Main Disc. Thread - Ultimate Artist ZP

really? like the actual products ? damnnn raphi, i get emotional just from reading RM description thats how much i love the concept and everything smh it feels like it was made for me hahahha :smiley:

damnnn :smiley: we need RM asap in ZP,


Yes, bro. I had asked for one based on the Renaissance Man / Polymath concept. I was also reading a lot about Leonardo Da Vinci and other Renaissance Men at that time. Watching loads of YouTube videos about them too. So I took a chance and asked for it in one of the threads. After which one or two more fellows asked for it and BANG we got RM.

It’s an excellent product and it works very well for me too. For both creativity and deep hunger for learning everything!

So am quite happy when you and others love it too.

Haha agreed :grin:

WANTED I asked right after Seductress was made. I asked for a male equivalent of Seductress. Loads of our forum members opposed the idea. They thought I was asking for one more seduction subliminal but I was asking for more physical shifting rather than seduction with it. Especially male enhancement, height, hair, face improvement, etc. Seductress had a lot of this and it was time for men to have it too in one product.


damn bro, i love watching episodes and tv series about the renaissance men, like da vinci and other guys who were incredible human beings with their knowledge such an amazing history its incredible. the art everything dude.

the deep hunger for learning everything is so spot on, this aspect is already within but with rm it gets a boost its like i wanna explore the universe more and more and find its secrets

i could see why hahahah dude tons of sex subs and seduction here, its top tier selling subs in the store,

how was that going for ya? did anything noticeable like physically change with you? like height or anything?

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I had a bit of it especially for male enhancement, hair and face improvement but I think I need more time on it to get better results.


@Budewr - forgot to mention that I kept badgering SaintSovereign for a physical healing title for a long time too lol. It took some time for them to release Paragon though since they wanted it to be good and not just make one to take our money. I think it took more than one and a half years after I first requested it, for SaintSovereign and Fire to release it.

Renaissance Man though was made after only 2 or 3 months from date of request. I do remember it was a short period of time.


Dude youre on fire!! Your behind paragon’s idea? Thats a sub im gonna use for sure!! Love your ideas man especially that they took em into consideration and actually made those titles

Lets goooo raphi :sunglasses:


Thanks, bro. More like I kept pestering them haha. Am sure they would have eventually made Paragon and WANTED (because both of them involve physical shifting and SaintSovereign and Fire were perfecting that tech).

But yes, it feels good that they do listen to us. I don’t give too many suggestions these days though since most of what we want are currently in the main store and customs. The only title I currently want is a digital nomad / jet setter lifestyle one. Maybe we will get that in due time too since I have requested it :smiley:



I honestly think that the store is perfect enough for me at least, i dont need anything more really

But theyre business owners they have to innovate and keep going with new ideas and stuff, but i think id be perfect with 3 titles or 2 customs for ever lol

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What’s Blooming and installing?

cries in muay thai mastery x


Your first purchase?

nope, just a part of my current stack. Just think it’s the least popular sub because of the activity in the ZP thread.

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I understand. But it could be released anytime. Fire’s releases are pretty random. There wasn’t much demand for UA either compared to many other single stage titles.

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The forum was actually begging for it, lol. Then it didn’t sell, but that’s okay, as we wanted to offer it anyway.


I appreciate it and maybe soon I’ll get a change to run it again.

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That title is more likely held by Boxing Mastery X. I can’t remember ANYONE ever talking about it. :disappointed_relieved:

Even it’s salespage position was backdated … meaning it never showed up on the Latest Products section in the store.


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On the bright side, there’s something special with the rewrite of UA. I ran 2 loops of UA ZP last night. Had some super vivid dreams that could be used to write a novel.

Was too busy today to write anything though. But I shared a poem I had written a couple of years ago and I got comments like “you sound like Walt Whitman” and “Your poem echos of Emerson”. And there were more general compliments. I do get encouragement on my poems but it’s the first time am being compared to 2 poets by 2 different people on the same day.

Well damn! That’s some praise, I thought. Wonder if UA ZP has a wow-effect on the readers. As in affect their imagination in a creative way too. Besides doing so on the writer of course. There was definitely a little extra awe from my readers today.

Will see if UA ZP will help me with writing new poems of course but this was a good first impression for me lol.


Interesting, the only fighting journal I’ve read on these forums belonged to someone using BMX to be honest. Haven’t come across a MTMX journal until my own.

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From the Renaissance Man page:
You might wonder how does Renaissance Man differ from Ultimate Artist… Ultimate Artist is extremely focused on advancing your art (in any form) and skill in it, while the Renaissance Man is a subliminal affecting multiple areas and helping you join the exclusive club of Renaissance Men. Just like Stark has some small aspects of Mogul, so does Renaissance Man have some aspects of Ultimate Artist, but they are ultimately for different purposes.


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