Main Disc. Thread -- The New Wealth Experience

This, right here, is @James 's main challenge. 🤷


Not only James’s. I am also guilty of that.


@James One thing that has helped me massively is learning that I don’t need a “foundation sub” but a foundation topic. Pick one area of your life that you want to get handled. For me it’s finance right now, but a few years back was wealth. I’ve gotten incredible results using a million different subs, but I’ve for the most part kept my focus on one goal and one area thay I want to get handled for a long period of time. Then if I want to go from ascended mogul to emperors to EOG I’m not taking steps backwards because they are all focused on the same goal.


I decided on what I am focusing on yesterday . This morning I was looking at paths to take and action when my job called and offered me additional hours each week.

Sticking with my current stack no matter what. The only thing that will change is when EOG is updates with NWE


No changing no more shiny object syndrome

I went down a rabbit hole of introspection last night and early this morning. I have a plan. Am I going to share that plan? Not yet


Love it man, I can see the shift just in the clarity you have on your problems/goals! Stoked to see how this journey unfolds for you homie

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Are you ready to commit at 6 months to that stack (no matter what new subs are released) and reap the rewards of growth?


Thank you. There is something unreal in NR. @Lichtenauer mentioned the law of attraction and it got me thinking and making potential connections I didn’t see before. As I just wrote in a journal post I now understand some things on a conceptual level.


I am. More than ever


Then could we upgrade our customs in which there are wealth cores?

later edit
I found the answer :slight_smile:

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Yes, we have the rebuild option in the Q store for 50 U$, even cheaper depending on your rank.
Thats for any custom you ever made, to rebuild it to whatever the latest tech we have.


That’s right, I was not sure if this case was covered by that upgrade method.

Its what they have always done, I dont see them changing that policy now.

Im gonna leave the quote here just in case…


do you have to washout or can you switch it seamlessly?

I dont think theres a hard rule over that, since its the same custom, only updated, I dont see a reason for a washout.
I wouldnt do one, unless I had a specific reason for doing one.

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You can switch seamlessly. The New Wealth Experience in Nouveau RICH seems to be stacking quite well with wealth subs that DON’T contain it.


Moving discussion here:


NWE is subtle & beautiful


@SaintSovereign should this thread be locked if the discussion is now elsewhere?

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Yes, it should.

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