Main Disc. Thread - The NEW Love Bomb (2024 -- Now Available -- Free Upgrade!)

I’m now going to ask a question before someone else does.

If the processing is more immediate because we’re exposed to less when running microloops, does that mean we still need to take rest days?


Yes. Very much so. Processing still builds up over time, even if you’re using less. With NSE and the upcoming Zero Point Union, time off the title is very much just as important as listening time.

With ZPU, we want you to be able to easily rotate titles as you please on a basic schedule, which may mean more, but smaller washout periods.


@SaintSovereign So people can get great results even with as low of exposure as thirty seconds once a week? Even if it takes a few cycles?

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What’s the philosophy or goal of ZPU (ETA 2024?)? Less reconciliation or faster processing? Is it the scripting technique or the audio coding?

can we get a sneak peek of what the new schedule for ZPU will potentially look like? :eyes:

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@James it is with complete truth when I say that I have never run more than 30s of the production version of Khan Black (I did during testing), and this title is my absolute favorite.

Yes, you can get good results.



I don’t quite know yet. We only have an idea, some very promising early tests (I may allow the testers to speak on their experience) and a goal. But I would love it if you only had to run just a few minutes every other day.

2025 at the minimum for a released title, maybe a few private tests this year. Rest is still under development. You can intuit the direction we’re looking at with NSE.


day four of ten day washout…LB triggered some old memories that really pisses me off…it fires up something inside…an anger,the aggressive mask to disguise the powerless feeling due to the belief that “I am wounded ,because my care taker do not love me ” I try to trace back the source of the feeling and belief…there is none…it could be something happened during the toddler period ?I dont know…but I definitely see the repeating pattern here……where is it gonna lead me to ? :thinking: hopefully ,tonight when I sleep,I will get my answer


That’s what happens when you’ve released something. At least that’s how it happens to me most of the time. After I released something, my brain would try and fail to find the root cause of the feeling. Just work on the feeling itself and let it go. Use EFT if you want to.


Been seeing this topic of micro loops pop up every once in a while and the theme is that everyone wants to find the exact number to start with, how much to increase and subsequently how long until another increase.

Somewhere in the life span of ZPV2 micro loops started to emerge as a concept to reduce recon. Some subs such as DR:LD were too strong. And then the Revelation series started suggesting using micro loops officially.

Now in this NSE era micro loops are essential as most subs and the general response and the underlying motivations behind those responses are the following:

A: I prefer full loops, might reduce exposure if on certain subs in order to accommodate energy level / how good the sub is working and recon levels. ( I will do it my way and will adjust if need be )

B: Oh micro loops are important? Well time to start reducing and experimenting in order to find the sweet spot. ( I am open minded enough to experiment in order to achieve better results )

C: Oh micro loops are important? This explains my recon/lack or results and i have to find out more information about this. Maybe ask around in order to get better / faster results and less recon. ( This just might explain my issues and finding my right spot could be the what makes or breaks it. I need get the right exposure )

D: Oh micro loops are important? Well this explains my lack of results or strong recon! Therefore i need to find the exact perfect sweet spot for me. Moreover i need to know exactly how and why they work? I need to find the perfect answer for me since i am not happy with my results ( I am getting no results / lots of recon. I need the magic pill that saves me and it has to be precise and perfect for me since I’ve been getting no results upgrade after upgrade, sub after sub its all the same. Next one is it… If i get the magic pill or magic number of the perfect loop for me THEN it will work… )

Now the type of reaction and behavior around this topic sums up the type of person and their type of results. I too tried to find the perfect sweet spot for me which lead to an idea: If i need the perfect spot to get what i want then i wasn’t going anywhere to begin with… out of the 4 responses, who do you think is making most progress?

Same applies for " If get the perfect sub for me, the next upgrade and THEN it works " and someone saying that… will keep saying that all the way to ZP5 and until we reach The Matrix level of " I know Kung Fu ".

