Main Disc. Thread - True Sell ZP (Now Available!)

as 20 y.o. man, I’m very grateful to you and other experienced members who share their life experience here, and younger ones can see what they can do to make better decisions in their lives. thank you so much.


Wow. That just made my day. Thank you
If I can help anyone make better decisions and avoiding unnecessary drama and headaches I am all for it

I know Saint and Fire don’t recommend people in their early to mid teens to run the subs but I would have given anything to have Dragon Reborn in high school. Set the stage for a far more productive and quiet adult life


This is so perfect!

Will this be effective for romance when run solo
or with something like HOM or EOG?
(without a Sexual sub stack/ not as effective for romance I’m sure but still effective)?

What does everyone think of the following Stack rotations

True Sell

True Sell
Quantum Limitless

True Sell

What is your goal? Those are 3 wildly different animals.

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  1. Make more Money through new opportunities
  2. Pass a Supply Chain Exam
  3. Become insanely analytical and creative (mostly for Business) - this is more of an ego goal


Do a @Palpatine and just figure out a careful/safe way to run them all. Problem solved.


Please tell me more sensei

Read me journals, matey. ARRRRR


If you run AscMogul, you can drop Ascension and Mogul as separate ones. That’s one slot freed up.
True Sell

The rest is on you :wink:


I ran ascended Mogul for quite a while without any prominent results . So I thought of digging the foundational issues with specific attention @Palpatine

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This man listened to one loop of True Sell and can’t help but sell it up now! :wink:


True Sell Review, First Loop

This sub HITS like Mike Tyson with a baseball bat.

First, I’m going to explain what this sub feels like.

Second, I’m going to go over the high-level benefits I’ve been experiencing running my first loop of True Sell.

Third, we’re going to have some crazy story time.

Fourth, I’m going to go into the cons of True Sell and what’s been difficult for me about running this sub.

And to start it all off, we’re going to quote @Invictus, because you know what, this man summed up True Sell better than Shakespeare could sum up a summer day.

I’m just gonna expand on what he said and give it more context.

Quick Tangent

And guys… have you been reading the quality of this post so far? Like WHAT THE FUDGE!!! Copywriting skills through the roof. Who the F would ever write “summed up True Sell better than Shakespeare could sum up a summer day” unless they were under the influence of mind-altering substances. Seriously, that just flowed out of my fingertips and I watched in awe as it happened.

What Does True Sell Feel Like

@Invictus summed it up. IMO, True Sell feels S&S for the
perfect subconscious coaching on what to say and how to be, alongside the healing of social insecurities… it’s like S&S but for friends as well as f-buddies. Just like S&S heals insecurities around “socializing” and lets you socialize at your best, so do Daredevil and True Social, so it feels a lot like those subs too. It DEFINITELY feels like PCC, for the mind-reading prowess it gives. And it REALLY feels like Chosen, for the level of connecting you can easily achieve on it. It could be likened to a more social, less directly wealth focused HOM… like a tightened version of HOM specifically for someone who wants to use social game to achieve their wealth goals, instead of true financial expertise. And it feels like Wanted, because what I find is that while I am verbally fluent when I’m speaking, I sometimes spend entire conversations teasing more and more vulnerability from the person until they’ve completely opened up. Where TrSe is even BETTER than Wanted is that sometimes I get them to open up with questions, but sometimes I get them to open up by telling them an awesome and captivating story to capture their attention, spike their joy, get them hooked to the conversation, and accustomed to that level of depth in what they were previously expecting to be a normal, so-so conversation. And finally, TrSe even feels like the social equivalent of RICH.

It’s a sub that, whatever your subconscious desires are, will help you get what you want from other people, oftentimes without you having to ask.

True Sell and Stark

Because Stark has many elements of Seduction subs + Daredevil + True Social, True Sell really feels like a modified Stark, to me. The same person might be attracted to Stark and True Sell, but have different methods of achieving the goal.

So for those who are wondering about pairings, I’m sure True Sell would complement any sub, but it would REALLY round off Stark for all the reasons I’m about to describe.

