Main Disc. Thread - Ultima

I started running PSITU as major about a week ago. I run it in the morning; before, during, and after weight training. I think it’s awesome at increasing drive and focus during workouts. I also like its impact on my whole bearing and attitude. I run 3 loops every morning.

At night, I run 3 loops of Dragon Stage 1 + 1 loop of my DRQ custom.

In between I run the 1 -2 loops of the Bomb, which links nicely with both.

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Yes I do :metal:t3:

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I was thinking about it last night and this morning how making money and being productive is so important not just to me but a lot of others that running EOG and The Executive long term hasn’t been considered. Maybe someone has and I missed it.


Good point I can think of a few people went through EOG in full once, but I can’t think of anyone that is running it long term currently. Maybe in a custom.


@Azriel I know a lot of people that would benefit substantially from running EOG even once but it won’t happen. Too easy to blame rich people for being shitty


I’m strongly looking how to get EOG stage 1 into my rotation. I won’t run EOG in full until after khan this spring/summer. But I’m smack up against my wealth ceiling at a critical time for financial growth. DR is helping me with commitment and willingness to new avenues of wealth, but there certain beliefs are my worth in relation to money that I believe EOG stage 1 would target more strongly.

To make this relevant to this thread I’ll also add -can’t wait for the Ultima Wealth Ceiling destroyer that was a potential on the table :slight_smile:


I would consider adding Mogul in a stack with EOG Stage One. Sort of bridge the cap of what you believe is possible. Not my idea. I got it from someone else

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I get the impression that running Dragon Reborn and Mogul at first would be incredibly beneficial for anyone wanting to dramatically shift their beliefs and perception of what is possible financially

@James I really appreciate the suggestion however I have Emperor which has mogul, I have no doubt after 9+ months of running it, whatever effects in Mogul are getting through. I certainly am better financially than I’ve ever been, more savings, more income, less debt, higher credit score etc. but even if Mogul did have a distinct effect I wouldn’t have room in my stack to drop something to add Mogul and EOG stage 1 at this time.

I have no doubt this is true, and already adding DR to Emperor has been a game changer for this, it’s one of the things that’s guiding me to EOG stage 1 actually. My choice in doing this is not because anything is wrong or not working. Just a strong sense this will target a specific block.

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My BILLionaire custom has both EoG1 and EoG4. I didn’t realize/remember at that time that EoG4 actually has EoG1 in it already. So I hope that’s just double exposure to EoG1 lol.
I think it would be good to eventually create my own Ultima custom (as an experiimet) of DR4 Ultima core and EoG4 core with EoG4 core, and a few of the best wealth modules.

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Before deciding to stick with my current stack for a longer term, my plan was to go for EoG. I was going to bench EQ + PS for Khan, and then go with EoG, DR and maybe Quantum.

I’d like to recreate the luck I’ve had on Stark, I think EoG might be the module that does that.

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I don’t believe EOG stage 4 contains EOG stage 1 -at least not exactly

" ST 4 – Ecstasy of Gold Complete

The final stage. Complete is a combination of the first three stages with no healing — only a heavy focus on taking action and generating wealth. This massive stage will help you reach the pinnacle of wealth and abundance."

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@Azriel For whatever reason I completely spaced Emperor. I see what Emperor has done for people on here who have run it long term and it’s incredibly impressive. I don’t see other subliminal producers creating millionaires. Winning at a scratch off or the casino could be put down to dumb luck. Let’s read about your business increase or your recent bonus


Good catch. I spaced on seeing the “with no healing” part. Not sure what else is left in EoG1 without the healing lol

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I’ve had months on Emperor that were $2000-$4000 over my normal monthly income due to manifestation, new work opportunities, commissions etc. I’ve also had a saving for the first time in my life enough to live several months without work. This was all Emperor. I don’t have a millionaire story yet. Quite a way to go for that but it could happen quickly with smart choices and intelligent work.

If you notice the insane success stories from Emperor reports. they have two things in common - a year + on Emperor and complete commitment to one enterprise -endeavor. I have not met those conditions but am working on both now. Although of course there could be other ways to have insane success stories but you can’t go wrong with those two things.


Seems like a perfect opportunity for Limitless Executive

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The key word there being " yet " .


I wish, I’m taking a month off Ultima to determine it does not contribute to some chronic stuff I’ve been having, either due to recon or ultrasonic. I freaking love Ultima, it is so powerful and life changing and it really sucks not to be able to clearly run it as of now. I am playing this on the safe side, and it’s quite possible it has nothing to do with it but until that is 100% clear I’m on pause for those.


The other thing to consider is the progression. I haven’t seen any other subliminal producer have the almost intuitive path put in front of them that SubClub provides. Ascension to Ascended Mogul to Emperor . It’s a clearly defined path even without the instruction manual.
Unfortunately it wasn’t until I started running Dragon Reborn Stage One that I became aware of this.


@James @Azriel

I don’t think Azriel needs the Mogul since he’s running Emperor long term. Plus you are already taking action and have seen the possibilities. EoG St1 would help you to get rid off the rest of the mental blocks.

I think EoG worked well for me as I already had the tools and direction needed (my business). But if you don’t have any idea what to do, EoG later stages might not be the right choice yet. Mogul to get started, EoG St1 at the same time to heal issues related to money and maybe Limitless Executive Ultima to learn and take action faster. Or Emperor instead of Mogul.