Main Disc. Thread - WANTED

Of course, they have, you should have seen one of my female students (7 y.o.) who clung to my leg to get my attention. lol
PRIMAL at work, I guess.

Was it your first loop, maybe?


Yousa ‘mysterious’. :wink:

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I have a thing to share too. Today before I went to market with my cousins., I did a loop of wanted, I went to a clothes shop where they were three women. One was young and other two were probably her relatives. I don’t get it but the girl couldn’t stop resisting looking at me. First I thought it was a fluke / or some sort of illusion :joy::joy: but then I saw she stared at me 4-5 times(remember I am not fit or super handsome but she stared in my eyes 4-5 times but the thing Is I usually get fucked up or anxiety came in these situation but I was damn relaxed today lol and 4-5 times means she stared at me as long as I was in the shop). See I noticed attention from more two girls today(not like the one I mentioned above but they noticed) :grin:


The 3rd. Loop over a time span of 3 months

It rocks


Been listening for 3 weeks now. Body feels more defined and toned. Arms and shoulder feel more muscular( I worked out maybe 3-4 times).


Sure thing man. In my business a majority of people I’m selling to are women. Many of them are the gatekeepers to the true decision makers, but if you can get them on your side or bought into what I’m selling, the sale goes SIGNIFICANTLY smoother. A cold prospect can become a warm one simply by winning over their secretary.

I’ve noticed the effectiveness of interactions with female clients / gatekeepers to be drastically improved from WANTED. It seems they view me as more trustworthy and listen to me with more authority. Also many of them are more willing to engage in small talk or even try themselves to keep the conversations going with me. The conversations tend to be fun, lighthearted, playfully coquettish and very natural. As a result, they’re so much happier to help me out, comply with requests, and sales have been going through with fewer and fewer objections as a result.

Being a WANTED man really does have its perks :wink:


Thanks a lot. It seems like pairing it up with Stark for growing my business could be a game-changer since 90% of my prospects are ladies. The only thing that concerns me is the density. How do you find that? What are the other things you’re running along and how demanding it is for you when it comes to your energy level? Thanks again, mate! :slight_smile:


Having run Stark in the past, I feel that it could definitely be a POTENT combination (the fame aura of Stark mixed with the mysteriousness of WANTED…wow).

I stacked it with Khan for a while, and now I have WANTED and Khan ST4 in a custom. So definitely feel you about those energy demands. There’s definitely been times where I’ve been totally wiped out from overexposure, or just not taking care of myself. It has never been too overwhelming though, except prior to Qv2 instructions where I was running the old 5-2 pattern listening to multiple loops of WANTED some days.

That being said, extra sleep (of course), along with taking extra rest days, and the big one…exercise! I’ve noticed days that I exercise, even something as light as a walk or yoga my energy levels tend to be maintained. I feel like this is “opening a pathway to manifestation” in a way allowing for the physical shifting of WANTED to occur more easily since you’re taking action in alignment with the script.


Hi @Ice ,
How do you compare KhanStark vs KhanWanted ? In women and wealth department, even if it seems that your wealth life seems to be to your liking already.


Good question, and keep in mind I was in the earlier stages of Khan (the more healing ones) when stacking Stark, and the later stages of Khan with WANTED.

They’re both great combinations tbh. I would say the biggest difference is how you approach the world - whether it be in terms of women or wealth. Khan / Stark had me much more outgoing, social, and putting myself out there charismatically when meeting people. Khan / WANTED has me much more nonchalant, laid back, and letting the world come to me.

They’re both great I’d say find a style that works best for you and stick with it.


Thanks, Ice.

How about the physical changes on WANTED? How has it been going so far?


Very good so far. It seems to be driven by conscious intent. At first I was in a fat burning stage and wanted definitely made that easier. Now I’m bulking up adding muscle much easier while not getting puffy in the face. It really works with whatever physical goals you have in mind.


@Sub.Zero it also seems to help with self confidence in how you look. Like I find myself more attractive and am more accepting of how I look. I used to take a decent amount of time getting ready, now I pretty much shower and head out knowing I look good.

Others seems to notice too I’ve received a noticeable amount of comments from people inferring or outwardly saying I’m handsome, attractive, etc.


So does this one have an aura as well just like libertine but instead of lust its a mysterious vibe?

I dont have much experience with subliminals but im thinking about getting this one and giving it a try.

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Yeah closer to the mysterious and attractive vibe

There is a support hub that gives all the instructions necessary:

Welcome to SubClub!

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Cool thank you!

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I need to get shit done and create a crazy aura of need for me from other people so I may run Wanted with Ascension or Emperor and Sage Immortal
Seems like a scary stack
I want to be the Alpha Male of our species
I may have borrowed that line from somewhere


@James are you already using ascension ?

By the way you are an alpha man !!.


@James dont know how but I have finally gathered the courage to tell you that you are the most ascended alpha around!!!


@James is a King

A hero who walks the path of immortals. Who is immune to the dragons breath. A man of Steel.

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