Main Disc. Thread - The NEW Love Bomb (2024 -- Now Available -- Free Upgrade!)

Everyone trying to explain James why microloops work.


Well, to be fair, you more than one time recently have expressed that you can’t understand how microloops can give people results.

If you can’t accept 30 second to 3 minute loops as beneficial, it’s understandable that you won’t be able to accept 10 seconds either.


I was skeptical about anything less than 30s too, until one time I accidentally played 15s of WB and got hit hard by recon for the whole day.

I got that recon from WB after only listening to it for 1 cycle a few months before.
When I first tried RM:UWX for the first time using only 5s, It showed signs that it worked, although vaguely.

I’m currently using this schedule. I don’t only theorize, I walk the talk. I know it works because i have gone through it so many times.


Fire said yesterday to not worry about getting the entire script and just do microloops until the sweet spot is hit. I’m not going to say anything about microloops any longer. It isn’t getting me anywhere and probably comes across as a serious lack of trust towards the producers which isn’t my intention.

All I can do at this point is take the listening instructions by both Saint and Fire and see what happens.


Yes, I went through this exact phase a few days back. Now I use 20s for WB, hits me with lot of recon but I may even drop it to 10s.


I dropped mine down to one minute a few days ago. How is only one minute causing so much recon? I give up trying to understand how or why. It’s not getting me anywhere and is unfortunately probably creating some animosity towards me. For that I apologize


I went even further, i used microloops & only listened to it once a week. the recon slowly went down after around 1-2 cycles and the results are also amazing. so definitely take your time and don’t rush.

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You’re seeing results with one microloop a week for multiple cycles?

Go even lower 30s, trust me it works. It is completely ok to go slow. You don’t need powerful products or new products, you just need to use the existing ones patiently and wisely.

As Fire once said,

Slow is Fast
Slow is Powerful
Slow is Wisdom
Slow is Mastery…


I will run a thirty second loop tomorrow on my next listening day. I don’t think you all understand how just accepting and just doing this is for me. It’s difficult to explain


You don’t need to understand how your body works to feel pain after you stub your toe.
You just know that it hurts.

Most of us don’t know how things in our life work in great detail. like what goes into delivering electricity into our houses, how the pump to deliver water works, and how our computers were made. yet we still use them without batting an eye. all we know is “it works”.


On top of my wealth stack, I could only listen to 30s of Dragon Reborn, once a week on fridays after work, otherwise my whole weekend would be screwed, and I wouldn’t perform the next week for work.

I couldn’t even listen to 30s of LBFH at all, the recon was TOO much at that stage. I wish I knew about 10s loops of it. Because 30s would straight up get me instantly on a 10 hour YT and Porn binge.

I don’t even watch porn normally but something about LBFH and Love Bomb cause me to have porn-recon lol!


At least from my side, I don’t see any need for an apology.
As I see it, you want to trust, giving your best.
There’s just this doubt in you.
But despite the doubt, you decided to trust Fires and Saints recommendation and started to reduce your listening time.
You can’t change who you are on the spot.
I can see you’re giving your best, wrestling with your trust issues.
That’s all anyone can ask for.
I see it as an immense progress.


Viktor’s Victory Venture (HeO + LBFH + RM:UWX) - #267 by Viktor


I just glossed over some of the entries that i wrote. there are more in my journal but this should be enough

How would you explain that? I’m running 5 minute microloops of Love Bomb and you’re getting me concerned lol

don’t worry, we’re on this journey together!

Because the processing is much more immediate as you’re exposed to less. Hence why microloops work so well, they help you work through those basic issues that you might stonewall when processing higher amounts.

It’s important to point out when we mentioned each title being essentially its own four stager, that each “mini-stage” contains the whole of the script, just simplified, but can still get you to the goal - in smaller steps.

If I were training you to invest money in forex on my behalf, the first stage is me giving you a limited amount of money, but advising you on which currencies you can invest in. The more stable currencies, for example. Obviously, that means your margins for profit are smaller, but you can still learn A LOT about trading forex and still get incredible results.

The second “mini-stage” will then help you expand to the more volatile currencies, while still providing that advice to not go too deep. Third and forth - more and more expansion.

But the way it’s written, each “mini-stage” contains the whole, so ultimately you’re not missing out on anything.

In something like Index Gate, the earlier part has everything you need to become a successful programmer, but the later parts will go deeper and into more advanced stuff. Those may be topics you can’t even understand until you get to the later parts.

You’re not going to be doing backflips if you don’t even know how to land.

See @emperor_obewan 's posts regarding those topics, where he is speaking so abstractly and high level that most can’t even understand. But that’s because with or without subs, he clearly got past the hurdle of “am I even smart enough to do this,” so the later scripting will express more easily.

Rather than trying to sprint, learn how to crawl, move on to walking, then running, and only then to sprinting.




this makes much more sense now

For real. I WISH i knew the exact stage time. But it makes sense why upping it by 30s at a time works so well. You slowly expose yourself to more advanced topics once you’ve nailed the basics.

Makes me think I should re-run Emperor. It was always a tough title for me, partially because it made me less productive (recon) and partially because it just didn’t exactly fit in with sales//employment… but i really wanted the personal development.


I have been doing 7 mins for a while and have gotten results but now I am going to try out strictly 30secs for a while and see where that gets me lol cause now I’m curious