Stark and True Sell both are subliminals that seem to have some level of what I’ll call “fame” at the forefront of the scripting.

Saint and Fire will probably disagree, because I doubt there’s direct fame scripting inside of True Sell…

It’s just simply the fact that True Sell’s influence is SO powerful that you will make TRUE fans of anyone who falls under your spell. This isn’t superficial fame. This isn’t a social media following. True Sell creates such an admiration in you and what you stand for that, if you were to be famous the True Sell way, you would have what we literally call a “cult” following.

But True Sell and Stark achieve fame very differently.

Stark is about a general aura of fame. Nobody really knows you, but EVERYONE knows of you.

With True Sell, you get famous one person at a time. Which can be much faster, if you are speaking to the right people. You’ll go from a stranger to their best friend to their role model in a few short minutes.

Stark is like getting famous on Social Media for posting quick YouTube videos.

True Sell is like getting famous because you walked into a boardroom with Jay Z, Kanye West, Beyonce, and Simon Cowell all trying to figure out who the next person they want to groom into a superstar is, and you walk up to them and after a few minutes of speaking with you, they tell you that they’re going to turn you into a superstar, even though you just were the guy that was ordered to get them some coffee.

With True Sell, you need the interaction to happen in order to have the interaction succeed, but once you have the interaction, you WILL succeed.

Compare that to Stark, where the Aura seems strong enough that you have an air of fame about you, even without direct interaction.

In that sense, True Sell is like a social manifestation subliminal, and feels like RICH, but for people.

It won’t (as far as my one loop has informed me) open up DIRECT PATHWAYS to manifestation…

But that’s not a problem because we are a social species that literally have thousands of micro-interactions every single day. We only need to become aware of them.

So what True Sell will do is manifest the best possible outcome for every single social opportunity presented to you.

I can instantly pick up who wants to talk to me, and realized that I’ve always had the pathways and opportunities to achieve more of my social goals. I just never capitalized on them.

So while True Sell doesn’t enhance the number of social opportunities you have, it does show you how many you were never aware of.

Limiting it to the financial sphere alone would be a grave mistake that you do not want to make.

I haven’t had any significant sales calls to really test it on yet… the business is in a hiring and training phase, not a grinding out sales call phase right now.

But I’ve gotten such crazy results off True Sell, and they’re very interesting to share. That’ll be part 3 of this. First, let’s go into high level benefits.

Effects Of Running True Sell

Seriously guys, point zero is look at how dang good this review is. I’m just closing my eyes and letting True Sell do all the writing for me.

And my first real point… my verbal fluency is through the roof. Not that it’s made me infinitely talkative like Stark might… but when I do speak, I always say the right thing.

In writing or in speaking, some of the sentences I say are so dang eloquent it’s like I’m speaking poetry. I’d expect people to wince and cringe when I say something to them, if it was a little flowery, but I haven’t had that happen even once yet. I can tell that my TrSe inspired sentences hit at a deep level.

My eye contact is god tier. I’m so comfortable in my own skin. I never hesitate when people look at me. A lot of social trauma is instantly being healed. Anything stopping me from being present with the person in front of me and presenting myself as whatever they need me to be (while still being myself) is being dissolved, and I’m able to hold the stronger frame in the conversation, always.

When I look at them, I pierce into their souls. People must feel they’re really being scrutinized. Seen against their will. Frantic to be honest on their own rather than encouraged by me to be that way. It has caused some of the most rapid vulnerability from others I’ve ever been granted in my life - people are sharing about their lives to me.

It’s weird. People are usually tense and awkward around me because I’m tense and awkward around them. But now, I use eye contact, dominate the frame, guide the conversation, and really see them, which causes connection.

And I mean it when I say I SEE them. My ability to pick up people’s thoughts, emotions, feelings, perceptions has skyrocketed. But I don’t just read their minds and say nothing about it. I point out what I see and bring it into the conversation.

