Main Disc. Thread - WANTED ZP [Now Available!]

Can someone give movie examples of male coquette behaviour? I read the part on Robert Greene but I don’t really understand how someone can be Coquette AND masculine. Coquettish behaviour seems pretty feminine. Can you enjoy Wanted with the physical shifting and without the coquettish behaviour?


Coquettish behavior is just the hot/cold game really. It’s neither masculine nor feminine


Gordon Ramsey is a male coquette.

You have to know how to excite and trap people emotionally.

Coquettes are the most effective seducers


I get it as, it is the same thing that women do to the guys they friendzone. So I understand the coquette behaviour it in the seduction process
What I am trying to wrap my mind around is like what, once you get the girl, what is the point of all this? If you want to kiss your girl or she want to kiss you , you just don’t and you tease her? I understand this as a game now and then but not as a full time behaviour.
What in Gordon Ramsey is coquettish? This guy is pretty blunt and direct lol.
I guess that’s why I wanted to see real life or movies examples, because outside a small part of the seduction process, I don’t get it.

You are talking about it like Sheldon Cooper talks about social interactions, you have to try to understand it is about who you are.

Gordon is endearing and he is friendly but if you piss him off… he is very strategic and very hot and cold…dark sarcasm and witty…

It is your personal journey you have to know it to really understand it.

Rather than analysing it run it and let your own subconscious show you and don’t get in your own way.

Gotta go


If you use a key to open a locked door, do you keep turning the key? Or do you go through the door?


Not the point … think about the Goal behind the Behaviour Pattern.

If you know that women do this, ask yourself “what are women’s goals? what do they want from men?”


For a person who can easily get sex … and has an abundance of choices … be it a woman or a Wanted man …

The goal is NOT sex.


PS: Women do not do this ONLY to the guys they friendzone. They do it to all men they want to ______.



I will say this I have been deciding on adding WANTED back into my stack but I have been on the fence about it. Today even though I haven’t listened to it in a few cycles, I was just acting like myself and a woman told me that I am very interesting to talk to and that I am an enigma :joy:

I will also say that I wasn’t attracted to her but I am platonic towards her, I realized during that moment is that this is how I act towards women that I am not interested in. She even asked if I wanted to hangout outside the bar at some point and I told her maybe after I am done with school and state boards. I was just trying to enjoy myself and she didn’t cross any lines so I didn’t straight up shoot her down, but I could still tell she is interested in me.


Thanks to make it clearer :slight_smile: I agree I can tease if I am not in a hurry to go to sex. Which usually mean I am interested but not that much, or I got plenty of options.

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The congruent coquette is not the typical coquette that Robert Greene talks about. The coquette that he talks about has weaknesses, but the congruent coquette doesn’t seem to have any. This leads me to believe that the Wanted archetype is much more complex than being just a coquette. It’s something far more compelling that seems to utilize coquettish behavior. I actually believe that coquettish behavior is not archetypical but is itself an intrinsic aspect of romance/passion, meaning that we can’t help but elicit it at a certain level of romance/passion. I suspect that instead of WANTED ZP bring out a Coquette archetype, it merely thrusts you into a level that requires fluency in that intrinsic aspect. Of course, this is all just a theory.

The Wanted archetype is perhaps an archetype that can’t be clearly conceptualized. The paradox of its archetype is that it’s a mystery and unable to be understood. Too multi-faceted, too alluring, too enigmatic and addictively mysterious. The heart wrenching Rubik’s cube. For all intents and purposes, I label it as a coquette archetype since it’s easy to understand. However, there’s more to it in my opinion.


Do you think pcc in anyway have coquettish behavior?
But in a more POWER oriented way?


There’s elements to the 48 Laws of Power that are coquettish. Such as Laws:

3). Conceal Your Intentions
4). Always Say Less than Necessary
6). Create an Air of Mystery
8). Make Other People Come to You
11). Learn to Keep People Dependent on You
16.) Use Absence to Increase Respect and Honor
17). Cultivate an Air of Unpredictability
25). Re-Create Yourself

So yes PCC can be a bit coquettish but in a way that’s geared towards external power


Thank you

Ran WANTED for the first time in my new stack and also for the first time in about 8-10 weeks this morning, shortly after I started to workout and honestly I was focused on it I lost track of time but my mind, and body connection was on point! I had better form, more endurance, as well as more strength! Also my eye bags are starting to vanish and my skin is clearing up lol

I have also been debating this since this morning on wanting to post this and I have decided to write about it. So I was actually goin to take an extra rest day from working out of pure laziness tbh. However I pushed myself to workout and fight through the laziness and not only did I have a better workout but I felt fulfilled as well.

The point that I am trying to make is whether WANTED gave me the drive to workout or not (it probably did tbh), I had to take the action to better my health and physicality, not expect the drive and will power to just magically appear, I had to push myself and I was rewarded with an amazing workout. What I am really saying is that in the beginning of my SubClub journey I wasn’t taking proper action towards my goals nor any of the Subs goals, but during my recent washout I admitted to this mistake and promised to push myself to take action and its already paying off. I hope this helps someone to not make the same mistakes that I have made or encourages others to start taking action.

I apologize if this isnt appropriate for this topic I only posted it here cause this happened after listening to WANTED


I normally understand, but after googling rakish is still not clear to me. Can someone explain?

Sounds like a carefree unconventional person

Just a typo. I e :slight_smile:


Rake-ish. Not a typo. Made the word. :sunglasses:


crop 1

crop 2

crop 4

Hmm. Close, but possibly not the perfect word in the context. :thinking:



I don’t think WANTED fully embodies the rake archetype now that I read this definition: “incessantly pursuing” and “ardent devotion.” It has some rakish attributes…

Now then… We have close term Libertine from the above definition… but we need a module or title called Debauchee! :laughing:

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Not intentionally. It’s not inherent to the script, like Wanted, but as @Ice said, there’s a natural element to the 48 laws that can seem coquettish.


So I have noticed more women staring at me at school which is nice but they all have boyfriends :joy: I do like the progress however I’m not goin to pursue women with BFs. Oh well progress is progress let’s see where it goes from here. I also do have Stark in my stack and I did just start it this week if that is also having an effect