Main Disc. Thread - True Sell ZP (Now Available!)

Something I learnt from how you talk about True sell is that it does not contain scripts like “I am flamboyant or sth specific”(yeah you said that in the description :sweat_smile:) but now it looks like you really meant it.
I asked this question once and maybe it’s others questions as well, will it make you necessarily friendly with everyone?
I discovered that stirring the waters(stimulating negative emotions) make my mom and dad tick and move, so does TS have the potential to make me aware of using those? You know humans have some incentives, like fear, greed…
I simply wanna know that if TS’s charisma aspect can have any explicit ruthless part to it, I must admit one can be implicitly ruthless(like feminine seducers)

Only if the situation requires that attitude to “get the sale.” True Sell is consciously activated, in a way. It really kicks in when you’re trying to sell something – which CAN include yourself (while on a date, or job interview). Otherwise, you’ll probably find yourself researching sales tactics and the such.

The aura is focused mostly on sales.


Thank you
I really gained massive respect when running it, and I was not selling anything(I ran it short) but I searched for a selling job.
But regarding Charism​:joy::joy:
I searched about dictators and stuff😆
I was in mad scientist mode.

I have and now that you mention it, I have never seen so many heads turn. Felt like I am the most attractive man on the planet.


Is true sell core zp, a light sub like inner circle/pcc.

Could it ever be added to a custom to make it a 3rd core?

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It is probably a light sub as I haven’t felt mentally overwhelmed from it even though I have it as my 4th core. But I wouldn’t underestimate True Sell! Not to be overly dramatic but the moment you logically understand all your past and current social interactions and relationships, your life changes forever. And this can give some very harsh recon.

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Ethereal Presence makes you have a lasting impression during social interactions. Would you say adding Ethereal Presence to a True Sell custom could be considered kinda overkill or would it be a highly powerful combination?

Would like to be able to sell myself in the best way possible, if you know what I mean. :slight_smile:

Tried Libertine with True Sell again just now — you always make a good first impression on it :wink:


There is, in my experience.

However, comparing it to Stark is somewhat tricky…

I would say…

Stark’s charisma - again, in my experience - can be pretty broad. In that, it encompasses work, romance, explaining things to people in a way that is received well, etc etc. There’s a ‘brightness’ to the charisma of Stark in the scintillating quality of how this title makes me shine.

True Sell’s charisma is just… Charismatic. There isn’t an aspect of life that I don’t feel it in. I feel it more on a person to person basis than I feel it in a more ‘all encompassing’ manner.

I really don’t think this helps but hopefully it does.

Unfortunately for this comparison, I’ve used Stark as well as True Sell (and relatively close together) and I sense there’s a bit of overlap between the two. So it would take a bit of thinking for me to really ascertain in myself the difference.


Lol, I just saw this. I’m in the ballpark with my response, then.

Interesting, someone mentioned to me today that I have an extremely charismatic flair, lol.

I’m pretty sure Stark has the True Sell module I recall when I ran this program for 4 months and executed just about every little detail of the script and I could persuade, influence and pretty much sell anything to anyone.

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How much compulsion and charisma scripting does True Sell truly have?

It is very compulsion based, I have always been looking seeking after something that enhances compulsion. Like compelling someone to be intrigued and get lost in your ideas, what you are selling, and to be fully compelled to buy into it, buy it, almost as if they “lost” control of themselves in the moment of the compulsion. As if something greater pulled them into the deal… and as if the fell into it like an instinct or compulsion…

Something that behaves for you, hypnotising you into the compulsion, and action upon it.

If that makes sense lol.

I guess another word for instinct that would be even more accurate would be an impulse.

Are we truly in control? How many people are constantly letting into bad habits, drugs addiction, eating that snack knowing it is not sustaining your health, ejaculating to porn,… the list goes on.

Well, the bodies impulse is in control here.

Does True Sell help us to instilling a similar compulsion in the other person(s) we are dealing with? To sell them into what WE WANT, and to get it done compulsively almost as if they are in an hypnotic trance falling into our desires?

Not manipulation, not persuasion, not influence, but compulsion each of these are different approaches of getting our Will onto the world.

Imposing it is another one.

I like the magnetic approach of compulsion, it’s smooth and it causes far less “resistance” from others because they often so unaware of it.

Always had problems with the Alpha titles because I blatantly told people what will happen and how things were going to go, it makes people feel powerless and they are very aware of how they are being “controlled” how your will is imposed on theirs and it is often done through fear, or dominance.

