Main Disc. Thread - True Sell ZP (Now Available!)

What is your camera?

both pics where shot with my iPhone X, a 5-years-old smartphone at this point.


Wou, very impressive.

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Are there any other qualities coming from this title except making obviously great photos?

Wow, those photos are fire! When you get a chance post some more.:+1:

Wow, again an IPhone X there’s hope for me! I’m always trying to capture photos. Great job.

Is anyone running True Sell and Chosen in a stack or as a custom together? That combo is definitely in my future.

Mine too in future :+1:

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There is a charisma aura on this subliminal? Can people compare it to Stark’s aura? Can someone compare both subliminal in terms of aura and charisma?

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He said it was probably recon.

I don’t understand how people draw such fast conclusions after 1 or 2 loops


Who here has tried true sell with libertine?

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I’d like to know this too. :wink:


Yes, you could say that. It isn’t as encompassing as Stark’s aura and probably executes easier. Stark’s aura has much more information and hits deeper. True Sell’s aura is lighter, but will probably hit quicker.


Something I learnt from how you talk about True sell is that it does not contain scripts like “I am flamboyant or sth specific”(yeah you said that in the description :sweat_smile:) but now it looks like you really meant it.
I asked this question once and maybe it’s others questions as well, will it make you necessarily friendly with everyone?
I discovered that stirring the waters(stimulating negative emotions) make my mom and dad tick and move, so does TS have the potential to make me aware of using those? You know humans have some incentives, like fear, greed…
I simply wanna know that if TS’s charisma aspect can have any explicit ruthless part to it, I must admit one can be implicitly ruthless(like feminine seducers)

Only if the situation requires that attitude to “get the sale.” True Sell is consciously activated, in a way. It really kicks in when you’re trying to sell something – which CAN include yourself (while on a date, or job interview). Otherwise, you’ll probably find yourself researching sales tactics and the such.

The aura is focused mostly on sales.


Thank you
I really gained massive respect when running it, and I was not selling anything(I ran it short) but I searched for a selling job.
But regarding Charism​:joy::joy:
I searched about dictators and stuff😆
I was in mad scientist mode.

I have and now that you mention it, I have never seen so many heads turn. Felt like I am the most attractive man on the planet.


Is true sell core zp, a light sub like inner circle/pcc.

Could it ever be added to a custom to make it a 3rd core?

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It is probably a light sub as I haven’t felt mentally overwhelmed from it even though I have it as my 4th core. But I wouldn’t underestimate True Sell! Not to be overly dramatic but the moment you logically understand all your past and current social interactions and relationships, your life changes forever. And this can give some very harsh recon.

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Ethereal Presence makes you have a lasting impression during social interactions. Would you say adding Ethereal Presence to a True Sell custom could be considered kinda overkill or would it be a highly powerful combination?