Main Disc. Thread -- The New Wealth Experience

This is included with the copy for Nouveau R.I.C.H., but I wanted to post this part on the New Wealth Experience separately for discussion and question purposes. This is NOT a questions thread for Nouveau R.I.C.H. itself – that will be created later tonight. This is strictly for the New Wealth Experience.

What is the New Wealth Experience?

It’s the result of a long, intensive research into the nature of wealth and success. We engaged with a range of people, from entrepreneurs to CEOs to entry-level workers and even spiritual leaders. Their insights spanned everything from the power of karma to the importance of mindset.

However, a recurrent theme emerged: Experience is key. Experience serves as a foundation from which subtle, subconscious results manifest. An individual with diverse experiences has a richer tapestry of thoughts to draw upon when internalizing concepts of wealth.

This changed our approach to wealth scripting completely.

The New Wealth Experience helps users manifest positive scenarios daily that evoke their deepest perceptions of wealth. When these realizations move to their conscious actions, their relationship with money evolves quickly, organically, and positively. As such, there’s no more need for “healing” scripting in the traditional sense, as your issues with money will be resolved organically as you simply live.

The methodology of the New Wealth Experience is inspired by the “unfolding” concept, much like our Revelation series. As you use it, results and opportunities will effortlessly present themselves. Yet, you’ll always have a gentle intuitive nudge, indicating that a learning opportunity has just manifested.

Another unique aspect of the New Wealth Experience is its self-guided approach. While it fosters self-exploration related to wealth, it doesn’t impose any fixed healing paths or lessons. This ensures that irrespective of your current relationship with wealth, you’ll always find room to grow and evolve with it. In this way, even if you don’t fit the “archetype” of a particular wealth title, you can still grow and learn.

So, what’s the relationship between the New Wealth Experience (NWE) and the title it’s included in, like Nouveau R.I.C.H.?

Think of NWE as the solid foundation of a building. It’s the bedrock upon which everything else is built. Nouveau R.I.C.H., with its features and objectives, acts like the floors and rooms added onto this foundation, designed specifically using the traditional Zero Point v2 MAX scripting.

While NWE focuses on the core principle of manifesting a positive relationship with wealth through experiences and self-exploration, Nouveau R.I.C.H. extends this by introducing specific scripts targeting various wealth archetypes. It’s akin to having a central theme, and then tailoring it to cater to different personas and their unique journeys with wealth.

Questions, comments? Drop 'em here.


is NWE a series of new Subs or is it a new season or is it a new title ?


Is NWE like some sort of core scripting that will be/is present in the new Wealth titles?


Yes. !char


My “wealth ceiling” seems to involve my drive and motivation changing once I hit or surpass a certain level of earnings for the day.

Say $100. Once I hit that, I feel like “eh. That’s enough.”

Will this NWE help with that without me falling into the Type A Workaholic trap?


@ouroboros @KingEsh @James @Extraordinaire this was exactly what we talked about a few days ago. Get results threw experience not healing. This will change the game for you guys :slight_smile:


You are not the only one that does that. We do that too sometimes, lol.

But the answer to your question is: absolutely. This is exactly the type of scenario it works best with. You’ll begin to understand exactly why you have this wealth ceiling in a very organic way, as well as intuitively understanding how to overcome it.


So in other words , Nouveau R.I.C.H. has NWE ?

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Getting even more excited now :slight_smile: @Extraordinaire we legit talked about opportunities yesterday

If your allowed to say now, how would NWE change the results of subs like Stark? What should we be expecting?

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I guess what I mean is. Yeah I could just do whatever modality to bump that number up to $1K daily. But then I’d have to work that much harder.

At least until I develop/discover higher-paying opportunities.

“Big Deals” in the parlance of Cashflow 101.

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The NWE sounds like a great module for the q store!


So that also means a big aspect of my wealth ceiling is thinking too small in terms of opportunities.

I’ll be getting the new title when it comes out. Will stack with Genesis.

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Not necessarily. :wink:

Yes, one can improve profit by working more hours. But you can also improve profit by lowering costs. While that may not be applicable in your case (just wanted to show an example), you can also optimize your routes, discover which areas have the most profitability depending on average order size, etc. Which areas are more likely to tip.

With the NWE, all of these things should be brought from subconscious observation to conscious knowledge, allowing you to capitalize upon them.


As I understand NWE is a totally new approach to wealth scripting in general.
My question is, if it will replace/upgrade wealth scripting in general or is it a feature just for some titles?

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We will be upgrading all the titles to the New Wealth Experience. Everyone, make sure you understand the last section:

It will be the same for every title. That which made your favorite wealth title unique will remain. It’s the underlying engine of “healing and clearing” that is being replaced. Essentially.


I have been craving this since I joined subliminal club. Beyond excited for this. I feel I grew massive leaps and bounds on EoG for a year. Really excited to see what this does. My long washout is going to be completely worth it.


Which wealth titles will Nouveau pair well with? EoG/Mogul possibly?

Or should we ditch the other wealth titles for now until they get updated with the NWE?


I noticed this methodology is something you guys have been incorporating into every sub since the Revelation series. The “healing via positive experience” type of scripting.

Are older titles eventually going to get an update to their scripting to incorporate these new strategies?


Will answer this tonight. :wink:


For me, NRICH looks like Genesis for Wealth.

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