Selling Writer X (True Sell + Ultimate Writer X)

I’m starting a new Journal as a way to keep myself accountable. The last few months of my life were a bit chaotic so I wasn’t very diligent in regards to my stack, just playing it when I felt like it and mix and matching titles as needed. Not the best but I didn’t have any recon, though my results weren’t great either.

Anyways, I’ll focus on the future for now. I started UW last Monday and have noticed that I’m a bit more driven to write, nothing crazy so far but it’s definitely nice after having spent the last few months suffering writer’s block.

I’ve also been more open and receptive to reading things that don’t instantly appeal to me.

I bought True Sell today and listened to my first loop an hour ago, so I don’t have anything to report so far.

Some goals for this stack:
-Be more consistent with my writing, writing daily and with bigger sessions. Right now I should be able to do 2000 words a day.

-Type faster, or become more efficient in regard to how long I take to choose the right words.

-Have my writing become more popular, I’m posting short stories online as a way to attract clients to commision service. Having more popular stories would help me get more clients, so it’s really a two in one affair.

-I want to get clients that want to commision longer stories instead of working with more people. I’d also like more clients in general but that goes without needing to be said.

-I want my writing, whether it be my fiction writing or my copy writing to improve. I definitely a good writer but I want to stand out from the crowd and truly excel. I want my talent, hard work and skills to shine and put me on an entirely different level.

-Start making more money that I was before.

Of course the social benefits of True Sell would be nice to have, but I’m not holding my breath on that as that isn’t my main goal.

That should be it for now but I’ll add to this list if anything comes up.


Looking forward to your progress.

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So far, so good. I’ve noticed myself being more fluid in conversations and had a great time talking with a lady I haven’t seen in a while.

Then I headed home and my Mom handed me a 20 for ‘bus fare’ which I’m not going to say no to. :grin:


That’s True Sell


I was on the bus this morning, and a gorgeous brunette walked past me. I kept telling myself to approach her, to the point where any potential rejection on her part would be better than the feelings of turmoil I would feel if I did not approach her.

The thought pattern amplified until suddenly, I felt a shift, and it felt as if something in my mind clicked into place.

My body relaxed, and the neediness I felt left my mind, my ego turned off.

Thoughts flowed in my mind as a stream of consciousness, so excuse me for not being able to relay them to you; rather than focus on the words, the feelings of understanding and congruence are more important.


It seems True Sell is really working for…in some other ways than intended too. :wink:

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This is a breakthrough brought on by True Sell as my thoughts and conscious guidance have a tendency to fall back on my abilities regarding women. It’s interesting to see that True Sell is able to help me sort out these matters as well.

I read through the True Sell thread yesterday, and this post from @RollsRoyce was the most striking for me, which is probably why True Sell is starting to manifest in such a way. I’m definitely not going to complain about it.

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It’s funny you say that as I’m typing it :joy:

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I could guess where the post would go from there so…:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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How does this work?!

I love to write. I share a lot of stories.

I’d love to make money somehow with my writing.


Any updates on this? Looking to make a custom with UWX + True Sell in the coming months.

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:thought_balloon: :face_with_monocle: :thinking: