Main Disc. Thread - The Revelation of Mind (Custom Module Available!) (2.27.23 Hotfix Available!)

@SaintSovereign imagine stacking ROM, HOM and Stark you become a brainaic.

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You will only communicate in numbers or directly in binary code


Hey wait have you stacked all three ?

No, I still use human language :wink:
But it would be interesting how much subs would change our core interest and core valuesā€¦ with that stack you have to become a new math legend


Itā€™s just lethargy

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Hi @Kyuss i have a hypothesis that such a stack could make you " limitless"

Coz you overload man.


Yes basically reconciliation

hey @BreathingJaguar are you hermit ?

@ksub @Pyro I am going to stick to my current stack. Yeah itā€™s tempting to switch but I really want to get insane results more than anything. Not just random results. Only running one title currently as I mentioned in my journal

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I think Hermit (Amor) is Houdini now. That man is on such a fast spiritual journey, that heā€™s going through all the Saints :joy:

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Thankyou for alerting me.

@RVconsultant please be aware of what Jim has just shared.

@Solomon @TheBoxingScientist
I think these kind of direct claims(at least by us) are unjustified.
Itā€™s really hard to judge, I also think some people come to the forum with alternate accounts. But I canā€™t be sure.

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Yes, absolutely. As I said this made me realize why itā€™s artisan. Not everyone can deal with that feeling. And for most, they are likely far away from their minds/spiritsā€™ goal, so this might be tough.

(I also thought the artisan titles would be locked, or only given to seasoned ppl, but it seems they decided against that)

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Alpha male is right

@RVconsultant can we confirm this ?

@James please stick with your stack for 3 months at least.

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How should he know and why does it concern us?

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Itā€™s just a name change, no alternate account.

(e. g. Last Supper is now started by Houdini: Last Supper šŸ·, a Journal by Amor )

Rvconsultant can check and monitor his ip address.

Oh I see
Former @amor and present @houdini also changed his name to @hermit
I thought @TheBoxingScientist was talking about THAT hermit who is not welcome here anymore.
Accept my apologies.
I think I was right :sweat_smile:
@TheBoxingScientist people can use vpns.

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