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Did you notice a difference?

True Sell vs True Social vs True Succes :wink::pray::sparkles:


Didn’t even need to stack Libertine with it, lol.

I can definitely say there was an aura involved with True Sell, or at least, that’s what the results would suggest. I’m not privvy to the exact scripting.

Women were eyeing me up and down and I wasn’t even doing anything. Seems like an aura to me.

I ended up going to a coworking space and sitting across from this girl. We worked in silence. I didn’t even have the slightest intention of escalating, or flirting, when I spoke to her.

Right as I was leaving, I just asked her about her purple airpods and where she got them because I was genuinely curious and had been considering buying normal airpods. No intention involved, I swear.

Her eyes lit up when I talked to her so wide and so bright, it was like I made her whole day, and I could tell how much effort she put into her response. I teased her for a second about how excited she was to talk about her airpods.

Then I figured that I might as well just stay and keep talking a bit, if she’s that excited from such an innocent question.

She starts telling me how she’s a counselor, and she does it all through zoom, with people all over the world.

She has someone in her waiting room on zoom as I’m speaking to her, but I assume it’s just a team member of hers or something.

Needless to say I start flirting with her after a while. At one point, I tell her her earrings are beautiful just like her and I think she almost died right there on the spot from how much it melted her.

I thought to myself right then and there that that was definitely True Sell that made me say that, and knew it would land so well.

Then I made us dinner plans for later that night. We say ok, we trade numbers, then I leave.

But as I’m packing up my bag to leave, I hear her letting the person that had been in her waiting room on zoom for close to 20 minutes now, and she apologizes to him saying she was in a meeting with another client, and then asked if he had done the homework she assigned him last week.

It was a client. Holy sh**.

She literally ignored a man getting mental health care under her professional licensing, just so that she could give me the googly-eyes and get my number.

She shows up to the date in the finest dress I’ve ever seen, and the moment I go to give her a hug as an introduction, we start making out and I realize she won’t even care if I grab her ass, so I do.

(I am always testing the boundaries with kino and escalation on dates, I’ll always be tapping their shoulders until they’re comfortable with it, then their waists, and so on, until I find their “stop” zone. She just didn’t have a stop zone, and I saw that fast, which is how these escalations happen so quickly.)

At dinner I’m telling stories and drilling holes into the back of her head with my eye contact. My eye contact was way more intense than normal, and the stories were on point. A lot of the time, I make it all about the girl, but this time, because I just met her, I started off by talking about myself a lot. To get her comfortable.

The fact that she was so fascinated definitely helped.

Then once she was super comfortable with me, I started asking really deep questions. They stopped her in her tracks, and next thing you know she’s telling me everything about her goals and what pain she’s trying to overcome. I can tell she didn’t expect to share that much. True Sell in action.

Then I take her out for a drive “to see something amazing.”

And again stupid me I still wasn’t trying to escalate, I literally just wanted to show her this amazing statue that lights up and stuff because staying in a restaurant all night is boring.

So we drive over there and she’s letting me touch her with my hands, I’m squeezing her thighs, I didn’t know how DTF she was, and I wasn’t gonna start grabbing her everywhere in the car, but I kinda knew I could have already.

Then when I park, she looks at me like the horniest, hungriest puppy I’ve ever seen, one that can’t decide whether to have sex with me or eat me.

So we get down to business, right there. I don’t like car sex so I just let her finish me as selfishly as humanly possible and as far as I could tell, she couldn’t have been any happier with how that ended up. She really loved to please, lol.

So, I hope that answers the question around True Sell and sexual aura.

It’s weird because I didn’t have sex on my mind at all, I didn’t run any seduction subs for a long time before that, and I wasn’t consciously guiding the sub that way at all.

Maybe that’s what my subconscious wants. But one interesting note about this whole interaction is that it was… in some ways… a non-sexual escalation.

I genuinely commented on her airpods, only to comment on her airpods.

I genuinely wanted to take her out to dinner as a first date, not a SDL.

I genuinely wanted to take her out to the bridge to see something amazing.

Even when we were making out and I asked her if she wanted to… you know… I was honestly surprised at how quickly she said yes. I wasn’t expecting that.


@RollsRoyce welcome to the forum and thank you for the great review!

In this post I see a lot of True Sell at play. Did You run it solo?

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after my first loop few days ago, I was talking like a host in TV show


Wow, he vanished without replying anything!

What do you mean? You were extroverted and eloquent?

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