Main Disc. Thread - The Revelation of Dreams ZP

So far since starting this sub I’ve had people talk about their dreams to me.

Additionally, it seems like the bridge between external stimulus and subconscious manifestation is doing some interesting stuff. My friend was talking about David Bowie a week ago. Yesterday I was behind a car in traffic that had a whole David Bowie decal on the back windshield and license plate. Another minor one, for whatever reason I was watching interviews with Madonna a week ago. Was checking out some threads on this forum and someone else had mentioned having a dream with Madonna in it.

Randomly had some girl I used to chat with back in high school message me saying she had a super bizarre dream about me.

This stuff is getting so noticeable. How the external filters to the internal and is expressed in reality. I’ve been stepping away from most woo stuff because like I’d said in my journal it’s not good if you’re not grounded. But I have a feeling my experiences are gonna keep getting more and more surreal.

I’ve never had this stuff really happen before. So it’s definitely molding my view of reality in an experiential way vs theoretical.


It seems like RoD has done for you what cheat codes do in a GTA game.:clap:

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Currently, me on RoD:

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Some weirdness. RoD firing off in the strangest way possible.

The other night I had a dream about a cartoon I watched growing up as a kid. Nothing noticeable about that or defining. Just seemed incredibly random.

Then I watched a movie today. One of the actresses had such a small role in the film but I liked her performance. So as usual I went on wiki to look her up. Turns out she was one of the voice actors for that exact cartoon I had a dream about the night before.

About 6 years ago I watched a documentary on voice actors, she was in there.

Now I can say for certain today when I looked up the synopsis for this movie I didn’t see her name in the cast list or anywhere that would hint at it. But this movie was in my huge to be watched movie list. I can’t remember how it got there or how much I read up on it or who was in it. It’s very feasible that my first time encountering the film description online I saw she was in the cast list.

Me right now



Wow!! That is really incredible. And too elaborate to be called a coincidence.


Ok, sold - definitely getting RoD. Not sure if I’ll immediately stack with Khan Black St 1 but I’m tempted.

how come no one comments on this beautiful baby ?I am gonna do it…

I added it to my stack as a fourth title(new comer dont do that,I ‘ve been using Subclub’s products almost four years now,I know what I am doing)paring it with Rom and my two custom…now halfway through my cycle…I have
run it three times ,4mins each,I already see a lot of things going on here.

1:more vivid dreams and easier dream control….when I say vivid,I dont mean just seeing more clear imageries….all five senses are enhanced…on many occasion,I was kissing or eating in the dreams,it just felt so real that I lost in it…the taste ,the smell,the touch ,the sight,the sound, it is all intact,I haven‘t completely gained control over it but the moment I said “this must be dreaming”to myself in the dreams ,I woke up…I once had a nightmare,but I emotions was completely in control …and I could see the RoD’s protection scripting manifested a young lady took me away from that demon….

2:general speaking,more positive feeling during the day…one of my custom are based on emperor and primal seduction focusing on masculinity and sexuality healing …at time ,that sub causes some emotion upheaval…RoD has scripting promote positive state…it helps me counteract those problems…light hearted…and not too slack back…it is quite balanced…

3: my perception towards reality and manifestation shifted…it feels like my old Terminus square custom…I experience my life in a dream- like state from time to time….it is like I snap out of the current reality standing in between different time line…really surreal feeling…hard to describe…since the dreams become so real and vivid…a lot of time ,I will ask myself “am I dreaming ” in a broad daylight, there is a lot of subtlties I could not pinpoint all of them right now but I know deep down I am going through a lot of changes on those subjects……for instance,on RoD sale page,there is this description about the world it is the dream of the Devine Force…and our dream is the echo of the Devine power…something like that….years ago,I heard of it,but just let it past…even I went through the page,I was just “meh” …but after I started the sub….I had a different feeling about this subject and saying….suddenly just feel
much more resonating with me…a lot of time ,to logically acquire knowledge is one thing,to have a cognitive shift is another….I feel like I am shifting my perception toward something new yet magnificent.

4:manifestation booster,RoD feels like Rebirth…it makes other titles more profound …the results from other subs are much more could be the enhancing effect on the manifestation ability…a lot of time,thing
just happens after I briefly think about it…like getting favors/compliments from others…also,I am seeing the connection between dream creating and real life manifesting…the line between those two are blurred.

overall ,I only used it three time,and the results are already promising…I will continue to use it for eight more cycles…I am sure there will be more to come.


My dreams are too real, had a nightmare where I would open a door and it will lead me to other rooms with more doors in it, I ended up in a room with a casket and I said hell no, wrong door. I saw a closet door on one of the rooms and went inside but I ended up being stuck in it.

