Main Disc. Thread -- The New Wealth Experience

Do you have any any explanatory text you could link me to concerning the unfolding concept?

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My understanding of unfolding were largely gotten from the sales pages of Revelation of Mind and Revelation of Spirit. But if you put in unfolding into the search bar of the main store, you will also get the sales pages of other titles that also includes unfolding scripting including Nouveau RICH.

Based on the way it is written, I can contextually assume that unfolding refers to an unraveling of ourselves (not in a having psychotic break kind of way) but in self-discovery by peeling away all that is layered on top of us by religion, politics, media, family, societal programming, etc and to get to the core that is us. Because all the answers are already within.

But it’s a great question to ask support. What is unfolding?

I will make a thread for it and if we are lucky we will get Saint and Fire to answer. Others could also put in their answers. And possibly have a link to an answer if it was already answered before lol.


Actually better in this thread:

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The “old rich” vs “new rich” thing is literally addressed in a scene in “Titanic”. The 1997 James Cameron version

Rose’s mother was speaking disparagingly of Molly Brown (Kathy Bates). Eyeroll and all as she says “New Money”.

Though it seemed kinda cliché.

Old rich mom asks if the lifeboats will be seated according to class. Molly Brown is doing what she can to make as much room as possible in the lifeboat.


this is just my opinion but I think this is what ZPv3 is…

That’s why ZPv2 MAX is such an EXPANSIVE upgrade but still not ZPv3

@SaintSovereign I’m a little confused by all the abbreviations and hypotheses vs official disclosures… :sweat_smile:

Titles like, for example, AM will be updated to ZPv2 max and now this new NWE update. Will it be one update, separate ones, or…?

How do one know if a title has been updated and to what? Will it be in the file name?

ZPv2 max titles are in the STKS’s first post, does all the updated titles will be added there?

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It will be AM ZPv2 MAX NWE NTFW :slight_smile:


My brain is smoking :rofl:

Wait… what is NTFW? lol

Sorry it should be NFTW :slight_smile:

Huh so Wanted has wealth scripting now I’m coming confused af

Makes me wonder how much more is in the programs we don’t even know about

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Probably for monetizing your looks, harem, etc. :slight_smile:

Well if it is about the manifestation of wealth in terms of clothing, perfumes, watches and other things related to style and appearance I can certainly attest to that.

But I was always reluctant to go on spending sprees even though I felt guided to restyle my entire closet of clothing. But hey I’m not a millionaire so…

Did not really manifest ways to make more money, nor ideas so I could get more clothing and the clothing I truly desired.

More like direct manifestations of certain items at reduced costs or gifts.

So I’m a little bit curious now what kind of scripting is in there

Yea the wealth scripting in wanted has me curious

You mean Wanted Black, right?

  1. ALL titles will be updated to ZP v2 MAX. Am sure there will be a separate thread created for it to let us know when each title is updated. The same way when ZP v1 was updated to ZP v2.

  2. Titles that have wealth scripting will be updated with NWE (New Wealth Experience). Nouveau RICH is the first title which has the New Wealth Experience script and instead of healing your old wealth beliefs, instead:

Regarding Saint saying that Wanted Black getting the New Wealth Experience update, am surprised myself since I didn’t know it had that.

Does that explain why we feel more productive on Wanted Black compared to Wanted White?


And oh yeah, ZP v2 MAX and NWE updates will be done separately. We will know the details of it later.

Forgot to mention that most probably there will also be a separate thread for notifying us on which titles are getting the NWE treatment.

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I always had the sneaking suspicion that all status titles have at least a little bit of wealth scripting in it.

Simply because money is part of status, innit?


Oh God, I’m so confused while writing this post. I need QL next year.

If Season 1: Silence! The King Speaks. [5.16.23]
Has all the ZP v2 MAX titles listed. And NWE is an extra update,… how can they be separated?
Will there be a ZP v2 MAXv2?

But what I wanted to ask originally, is there any way to find out the technology of a sub in the store? Because all titles I’ve checked have Zero Point as Current Level of Technology…

Will there be a list or a tabel?

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That season is over. Remember that STKS Season Finale was the release of the Nouveau RICH title and the lastest Module Pack.

Don’t worry too much about it. We will tag you when it happens, if you would like that.

Also not all titles are ZP v2 MAX yet. Only the ones listed in the link.

What I mean by this is that the title will be updated separately to ZP v2 MAX and NWE. I don’t mean they will become two different products.

For example, Emperor is currently in ZP v2. It gets updated to Emperor ZP v2 MAX and then it gets the NWE treatment. Final product is still only one download in the Downloads section.

Yes there will be a list as it happens. A thread for it.


Yeah, I’d be grateful for a tag :pray:

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