Main Disc. Thread - True Sell ZP (Now Available!)

How about a HOM-Daredevil-True Sell stack? It sounds to me that each sub would enhance both the business and the social part.


@lovage : Just wondering if the social side of that stack wouldn’t overshadow the deal making part of it.

EDIT : @lovage , I just read the Daredevil description. HOM-Daredevil-True Sell could a perfect stack for a salesperson.

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Bro. Wow. Your results are mind blowiñg

In theory each sub would shine in both social and sales situations. I kind of like this: not having a sub that helps only business stack and a completely separate one to help the social part. It’s more holistic, all subs about you and how you manage every situation.


@Billions thank you for sharing was literally about to ask you this yesterday.

Did you notice anything in regards to “Hilarious Humor”

That’s kinda the part which drew me in most.

If everyone ends up buying True Sell it might also be a testimony to it’s effectiveness lol

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Hilarious humor no but feeling playful with people yes, very strong effects !


Yes. I also cought myself making silly faces to kids in the subway :stuck_out_tongue:


If you bought True Sell ZP because you were sold by the sales copy…

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Well that sounds exactly like something I need. My nutrition and diet has been absolute garbage for the last 9 months and I need a change in that regard.


Is True Sell an “advanced subliminal”? In other words, do some people need to be “ready” for it after running another “foundational” subliminal? Some people like me are natural introverts with anxiety and are afraid of selling because we are afraid of rejection. I understand that for people who are already good salespeople, this subliminal will make them even better salespeople, but what about those who are not?


I like your question. This file is excellent to sell everything, even your own ideas ! Sell yourself


The confidence is dope !

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In my case, I like my unhealthy snacks because they push me harder, more of a psychological way of balancing diet and hard work.

Plus there are certain tricks involving sugar and other seemingly unhealthy stuff that can benefit one when bodybuilding, and an example is the consumption of gummy bears during, and right after, a workout, this is done to replenish glycogen storages in a much faster way for the muscles, which in return increases your energy levels, as well as fill up those muscles for even juicier pumps (this is also why powerlifters have gummies sometimes between their sets).

So yeah, no CWON :rofl:
Decided to go with Mind’s Eye for the stack :sunglasses:


I honestly feel that everyone should run this sub. Selling is human. Dating, job interviews, convincing your children to behave or do whatever. I wish I would have had this sub , Ascended Mogul, and PCC when I started a job I had back in 2007. I didn’t really understand how much of customer service is selling. I did debt collection for about a year and that is sales.


I’m going to reshape my inner world to my liking and then use this program to sell people shit for the price of gold lol

I will sell people a living dream their impulses and simply no escape from

Can’t wait to try this I love selling all kinds of bullshit to people lol


I think I could make so much money in sales but I was never able to sell people something if I felt it was a scam, or if it did not have true value.

I’m generally an ultra ethical person. So far has my “feelings” and knowing of fairness and morality goes.

I can sell something if I believe in it, then I can sell it to anyone. But, I must be sold first, I first have to sell myself into the dream then I can let someone else see it, and buy into it.

Would True Sell, remove this “blockage”? Can I sell anything to anyone lol.


Integrity is not a “blockage”


Human trafficking is illegal and unethical.

Please refrain from such practices, unless you’re talking about the world’s oldest profession, well then, I have no comments regarding that :slight_smile:


But do not sell drugs to anyone :slight_smile: .

Ahhh, yeah I was thinking the same. Sad fact is that a lot of people believe in products and services which truly do not have much value.

I would not want to sell a gasoline car knowing we can innovate and build electric cars functioning on anti-gravity propulsion, you feel me?

That’s my issue I see a different and more evolved world and society is still in the stone age, I want no part in it. Lol.

Who needs space cake when you have paragon sleep bruh :sunglasses: