Main Disc. Thread - The Revelation of Mind (Custom Module Available!) (2.27.23 Hotfix Available!)

I don’t admire many people, but you are one cool guy @SaintSovereign @Fire . You gentlemen are the pinnacle of self-development.


Active minimalism?

@SaintSovereign What about stacking this with Emperor Black and Dragon Reborn?

This sub is something else.

  1. Made me reevaluate my stack. Pretty much making the goals (and subs) that would benefit me the most, short, mid, and long term.

  2. My desire to study has increased exponentially. Downloaded apps now, even taking practice tests etc.

  3. Focus has increased and being able to go into a deep focus on whatever it is I am focusing on, while also able to engage in conversations.

  4. More analytical.

  5. Boost in emotional intelligence. Finding emotional solutions to emotional problems. Able to handle in healthy urges etc.

  6. Very tranquil! When I want to meditate I am able to quite my mind very quickly.

  7. Curiosity has skyrocketed in terms of learning random topics.

  8. Positive manifestations.

  9. Crystal clear thinking and boost in memory.

All this from one loop. On Wednesday


This makes me think that a combo ROM + REBIRTH would be a powerhouse for unfolding and embracing own’s path. ROM seems to go well with everything (Limitless…)


Yesterday I went for my usual jaunt to the shopping center, which for me has always been a means of connecting with the world, since my default mode is more EB like. I’m running RoM in my stack. I started noticing things on the walk like the flowers, the light quality, smells and configurations, and the internal state reminded me of when I was living in Bondi in 2009, before life circumstances did things to in my mind decrease the quality of life (losing my partner, being walked over by a prior employer, failing to establish my small business etc). The events that caused the loss are unimportant, but my sense from this experience was that this internal state is still accessible. The “when I was younger” aspect resonates and agrees with what I experienced yesterday. The funny thing is, I can’t describe the internal state with any accuracy using words, but I can tell it is the previously accessed state. The state is a non verbal thing as thus closer to the subconscious than conscious mind.


Yeah am on it plus drst1 and eog1.

Rom just came out but before had to dial down on dr st1 to just one loop a week like @Billions because felt depressed and shit, still need to function.

One loop of lbfh and that depressed blanket just evaporated.

Prior to that was trying the new Wanted v2 zp,

man was that strong, went to get some meds for a parent, and the place was packed out but the head pharmacist came out the back and helped me find what I needed and she was stuck like glue on to me, unfortunately she was old and after all that I go into the car and a uncle like familly friend rings up my mum and is like thought of me and wanted me to check out a familly friend girl who is like 7 years younger to a event I would be going to a weekend.

The weekend came and well he showed me the girl but I got my eye on someone else , but for some strange reason I was getting this nervous feeling when he was showing me his friend’s girl.

It was at that moment I decided I would run drst1 because I did not know what that nervous feeling was from.

Did not give a hoot about the girl either.

Thereafter Eb came out and Now Rom which I got to write about.


I think the danger with too much introspection which I am very guilty of is that as a person works on themselves more and more and they keep growing and maturing , you really realize how shitty most people are. It’s really heart breaking at times


Oooof that combo sounds like it could be a wild ride. A lot of growth and understanding of oneself can definitely be a result though


I think I get what your saying.
Seeing where people operate from less than basic kindness, decency, and reason,
and it is indeed heartbreaking.

I also find the more I introspect and grow internally the more I feel I get people universally
and that everyone is really looking for the same thing in their way. I also see how people’s stuff is there stuff and has nothing to do with me. This gives me space to let people be where they are and have compassion for why they are the way they are. Still set boundaries and love from afar as necessary

On my especially potent revelations. I actually am grateful for how ‘shitty’ others can because of what it reveals to me.

I’ll try ROM next week to keep this relevant.


@James : Focus on your existing stack and see it through. I know RoM looks exciting but shiny object syndrome is the enemy of progress.
I’m interested in that sub too but I only have 3 slots in my stack. Maybe in a few months or in a year… But right now I want to make the most my existing stack. @SaintSovereign and @Fire will continue dropping new exciting subs so it’s going to become increasingly difficult to stick to one stack for a long time.


I love the strong masculine. Building form and structure. Don’t for get the Water woman. Illogical, intuition, dynamic, and fluid. There are both side of your brain. Use both hemispheres of your brain (Mind). ADHD is my super power. You are an infinite being.

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@James I had quite a bit of issues in the past switching constantly. A strategy I use is choose one sub/type of sub that is your core life goal. This is the thing you think about from when you wake up till you go to sleep. Run that sub, with every stack I use and be relentless about it. Then you get to change up the other two titles to help guide the core sub.

My core is EoG/RICH. I will always have one or the other in my stack until I have achieved financial independence. This allows me to play with the other two subs that will give my stack a flavor so to speak. I can try a different flavor between cycles, but my core stays always the same. Hopefully this might help someone out who has issues with constantly switching.


Be relentless like a honey Badger.


Heard those crazy bastards easily scares @Lion’s away :grinning:


Hahaha! I have seen it. Those guys are superior fighters due to their stubborn and stupendous savagery. Respect!


This is a very profound feeling with this sub, yes.
It brings you back to this childlike freedom of just expressing your true nature, not caring what anyone thinks of it.
I enjoy this a lot.

I honestly wonder what direction RoS will do then? Because isn’t being your true self exactly being your spirit nature?
Considering how you are hesitant to release it there must be something profound in that :smiley:

But yes, RoM is VERY transformational. Stopped me DEAD in my tracks and brought me back on purpose before I even started listening (you know the presult).


I think that’s the reason they are so hesitant. Look at what is happening with you at your 9 to 5 job. You had to go home because it was to much to handle.

It reminds me a bit of RM. People want to be free, but be aware how confronting this can be to your current circumstances.

I can’t wait for RoS tho. Combining RoS with RM would be amazing


This exactly, its the same thing i do with my stacks. For a very long time all my stacks featured stark and/or WANTED. Usually both. These subs just provided the foundation that all the other subs could build on. These are the subs ive gotten the majority of my results from. These are the subs that have heavily influenced the direction my life is going towards.

And as an added bonus i can always add a new sub depending on less longterm goals.


Same strategy I’m using. HoM and EOG will remain in the stack for the next one or two years. The third will change. The lineup for the third one is : LBFH, Lineage, Emperor, RICh and Mind’s Eye. Depending on how I feel, I might pick any one of them and give it 3 or 4 rounds. But the core (HoM + EOG) is not changing in 2023.


@BreathingJaguar @Alphamale both of you are adding some interesting gems to the thread.

May i also add when you fap what triggers you to fap ?. When you are aware of the trigger then it makes it easier for you to stop it before it happens or predict the behaviour before it happens.

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