I made up my mind.

From now on, I discarded my previous stack.
WANTED’s the priority now.
Everything I seek, on a single sub.
Physical changes, seductive and nonchalant rouge. At long last.

I’ll be a model by the time I turn 19.


Any chance that the physical changes parts of WANTED will be released as an ultima at some point?

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While I don’t know the answer to that question, I’m running this alongside Paragon. I think if there are major health issues to address its worth stacking these together to ensure the healing and physical changes are balanced.


I am listening to Wanted with my custom sub (with Starck and Sanguine as cores), WHOAH ! everything is possible !!! It is incredible !
Try it with Starck you will thank me :joy:


Where can we get that sub from ? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I feel bliss and euphoric OMG !

Don’t wanna downplay things, but this usually happens on new subs!

Also Sanguine does that :slight_smile:


True ! But it is first time I feel it so strongly (the euphoric state) !

I just want to laugh like after smoking :rofl::rofl: what did you put in this sub @SaintSovereign ? My wife was looking at me amused and then laughed laughed also :joy:

That program makes me think that maybe the best business plan would be to run WANTED instead of RICH, EoG or Mogul, just to attract a rich woman. :smiley: I’ve met guys who got “rich” that way.


my high school gigolo dream just reignited…


I would rather say, a new age businessman. :stuck_out_tongue:


If i put wanted in a custom will it take the physical shifting much longer to occur in comparison to running it solo?
@SaintSovereign @Fire


Okay so I’ve been thinking about WANTED. If anyone can help because I’m being a little dumb and I need clarification.

Could this, with action and conscious guiding, make you wanted by people in general?

I’m not talking about for romance or love, but for people in general to crave more of you. Kind like a popularity like Stark does kind of. Hopefully that makes sense?

The physical shifting does interest me since I’d love to work on my features and body but I have less of an interest that.

But the mysterious vibe is interesting to me. So could it truly make you WANTED by the general public, in a good/popularity sense?

@SaintSovereign @Fire @RVconsultant


Does this include testosterone rising affirmations?

Amateur subliminal makers and body builders usually go all in on raising test. This will just increase oxidative stress and ERa receptors eventually.

Depending on a persons metabolism this could have devastating long term effects.

Does this include automated workout affirmations too?

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Anyone tried it with emperor i am thinking of adding it to my emperor custom