I’m in my second cycle of Total Break Down and i am realizing just how much I’ve been depending on subs to change things for me, and outside forces in general. In order to change your personality, results and life you shift from one identity to another slowly…

But what if " I am improving and and on the journey " becomes your identity? In essence if you attach yourself so much on the progress and mental masturbation of change be in reading books, subs etc. you become an eternal " I am on the way " instead of being on the way. What if somewhere along the line we become content with the fact we are on the way since it gives the illusion of progress? It is the sweet spot for 95% of you that is the same thoughts, patterns and behaviors that loves the known and comfortable and just enough for the 5% of you that thinks its doing something about it.

In all honesty running a 3 min or 5 min micro loop is not that different if you are on the way. If the 30 extra seconds or 1 extra min is making such difference then the issue might just be you are not taking enough action OR you are subconsciously content with where you are.

Just like every post, rant or advice i give. They are first and forward directed towards ME and it is something I’ve personally had to deal with or think about. I have no intention to offend or hurt anyone in anyway, i just write things that might help others just as others write far more interesting things for me to learn from.

When we get past the perfect loop, perfect upgrade and perfect sub that is where we realize that we are indeed the mystery and the answer. But for those who cant get past the loop things just build Cores of choice with Pragya and maybe Wayfinder . Finding the exact sweet spot will not make the difference you think it does, just as much as the next upgrade or sub will. All those elements and even Custom Subs by extension only serve to make the journey smoother and faster. By QV2 the subs were already beyond the point of life changing! Stop waiting for the next thing be it sub / event or piece of information.

" So what’s up?
And what’s your dream, boy?
Is it money, is it girls, is it silence when you sleep?
What do you seek?
You already got that.
No sub even needed you were born from a king
You’re like a perfect mystery…
But can you solve that? "

Edit: This post does not mention or talk about general forms of over exposure be it from sub hopping, not allowing the process que to clear up or not doing washouts.


Has anyone been stacking Love Bomb with Chosen? What are your results?
If no one has been doing it, then please comment with what you think the results could be.


I think it would be similar-ish-esque(lol) to the original CFW. Not fully of course.
LB heals with the self-love, and Chosen creates the leadership aura. So it should heal stuff inwardly regarding the leadership aura. #JustAGuess


I guess B and C are where I’ve been hanging out the most lately.

I was just thinking that the sweet spot is probably more of a range than one precise listening duration.

Either way, I think that Action remains the gold standard for determining the optimal subliminal set-up.

The Subliminal Listening Pattern is the Bucket.

and Action is the Water.

If you want to identify where the holes are in the bucket, then you fill it up with water and examine for leaks.

Similarly, the way I respond to action-taking will reveal where I might do well to adjust my listening pattern.

  • if i don’t want to take any action at all, blasting myself with longer playing times is probably not going to work best.

  • if I’m taking action, but constantly feeling angst and doubt, then reducing the loop length also seems like a good idea.

  • if I’m having a decent flow of action, am having a lot of ideas for more ways to take action, and am actually taking action on my new ideas as well, I’m in the sweet spot or I may even want to try increasing my loop length

and so on



Can a Love Bomb user feel empty, low and just indifferent to others internally yet still exude an aura of love and positivity?

Today at work I had two people who have worked here since or as long as me both greet me yet in almost 3 months not once has either nodded, smiled or talked to me.

This can only be described by an auric effect right? Because internally I just feel vacant, slightly low and distant. I can’t imagine others reacting to me like they are based on how my internal world is currently.

And I’m still at 1 minute, I did not increase to 90 seconds like I had planned in a previous post.


Yeah, just feel like shite, despondent and unmotivated. Could be the inner map is changing to a reality where doing things we love feels more natural than surviving doing the minimum.

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Yes. If you’ve had issues in the past with self love and self worth, you may experience a sense of “indifference” as you work through these issues. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t give off a loving vibe. Remember that auras are merely the natural side effect of focused thought, so if you’re developing thoughts that you deserve love and others do too, you’ll reflect that even if you aren’t feeling it.

Think about the people you know who have good loving vibes. Even when they’re in a bad mood, you’ll still want to comfort them or be in their presence.


Taking action on Love Bomb to resolve this is easy. Pamper yourself. Get a great meal, watch a good movie, relax. Love yourself in some manner.


This has definitely helped me reduce heavy recon.