I thought to myself this cannot be real, I must be dreaming, so how do I wake up from this dream, so I just woke up with no cold sweats. :ok_hand:


As strange as it sounds I had a really lucid dream like that once but in mine I had a girl with me and when I opened the last door it was infront of a canyon. And then the girl and I ran and jumped off. I even remember the sensation of falling. It is one of the dreams I actually remember vividly.


Yours sounded more adventurous than mine :blush:


just finished my first cycle of Rod two days ago…

generally speaking …smooth but not as smooth as genesis,which I also used one cycle ….with Rod in my stack ,I have a more positive outlook towards life …less stress…it balances out the hard edge from Emperor…and at the same time …not too gentle that I will lose the strong push to do the basic works……

recon was really mild…just few days could not recall the dreams I had but still had vague feelings about the dreams…no emotion turmoil from it at all…

the biggest thing that I experienced is the hyper awareness about manifestation…the relation between reality ,dream,perception…like I become really sensitive about the things that happened around me…I see them from a symbolic perspective…just like the way I approach dream analysis…I see the connection behind things from a more manifestation perspective rather than the usual day to day way….something happened …I will ask myself…“what this person/object/event represent ?how it relates to me ,on what level ?to what extent these will have long lasting effect on different parties that involved ?” I guess there is some synergetic effect from Rom ?

still too early to say anything,but I definitely will continue to use it ,at least 7 more cycles


Did you get any lucid dreams from it?

sure,couple times,to be exactly,the first week of using it,I even realised I was dreaming…but I did not have total control over those dreams…the second week,I had mild recon from it…but it is really mild…just could not quite remember the details of dreams but carry a vague feeling about those dream…


You guys ever been chased in your dreams by unkown people, if it’s one or two persons I would understand but a group of them and they are not zombies? Happened this morning and the 17th of July as well. On the 17th one actually caught up too me and messed me up pretty badly, I struggled to fight back I could only block.

RoD makes it too damn real. As per Google I’m not acknowledging anxiety or fear in my waking life. You can see on their faces they don’t want me alive and where the hell is Morpheus and Trinity when you need them lol.


I had that dreams like that but they were not on RoD. But I did have a really lucide dream like that in which some unknown people saved me and I have never had this particular genre of dreams since.


I’m listening to Khan st4 as well, 1st cycle washout, maybe something triggering me on Khan.


Yes that might be the case. The sub probably wants you come face to face with something.


today is the 4th days of washout…I had a dream,I saw Hank Moody(the character from Californiacation )the infamous seducer ,the proverbial author ,from a third person perspective and a voice in my head starting analyze how fucked up he is from a psychological standpoint….then I woke up,I continued the analysis…it is quite obvious to me that he represents an archetypical figure that I identify(the magician and seducer)also we might share the same type of “problems” and “talents”…my subconscious mind tried to help me reconnect with them strongly….have no doubt that this is the synergetic effect from my stack…in fact,it is quite normal and natural to reach that conclusion……


I just wanted to post a quick update. I did two cycles of RoD and then put it aside for some other shinies a few weeks ago.

Then the day before yesterday I had a DILD (Dream Induced Lucid Dream). I remember recognizing the sensation of dreaming, so I followed up with the finger-in-the-palm reality check and it was… one of the most surreal things I’ve experienced. Imagine being sound of mind and then pushing your index finger through your hand! It was… weird. But oddly satisfying. Now I was certainly having a lucid dream, and continued with exploring the dream-scene at my own leisure, which included a stroll through a quaint (Italian?) town, a walk to the beach and facing some monsters there, and then up some mountain ridges with an amazing view. Yes - It was a very long dream :sweat_smile:

And this morning I had a ‘normal’ dream in which I encountered an old dream scare of mine, a dragon, which I now somewhat offended decided to face head-on. It disappeared, but then moments later I was just as promptly tackled by a new one. Ain’t that curious? Still, no fear, only determination to face it down. (But how the heck do you deflect a charging bull, anyway?! :laughing: )

In both dreams (and all my dreams as of late) I had more keen awareness and perception. I could not only “see” farther and with more details, but the feeling of walking in the sand on the beach or grappling the grass with my hands as I climbed a hill… felt more real than doing those things in waking reality. Almost as if it were… hyper-real. As if my dream self is more “in the present moment” than my waking self, allowing me a more profound experience of being connected to my environment and everything around me.

I gotta day, I am not disappointed by this product.

7/5 would play Revelation of Hyperreality again. :joy:


Makes me wanna give it a go haha