If they’re tense, I bring it up, and that’s enough to alleviate their tension. If they’re skeptical, like someone was around me on a sales call today, I bring it up, and that lets them stop being so in their head, and start to open up about their real objection.

The benefit of this is that nothing remains unsaid, so that nothing boils over into resentment, so that they don’t feel like they’re not being themselves in the conversation. They feel honest. And if someone isn’t being vulnerable in the conversation, I’ll gently help them talk about themselves more honestly by pointing out what I see.

I have a version of “Charisma Mentor” in my head, a subconscious voice giving me real time tips about what I’m saying and how to say it better. Some examples might look like.

“You said that sentence pretty fast - that’s fine, just really slow down for the next one, lower your voice, and make what you’re saying sound really important. That way, the tension of switching from fast to slow will seem really dramatic.”

“You’ve got a bunch of energy in your chest! Take a quick breath and slow down BEFORE you speak… otherwise the sentence you’re about to say is going to come out too fast.”

“This person would really benefit if you spoke for a while. The best way to get them to open up is for them to see you open up first. Tell them a funny story.”

“They’ll really like this compliment.”

Even when I’m not talking to people, I can tell if they want to talk to me or if they’re thinking about it, and why. I know what to say to them before we even start talking, and the intuition seems to be correct.

Better ability to both tell my business partner what I see the pros/cons of a specific situation being, and better able to understand his side of the equation… I’m slipping into story time, but, I didn’t want to just call this “Debating.”

I ask so many questions now, and people keep talking and talking forever. Better yet, I never ask an awkward question. Instead of asking an awkward question, I’ll tell a story, then tell them what the story means to me, then ask them about a similar time in their life, then ask them a bunch of questions about that till they willingly (happily) have told me everything.

Alright guys, that’s parts 1 and 2.

Story time and the cons of running True Sell will come at a later date…

Hopefully not like how @Friday’s 2nd favorite module review is “coming soon” :wink: But like actually soon. 2 days tops.

But before I go, just wanted to comment that this doesn’t feel like the way to go with True Sell. You’d need a LOT of conscious guidance. Maybe if you consciously wrote out all of the reasons why you should do something, it might work. But to me, the sub feels more like True Social than like Spartan. It’s designed to increase Charisma to others, above all else.

However, forget about Rebirth, True Sell is the way to go to achieve the goals of a subliminal faster, unless it’s not a social goal whatsoever. Running Regeneration? Stack it with Rebirth? Running Khan? True Sell will be a criminally effective stack with Khan.

Top Pairings for True Sell include…

#1 = Stark & True Sell

  • Balance out Stark’s weaknesses
  • Ultimate social exuberance

#2 = True Sell & Any other social subliminal

  • Chosen, HOM, Wanted, Whatever
  • Amplify the level of success each interaction produces

Also #2 = True Sell & Any Seduction Subliminal

  • Khan, Primal, S&S, you name it.
  • If you want to talk to people, True Sell will help.

Specifically interesting pairings…

For sales… HOM + True Sell

For career… Ascension or Chosen + True Sell

For love… Heartsong + True Sell

For Sex… Khan + Wanted + True Sell

For (insert subliminal’s goal here)… (Subliminal) + True Sell


Usually it happens that the subliminals from subliminal club end up selling themselves.

Now it seems to have increased exponentially now that True Sell ZP has been unleashed. I always wanted a sales subliminal. But I kind of gave up on it and didn’t have much enthusiasm for it until I started reading this thread! I still don’t have a spot for it in my stack just yet, but I’m sure I’ll be finding all of the right reasons for me to use it very soon!

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We’re doing the final touches on .flac and we’re pleased to announce that Emperor, True Sell and Ascension Chamber will be receiving the experimental flac versions.


Based on your feeling would you say Commander + True Stell could stack synergistically? Or not so much?

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I don’t think I ever said that :smiley:

but actually… it’s coming soon… like in 10 days

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Reckon this could be good for streamers?

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He replied to me doing streaming above. I’d still like an official answer on this but I think it would be great for streaming.


Yes. It would be.