Main Disc. Thread - WANTED ZP [Now Available!]

I gotta ask, how is this a good thing? That means child support and all that stuff, if youre not in a relationship it sounds like a lot of trouble.

The amount of sexual scripting in Wanted ZP is astounding — it’s probably the most sex filled script we’ve written yet. I’m wondering if you’re misreading the women’s signs, or going into these situations with the notion that there’s no sexuality there and acting accordingly.

Not sure, but this I can tell you — there is A LOT of sexual confidence in Wanted ZP.


To you. I’m not wealthy yet and I’m not blowing cash around for people to see. Her man is currently way well off compared to me. The fact that she thought about it, says a lot. It’s not what I want though, I prefer having kids with one person.

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I really like how you reviewed rhe product, thanks for taking the time to do it man.


The why of it I don’t feel qualified to answer as an authority. But from my experience, yes. Upon attaining my personal inner reality of becoming or maybe more accurately, aligning with my own character of attraction, recalibrating the prism from which the light of beauty within me springs and is cast out, I’ve seen only more and more evidence of women’s attraction to me, more and more, day after day.

Yesterday, an older female customer was reaching to shake my hand and we made eye contact. I saw something there that I’m not going to try to explain but she shook my hand and then I sensed she was about compliment me.

Sure enough, I had turned away from her to go outside to get a tool and I feel her hand reaching towards my shoulder. I let it happen rather than avoiding it by increasing my speed and I felt her hand grasp my shoulder and squeeze a little bit.

She said something along the lines of, “You’re cute. You remind me of that one actor…”

I turned 90° to the right and looked at her. She had her head cocked to the side, staring at me with a slight ‘o’ to her mouth studying my face. And body.

She continued, “What is his name…”

And her husband, who was behind her and slightly to her right, looked at me. I looked at him. We looked at each other, and then I looked back at her.


I said it without really thinking.

He looked at his wife and he said, “Oh, is that who you’re thinking of? Will?”

We looked at his wife who was still looking at me, with no awareness we said anything.

I looked at him, and then back to my lead who was installing a dishwasher, studiously ignoring the exchange. I looked back at his wife and let a grin slip while really marveling at what was happening.

Long story short ('cause it goes on), husband after the initial natural confuzzlement of witnessing his wife’s activity, attempted to help her put a name to her search (Will Smith) without any jealousy at all.

Through all of this, I had the nonchalance of a man that lives as if this is a normal, natural thing.

Because isn’t it?

Edit: and sensing what women are thinking may be a natural result of the blend of Sage, Chosen and Wanted that I held through the first 21 days of the preview, not any single title. I have mentioned a couple of instances before but they are very common and active.


For those interested to see how WZP pairs up with Emperor, I have started a new a journal with those 2;


The 1 outa 10 kid who will be raised by someone who’s not going to be his actual father XD

everytime I think about this it mess with my mind so muuuch, can you think about that ???
1 kid out of 10 doesn’t actually know his real dad bruh…And the non-biological dad doesn’t know either that it’s not his actual child…

don’t worry I rode your most recent posts and know you probably won’t create that situation, also congrats on the supra Wanted parkour !

I was thinking that I should definitly go out as much as I can because I suck at texting anyway and introducing myself through text first breaks the wanted archetype patern, at least it breaks with only 1 cycle under the belt for me. wich sucks

Plus I gotta accomodate to all those stares bruh…
I really need to try and approach someone who’s glued on me


You don’t understand, she wants the kid to be sired by Myster and the cuckold partner to pay for it.


Do you have someone close to you in your life who can notice physical changes and tell you about them? I ask because my partner did not notice a lot of changes such as his facial features appearing to look better when he spoke. He also didn’t notice that his skin “flaws” contributed to adding character to his face that made him look even more handsome.

He also changed his skin care routine and has been taking care of his skin diligently, even though he has not been listening to Wanted habitually. These skin care products give him a more polished, refined look.

I read that Wanted aids in the production of testosterone. As I’m sure you know, testosterone is an important factor when it comes to the way that a man looks, but it can also take time to get this production going.


Yeah, it was probably my post, I got ballz ache the first week or two running Wanted ZP because of the increase of testosterone. Try and call that placebo, it’s not like my subQ was waiting for Wanted to increase my hormones…!


@irw I have those who are close to me they have not noticed anything in terms of physical changes. A friend who i see once every month has not commented on any changes. Perhaps the product is limited to only initiating changes to those who are alot younger like invictus who i believe is in his mid twenties.

More recently I have added chosen to the stack to see if this might help initiate the physical changes. In terms of testosterone i am already on TRT so i don’t believe that is the issue.

My stack is currently wanted, emperor custom and now i have added chosen.

What i have noticed is when stacking wanted with emperor custom i do radiate more sexual attractiveness thats about it so far.

It should work because when i use paragon that seems to heal stuff like back ache and headaches. Paragon uses some kind of physical shifting to bring about healing.


:slight_smile: It’s a fantasy that some women have. They get the guy that can provide for the child, but they want the genetic material of another who they’re not in a relationship with. It’s usually just a fantasy. Plenty of women got away with it back in the stone ages, but DNA testing is revealing who the real fathers are. Women who seriously consider doing something like this now are either lying to you or not being realistic about the concequences.


I really do hope that you get to experience physical shifting on these subs.


physical shifting may just take longer when you’re older.

not quite sure.

I’m 48 years old and I ran WANTED ZP from September 13 to November 7 (8 weeks). I experienced gains in the gym, but not a sense of being more physically attractive. Then this past week around New Year’s or so, I started noticing that I liked the look of my face better.

So I ran WANTED ZP for 8 weeks and stopped. Then 8 weeks after that, I noticed an improvement in my face.

On the other hand, my son was on vacation starting on 20 December so I got more daily sleep after that. So that helped too. He’s back to school now. We’ll see what happens next. :rofl:


I’m suspecting this too. Testosterone may be the issue, as we’re having problems getting physical shifting to work in women as well.


Maybe supplementing with DHEA could be a natural solution to men.

I am on TRT i dont think testosterone is the issue for me personally.

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Injections, or something like Clomid? It does change results, believe it or not.


@SaintSovereign i get Nebido (injection) every 10 weeks from my doctor.


What type of research has Subliminal Club done to identify testosterone as a factor in physical shifting results?

This statement may come across as somewhat shocking (at least to me), considering that it’s usually the subconscious and your beliefs that determine the results.