Main Disc. Thread - Ultima

@SaintSovereign @Fire @Everyone

Any negative side effects and general experiences , from listening to 2 separate titles of Ultima in the same day , but 1-2 hours apart ?

e.g. Ultima Beyond Limitless and Ultima Limit Destroyer


Depends on your tolerance. I ran two today with no problem. I did two last week and crashed for an entire day.


I’ve been doing this pretty much since the second title (BLU) came out, gradually adding each new Ultima title. I do BLU and LDU one day and Sanguine/Rebirth the other day (typically, sometimes it varies). At first, I was EXHAUSTED. Now I’m starting to process more and the fatigue is fading. The process is slow, however, but that could be also due to my super heavy stack.


Cheers @SaintSovereign

By “crash” did you mean general zombie mode, apathy etc ?

Thanks @Baphomet - presumably you’re combining them (BLU/LDU) with the Major titles as well ?

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Three customs and some major programs. You can find the full up-to-date list here:

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Damnnnn! :slight_smile:

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I ran two this morning with 30 mins in between: Sanguine + Rebirth I did not end up doing what I set out to do yet (tackle the mystery closet) but otherwise was fine. Got into a couple knowledge seeking rabbit holes instead.

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Who’s looking forward to the release of Aura / Godlike Masculinity Ultima?


I want DREAMS. And whichever beast one works for not cursing at the p.volve instructor when they make you do a third threshold move on already shaking muscles.


Dreams, Libertine and Elixir are the ones Im looking forwards to

Both of those will be interesting to see how exactly they work… Commander will be awesome too

Looking forward to lucid dreaming all the time with DREAMS Ultima.


Libertine made me horny af, it reconnected me to my sexual energy! And true social is the bomb! Those are the one I can’t wait to try


I second @GoldenTiger those are definitely the two I’m looking forward to the most. I suspect that Ultima test 3 is either Libertine or possibly a Libertine/True Social hybrid :eyes:


Indeed, it sounds like it’s a hybrid. I agree with ya two, True Social and Libertine, oh man!!!
I’m so looking forward to them.


I really like the idea of TS/L Ultima coming out during quarantine because it is a state shifter. This is actually underrated. A socially focused main sub might be wasteful with social distancing. But a state shifter for when you need it is PERFECT. These will definitely be in my arsenal as I run programs which are not socially oriented (including my custom (Let's Design A Q Sub! (ft. Physical Changes))).

Is libertine unisex? Like would it just increase libido / unblock sacral, or something?

The Supercharger version wasn’t. The Ultima version will be.


can we expect the the commander Ultima and True Social Ultima next? @SaintSovereign