Main Disc. Thread - Ultima


The scripts are written to cause a short term state shift. Of course, any subliminal will cause permanent change, but the Ultima scripts aren’t made for broad change. They’re boosters. Use them like you would stacking modules or superchargers.


How would one use a GLM Ultima? Not sure what sort of state shift to expect from that, as well as an appropriate situation to use it for.

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Yeah, I would wonder the same about a title like Rebirth.

Yea that just seems pointless, you want a healing module to be lasting!

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Good point @SubliminalUser

I see it differently. The super chargers are about state changes, as we’ve said.

basically any short-term situation where you’d be drawing on that program would be appropriate.

Healing supercharger would be great to use, for example, before your therapy sessions or at different points in the day when you are participating in a wellness-retreat.

Godlike Masculinity Ultima would make sense when you are going to do some important hardball negotiations or when you’re going to chair a meeting attended by individuals with strong personalities.

I think that pretty much any major program will have its state (transient) and stage (long-lasting) manifestations.

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Will that go for elixir and regeneration also?
Elixir before regeneration?

That combination would be fine of course, but I was more talking about the situations in your life. In other words, using a supercharger before going into an actual life-situation related to that mindstate.

I’ve used Elixir in the past (non-Ultima of course), and it really inspired my healing practices. Like significantly. Which is weird because I didn’t really feel that I was particularly good at working with it. Guess that’s par for the course though.

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How would you use SanguineU, following this logic?

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In my world, Sanguine would really help before going to provide support or care to someone who is going through something difficult. I remember the Visiting Nurse who helped our family when my grandmother was going through end-of-life. :pensive: It was a very difficult time for the family. There were actually two nurses. They were both great, but I’m thinking of one in particular.

She was very solid and was able to maintain a respectful but also a positive outlook. She wasn’t inappropriately cheerful or something but she was a kind of stalwart source of support who did what was needed and necessary with a positive attitude.

That’s just one example from my own life experience, but I’m sure others have relevant ideas and experiences as well.

Sometimes you just need help keeping your head up. As De La Soul once said ‘Man, life can get all up in your ass.’ And as Churchill said, ‘If you’re going through hell, keep going’.

I think Sanguine would be a godsend in many situations when you need to bear up and keep going.


I feel that I could benefit from using SanguineU everyday.


I am sold. I am gonna get it :joy:

Edit: Is it required to listen without a pause or can we press a pause and continue like 5 minutes later without a problem?

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Fire said it’s okay to listen and pause if you need to and then get back to it.

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You would use it in conjunction with another subliminal with healing effects to boost the effects of both.

Again, Ultima is a booster. Use it the same way you use stacking module or Supercharger. Standalone if you want temporary effects. Pair it with a major title or custom if you want longterm. Please everyone, stop over complicating this.

Godlike Masculinity will make you feel dominant, powerful and strong. Use it in a situation where you’d need that. Rebirth will make you feel like you can accomplish anything because you’re not tied to the past.


See above post. Nothing we do is ever pointless. We’re been planning this since Paris in January. We know what we’re doing.


Can I start a video or something with sound while listening to ultima or is it the same as masked version?

How is it that Ultima delivers extremely realistic and vivid dreams that seem to deal a lot with healing? I really made some outstanding progress in that regard through Ultima

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Since Ultima subliminals have a narrow focus, it can deal with issues quicker and hit deeper without triggering reconciliation and stonewalling. That’s the beauty of it


+1 for a Ultima healing sub focused on sexual issues


@SubliminalUser I see where @Malkuth is going with what he said. I would think that Sanguine Ultima would have wide ranging applications depending on the goal or situation the individual involved. Prior to a job interview or a first date. Or honestly in my case before having to do something you don’t want to do or be somewhere you don’t really want to go. Having that calm inner knowing and not freaking out or bailing . I am happy I was able to run a loop of Sanguine Ultima an hour or so before I had to do a couple of things that forced me to have to deal with someone who is a narcissistic control freak who has obviously zero problem with talking over you and doesn’t ever shut the fuck up when trying to get something done. I don’t think or feel running Sanguine Ultima was a placebo effect but I could be wrong and I could very well be wrong about what Sanguine Ultima is intended to do . I will leave that for @SaintSovereign or @Fire to answer

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