Main Disc. Thread - WANTED ZP [Now Available!]

@Calm you have a huge advantage you are still very young your body will be alot more malleable to change. Perhaps a better investment would be in emperor fitness and wanted. You could run each stage alongside wanted.

Focus on health and fitness for 6 months should put you in a great position for dating as well as enjoying other aspects of your life.


I also think wanted for physical features works better in younger men.


Just thought of something interesting. Are WZP and other older majors going to get the ZPv2 treatment?

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Questions to all,

my current stack is AM + Wanted.
I am doing my Ramadhan fasting right now. Which means no food or drinks from sun up till sun down for another 3 weeks. I started last week Sunday.

Is it recommended to listen to wanted to during my fasting period. I noticed that i get too tired and my mind gets confused at evening before breaking my fast.

Is this because of the energy requirements of wanted?

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I think yes.
I’m running Wanted also and I feel more tired than before running. And also SaintSovereign mentioned that Wanted requires energy to be manifested.

Is it okay that my face’a parts sometimes hurt or are tensed? Yesterday I feel some tense sensation in my jaw and something very unusual in my nose, now my left cheekbone hurts.
Also I feel some pleasant tingles on my head.
Is it all because physical shifting?

Yes that is correct mate.

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Definitely bro I feel it too

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I’ve been running Wanted ZP consistently since release… so nearly 4.5 months.

The past month has been so wild, I actually had to take a break from the forum.

You will literally have women after you from every direction, you literally can’t escape. They started appearing everywhere, maybe it’s because of less covid restrictions recently but it’s mindboggling.

It’s so easy to escalate because I have that PSZP foundation still with me from the time I spent in heavy action with it. Despite having a partner, it’s not the typical relationship as I regularly go out on dates with other women, lol. This month more than any, I’ve noticed this thing with female competition… When I am around more than 1 “potential”, they begin to fight for my attention. A few days ago, I was approached by a group of beautiful women and 2 of them started getting feisty and emotional over me and no I’m not talking about subconsciously. One of them literally said verbatim “He’s mine, f*** off” to the other… That type of aggressiveness from the feminine was attractive for some reason, you’d have to see it to understand why, so I made out with her on the spot. I, however am no one’s, so my Wanted nature just exploded and I took the number of her friend that she said that to, lol. I didn’t even realize what I had done until I analyzed the situation after and it was mindboggling to me how coquettish that is and how it was so normal to me.

On another note, I recently went out with an IG model that has over 300k followers, which was nuts to me when I saw it… I never expected to be able to manifest and date women with that kind of status, lol.

Back when I was on Emperor Qv2 or Stark Qv2, I probably would have been so intrigued by having 300k+ followers and I’d have so many questions. On our date and from the time that I’ve known her, I didn’t give a flying f***, lol. The coquette is unbeatable

It seems like every month that passes by on this sub, I feel more and more “wanted” and my reality just manifests like that. Sex drive is through the roof, I have a lot of testosterone lol… those long naps of hormonal changes paid off. I can pretty much have sex on demand whenever I want with my partner and she tries to surprise me often in different ways such as with spontaneity or by wearing skimpy, easy to rip outfits for example which is fun but I’ve settled into a very strong level of non-chalance. The physical shifting has taken off… my face and everything has completely changed. I’ve lost a lot of fat around my abs and gained size around my upper body and rear, but I hardly work out these days. I mainly do cardio in the form of… well you know.

Another strange thing I almost forgot to mention (this might be individual to me) is that my mannerisms have become very… I don’t know the word. “Sexually charismatically wolfish”. The best way I can describe it is, I feel like a sexually charged wolf and it exudes through my facial expressions and body language. I’ve developed new quirks like doing these sexually playful movements with my smiles, eyes and head movements etc. It drives the women crazy and I’ve become so naturally sensual and sexually charged that when I talk to women you can cut the sexual tension with a knife. The average person sees women as people that have desires. For me, it’s become the other way around. It’s like I engage with them as if they are their desires. My sexual teasing has gone to the next level, the type of stuff I’m doing… It would be unwise to write it on here, lol

Just know that Wanted ZP is a blast


I remember when we were testing Wanted ZP initially and after a few runs I posted “are there any men left?”
Literally my world was filled with women. Was weird af lol

Also, GREAT results! Congrats!

Only running Wanted or stacking with something else?


I’ve been running wanted also since zp release

How many are u running in stack?

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What changes in your physique have occurred since that time?

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A ton but but the most astonishing is the actual widening of my shoulder frame aka the bones which even my 2 years of emperor fitness and spartan and insane training sessions couldn’t invoke


Wanted ZP is the most powerful physical shifting program in the world i dare say the universe !. I heard martians are posting reviews on the SC website. However they were removed coz people would say they are fake.


This is some crazy ass shit :). How old are you?


Great results, akhi.
Any changes in your face/hair?

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All this your results am yet to see one. I have been on Wanted Zp for 2 months.
Will I say am more lonelier and always feel am.not enough when I want approach a beautiful lady

I dont follow celebrities or watch TV but I get results from sibs kinda instantly

So then you’re not a hard gainer. Hard gainers don’t get instant results, it takes time for them.

no I am not